The bad news is that the news media just can’t shake the myth of
the all-powerful central planner, whose decisions mean either boom
or bust for the whole economy. But the good news is that Federal
Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan doesn’t seem to buy it — not even
when the media are singling him out for credit for the long-running
economic expansion.
latest round of applause for the Fed chairman began when President
Clinton nominated him for a fourth term on January 4, 2000. That
night, CBS’s Dan Rather called Greenspan "the maestro of monetary
policy." Earlier this month, after he was confirmed by the Senate,
Thalia Assuras, anchor of CBS’s The Saturday Early Show,
called Greenspan "the main architect of this long boom."
The media’s praise of Greenspan was reminiscent of the encomia
that greeted former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin when he stepped
down in May of last year. On May 12, ABC’s Peter Jennings said Rubin
had "presided over the best economy in a generation," while NBC’s
Mike Jensen that same night said the outgoing Cabinet official was
"the man most Americans can thank for the country’s extradordinary
eight-year economic boom."
It’s easy for the media to focus on the relatively small number
of high-profile policymakers who do make a difference, but over time
that tendency obscures the real story of the booming ‘80s and ‘90s
economy. Over the last twenty years, millions of entrepreneurs,
inventors, builders, workers and investors have done the real
day-to-day management of this expansion, dollar by dollar, product
by product. It’s a great story, but the media’s need for simplicity
keeps us all focused on the efforts of the few, while we ignore the
accomplishments of the many.
In an unfortunate choice of language, Time magazine
displayed this bias when it tried to praise Greenspan, Rubin and
then-Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers. "Their
success," Time wrote in its February 15, 1999 cover story,
"has turned them into a kind of free-market Politburo on economic
This confusion also presents itself in campaign news every four
years. Back in 1992, CNN’s Bill Schneider told viewers about a poll
that his network had conducted. "We asked the voters, regardless of
which candidate you support, which one of the three do you think
will do a better job in handling the economy?" he related on the
October 26, 1992 edition of Inside Politics. The faulty
premise that presidents manage the economy, repeated so often in
news reports that year, was a crucial factor in Bill Clinton’s
victory over George Bush.
According to CNN’s Ralph Wenge on election night, "It appears
that the issue of the economy is where the Bush/Quayle campaign
really lost out, and lost out in a big way. A third of the voters
approved of Mr. Bush’s handling of the economy, but 65 percent
either disapproved or strongly disapproved. In fact, Bush’s
perceived mishandling of the economy proved critical." Even though
Bush repeatedly argued that the U.S. economy was caught up in a
"global economic downturn," virtually no one in the media even
attempted to correct the misimpression that Bush was personally
Part of the problem is the way reporters frame the campaign
story, and part of the problem is the way pollsters measure public
opinion. Writing in USA Today in April 1996, Richard
Benedetto summarized one of his paper’s polls: "Clinton, up for
re-election, now outscores Republicans in managing the economy,
welfare and taxes." Why do pollsters routinely ask citizens which
candidate they think can better "manage the economy" when the truth
is that neither presidents nor Treasury secretaries nor Fed chairman
really "manage the economy?"
In his testimony last week to the Senate Banking Committee,
Greenspan gave most of the credit for the record nine-year expansion
to the private sector. "Underlying this performance, unprecedented
in my half-century of observing the American economy, is a
continuing acceleration in productivity," Greenspan reported. "There
are few signs to date of slowing in the pace of innovation and the
spread of our newer technologies that, as I have indicated in
previous testimonies, have been at the root of our extraordinarily
impressive productivity improvement."
"Monetary policy, of course, did not produce the intellectual
insights behind the technological advances that have been
responsible for the recent phenomenal reshaping of our economic
landscape," Greenspan testified. "It has, however, been
instrumental, we trust, in establishing a stable financial and
economic environment with low inflation that is conducive to the
investments that have exploited these innovative technologies."
"As the U.S. economy enters a new century as well as a new year,
the time is opportune to reflect on the basic characteristics of our
economic system that have brought about our success in recent years.
Competitive and open markets, the rule of law, fiscal discipline and
a culture of enterprise and entrepreneurship should continue to
undergird rapid innovation and enhanced productivity that in turn
should foster a sustained rise in standards of living," said
That’s the sort of Economic 101 lesson that many reporters, eager
for the latest hint about future interests rates, just don’t hear.
But as the media strive to tell us which candidate would best
"manage" the economy over the next four years, Mr. Greenspan’s words
are a timely reminder that the real credit belongs with the people
— Rich