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Posted August 22,
MSNBC's Olbermann Smears the MRC, Bozell
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"Time for Countdown's list
of today's nominees to the coveted title of 'Worst Person in the
World.' There's just two tonight. A very close second, Brent
Bozell -- yeah, the wacky guy from that Media Research Center scam
-- accused me of distortion for having said that Rush Limbaugh had
said on air, quote, 'Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story
is nothing more than forged documents. There's nothing about it
that's real.' The only person distorting as usual is Bozell.
Limbaugh said it on the air on August 15th. We have the
transcript. Nothing in the transcript mitigates what he said. I'll
put it online over the weekend. So, Bozell is close, but the
winner is Limbaugh for saying, 'I never said this,' when, of
course, he sure did, especially considering the line comparing
Sheehan to Burkett was a featured quote on his Web site for his
paying subscribers until it was mysteriously scrubbed off. And
having now added about Sheehan's dead son, quote, 'I'm leery of
even having to express sympathy. We all lose things.' Like your
career, Rush. You're finished, credibility spent. Get lost! Rush
Limbaugh, once again, today's 'Worst Person in the World!'"
-- Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC, August 19, 2005
Posted August 18,
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Brands Rush Limbaugh "Worst Person in
the World!"
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"He [Limbaugh] also referred
to her supporters as 'dope-smoking FM types.' I guess the
painkillers wipe out your memory along with your ethics. Rush
Limbaugh, today's 'Worst Person in the World'!"
-- MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, Countdown, Aug. 17, 2005
Posted August 12,
Fred Barnes Criticizes Media About Protesting Mom
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"My view is, is there any left-wing
publicity hound who the media won't build up? You have Joe Wilson,
you have Bill Burkett, you know the guy that sold CBS on the story
about Bush last fall and now you have this woman. This woman wants
to go in and tell the President that the war is about oil because
the President wants to pay off his buddies. She's a crackpot, and
yet the press treats her as some important protestor."
-- Fred Barnes, Special Report with Brit Hume, FNC, Aug.
11, 2005
August 10,
CNN's Aaron Brown on Peter Jennings' Reporting
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"I never once saw him look at a
story, treat a story with anything other than complete fairness
and demand the same from us. The silly little Web sites on the
left and the right will spend days saying otherwise, but they are
-- Aaron Brown comments on Peter Jennings' reporting,
NewsNight, CNN, August 8, 2005
Posted August 4,
Media Negative on Iraq Coverage
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"If you are a reader or a viewer
and you want to know, well, how are we doing [in Iraq], you know,
is anything getting rebuilt, are they really democrats over there?
How engaged are the Sunnis? Could I see an interview with any of
these founding fathers and founding mothers of this new emerging
country? Can you find that? You'll have a hard time doing it."
-- CNN Special Correspondent Frank Sesno, in response to
comment that the major media are pushing negative coverage about
the war in Iraq, CNN's Reliable Sources, July 31, 2005
Posted August 3,
Networks Trumpet Hackett, "Candor" in Chastising "Chicken Hawk"
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"...Hackett is no fan of his
Commander-in-Chief, calling him a 'chicken hawk,' and 'the biggest
threat to America.'"
Hackett: "That's who I am. I stand by it."
"If elected, Hackett says he'll use that same candor to educate
Congress about what's really going on in Iraq."
-- Geoff Morrell during World News Tonight, July 31st,
Posted July 28,
Peter Arnett: Saddam an 'Elegant, Diplomatic Guy'
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"When I drove to the interview 10
days into the first Gulf War, I had that impression because that’s
what propaganda sort of suggested, the Hitler of the Middle East,
and so forth. Actually, he [Saddam Hussein] turned out to be a
very elegant, diplomatic guy."
-- Peter Arnett, in exchange with Late Late Show host
Craig Ferguson, July 27, 2005
Posted July 26,
Lou Dobbs: It's Hot, So Global Warming
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"Heat advisories in effect tonight
all around the Midwest, the Southeast, Southwest, northeastern
United States. That just about covers it. The triple-digit
temperatures and other bizarre weather patterns have many now
wondering whether this is the reality of global warming."
-- Lou Dobbs, CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight, July 25, 2005
Posted July 20,
NBC: Timing of Court Announcement To Deflect from Karl Rove?
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Brian Williams: "David Gregory
mentioned the Karl Rove factor in all this. What does he have to
do with the naming of a Supreme Court nominee?"
Tim Russert: "I think Karl Rove's enjoying this day, one of the
few in the last week or so. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in
the Senate, said, 'Isn't it interesting, the timing?' And, Brian,
every Republican I talked to today in Washington said, 'Thank God
they're changing the subject. We'd much prefer to fight over the
Supreme Court than watch Karl Rove be talked about in the press
with a CIA investigation.'"
