A few months ago, network news correspondents announced they had
caught George W. Bush "veering to the right" in his presidential
campaign rhetoric and loudly predicted that such a strategy would
alienate moderate voters in November. Over the past few weeks, Al
Gore has obviously and clumsily lurched toward the left, but he has
heretofore eluded the liberal label. Rather, the networks have
awarded Gore the more favorable "populist" label for his Naderesque
attacks on the oil and pharmaceutical industry profits.
Gore found his voice as a corporate-basher in mid-June, just as
new EPA clean air rules helped push gasoline prices past $2.00 a
gallon in
Chicago and Milwaukee. The Vice President was one of several
Clinton administration officials who demanded an official
investigation into the oil industry in an attempt to focus the
public’s anger on corporate profits rather than government
regulations or OPEC’s production cutbacks. Gore was quoted on the
June 19 edition of the CBS Evening News declaring "we need to
widen the investigation to see why, just at the time when they gouge
the consumers, the profits go up 500 percent."
There’s no evidence of price gouging, of course; an Energy
Department memo written in early June alerted officials to the fact
that the environmental regulations were behind the local price
increases. Nationally, the main reason company profits rose so
dramatically was because oil and gas prices were at historic lows 12
months ago, making the year-over-year increases seem unusually
large. Recall that it was in the spring of 1999 that OPEC voted to
cut crude oil production, a decision which tripled prices and which
the Clinton administration chose not to oppose until the public
began complaining about higher costs this winter. (See
MediaNomics, February 18, 2000.)
Yet when OPEC’s largest member, Saudi Arabia, announced earlier
this month that it would increase its production, Gore continued to
insinuate that U.S. oil company profiteering was still consumers’
biggest threat. "I want to call on [the oil companies] to let the
price reduction flow through to consumers instead of backing it up
in the profit pipeline," he was shown saying on ABC’s July 3
World News Tonight. No source was quoted nor any other
information cited by reporter Barry Serafin in response to Gore’s
Three days later, Gore was back at it, condemning drug companies
with almost the exact same language he’d used against oil companies.
"They’ve already got the highest profits of any industry in
America," Gore exclaimed on the July 6 World News Tonight.
"There is price gouging going on." As with the oil companies,
there’s absolutely no evidence that U.S. drug makers are engaged in
any illegal pricing, but Gore hasn’t been pushed to offer any proof
— nor has any reporter asked him to reconcile the themes of his
recent "progress and prosperity" tour, which touted America’s
economic successfulness, with his disdain of profits.
Attacking corporate America isn’t a new idea; Green Party nominee
Ralph Nader has been doing it for years. In this campaign, Nader is
slowly but steadily muscling in on Gore’s left-wing support. A Fox
News/Opinion Dynamics poll, released June 30, showed Nader with 7%
nationally, compared with 42% for Bush, 37% for Gore and 2% for
Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan. The Vice President’s anti-drug
company salvo coincided with a report from a liberal activist group
founded by Nader, Public Citizen, which also accused drug companies
of making profits and lobbying Congress to stop an effort to include
prescription drug benefits in Medicare.
But since Gore began his campaign against corporate profits in
mid-June, not a single network reporter has labeled him or his
business-bashing as leftist or liberal. When they’ve reached for a
label, reporters have chosen to portray the Vice President’s aping
of Ralph Nader as feisty "populism." On the July 6 Inside
Politics, CNN’s Patti Davis related Gore’s claim that drug
companies were "price gouging," adding that "later at a speech...
Gore continued a populist theme."
Four days later, on World News Tonight, ABC’s Terry Moran
showed Gore accusing Republicans of being the servants of "special
interests," adding that "Gore’s attack on Congress comes after he
has spent two weeks bashing big business, a harshly populist line of
attack." He did note that "the risk for Gore, however, is that he
will turn off the independents and Republicans he so desperately
needs," though Moran never labeled the Vice President’s
anti-business rhetoric as liberal.
While Gore’s profit-bashing was portrayed as non-ideological
populism, ABC’s Dean Reynolds took pains to remark last December
that Bush’s "sweeping [tax cut] plan is seen as an attempt to shore
up his conservative credentials." The Texas Governor’s conservative
statements on non-economic issues were also quickly labeled by the
networks; on January 21, for example, Bush re-iterated his pro-life
stance on abortion, and said he would prefer if it were decided by
state legislatures rather than federal courts. On the CBS Evening
News, Dan Rather plugged a story about "Bush’s sudden rush to
the right," while correspondent Bill Whitaker said Bush had
"ratcheted up the rhetoric on a tried and true right-wing issue:
Despite the networks’ efforts to broadly define Gore’s message as
"populist," attacking corporate profits qualifies as a "sudden rush
to the left." It’s also strange politics at a time when more than
half of those who will vote in November are stock owners, who make
money when corporate profits go up. In "The
Rise of Worker Capitalism," a policy paper prepared for the Cato
Institute, the American Shareholder’s Association’s Richard Nadler
shows that widespread stock ownership is increasingly aligning
workers’ interests with those of capital.
That means that the American electorate is probably even more
reluctant now to accept the divisive, us-versus-them rhetoric that
was fashionable among Democrats at the time when Republicans were
beating their brains out in presidential elections. If the networks
won’t affix the word "liberal" to such an obviously anti-business
strategy, will they ever use the "L" word again?
— Rich