-- Exchange between NBC anchor Brian Williams and NBC reporter
Tim Russert, NBC Nightly News, July 19, 2005
Posted July 18,
CNN Worker Calls Rove Testimony 'Bullshit' On the Air
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Lou Dobbs: "Tonight, a surprising
new development in the CIA leak investigation. Karl Rove's
testimony to a federal grand jury is being reported. The testimony
suggests that President Bush's political adviser may not have been
the original source for the Valerie Plame leak. Rove testifying
that he first learned about Plame from columnist Robert Novak, a
CNN contributor. Dana Bash reports."
Female voice (not Dana Bash), whispering: "That's bullshit."
-- CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight, July 15.
Posted July 13,
CBS's John Roberts Comments on Media Criticism of Karl Rove
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"But I'll tell you, Bob, the White
House has got to come up with something other to say on this,
politically at least, than just, 'We're not going to talk about an
investigation,' because for the last two days the press secretary
has just been hung up on a clothesline and beaten like a dusty
-- John Roberts responds to Bob Schieffer about the Karl Rove
controversy, not mentioning that it has been Roberts and his media
colleagues who have been castigating the White House press
secretary on the issue, CBS Evening News, July 12, 2005.
Posted July 12,
NBC's David Gregory Labels White House Press Secretary Scott
McClellan's Comments About Karl Rove "Ridiculous"
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"Scott ... this is ridiculous. The
notion that you're going to stand before us after having commented
with that level of detail and tell people watching this that
somehow you decided not to talk. You've got a public record out
there. Do you stand by your remarks from that podium, or not?"
-- NBC's David Gregory in exchange with White House Press
Secretary Scott McClellan about Karl Rove controversy, July 11,
Posted July 7,
ABC's Charlie Gibson
Pushes for a Non-Conservative Supreme Court Nominee
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"You said a moment ago you
suspected that the President would choose a very conservative
candidate and you said, 'I think that he ought to do that.' Should
he, or should he try to find somebody who would be more acceptable
to all spectrums? And is that possible in this day of age?"
--- ABC's Charlie Gibson to Senator Orrin Hatch, Good
Morning America, July 5, 2005.
Posted July 1,
George Washington,
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See Media Reality Check
"Andrea, what would it all matter
if proven true? Someone brought up today the first several U.S.
Presidents were certainly revolutionaries and might have been
called 'terrorists' at the time by the British crown after all."
-- Anchor Brian Williams on the June 30 NBC Nightly News,
asking reporter Andrea Mitchell about accusations that the new
president-elect of Iran was a ringleader in the 1979 seizure of
the U.S. embassy in Tehran and the holding of 52 American hostages
for more than a year.
Posted June 30,
Gergen Rues Bush's Talk
of 9/11
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"I do think it's going to leave
many of his critics spluttering because they're going to be, I
think, angered by the playing of the 9/11 trump card. You know,
9/11 has been his trump card all along since then, and he plays it
in various political moments along the way, played it in the
campaign. He's playing it again now."
-- David Gergen during CNN's coverage of President Bush's
speech at Fort Bragg, NC on June 28.
Posted June 27,
Totenberg Claims NPR Not
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Newsweek's Evan Thomas: "Is
this attack going to make NPR a little less liberal?"
NPR's Nina Totenberg: "I don't
think we're liberal to begin with and I think if you would listen,
Evan, you would know that."
Thomas: "I do listen to you and
you're not that liberal, but you're a little bit liberal."
Totenberg: "No, I don't think so. I
don't think that's a fair criticism, I really don't -- any more
than, any more than you would say that Newsweek is
Thomas, over other voices: "I think Newsweek is a little
Totenberg laughs.
-- Inside Washington, June 26, 2005.
Posted June 24,
CNN's Brown Castigates
"Silly" Rove
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"The Washington Times: 'Rove's
mockery of 9/11 liberals riles Democrats.' Karl Rove making, I
thought, some silly comments. And in a week of silly comments, the
dumb Dick Durbin comments for which he apologized. Mr. Rove will
not apologize, I guarantee you."
-- CNN's Aaron Brown reviewing the next day's newspaper
headlines on NewsNight, June 23.
Posted June 21,
PBS Airs TV Ads Lobbying
Congress for Funding
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"As you may know, some members of
Congress have moved to cut federal funding for public broadcasting
by 45 percent, and they want to completely eliminate federal
funding that supports educational and commercial-free children's
programs -- shows like Arthur, Sesame Street and
Clifford are at risk. These cuts will have a devastating
effect on WETA and the television and radio programs you and your
family rely on, like Masterpiece Theatre, Mystery,
Nova, and the NewsHour. Do your elected officials
know how you feel about funding for public broadcasting? Call your
members of Congress today, and let them know where you stand, and
for more information, visit our website at weta.org."
-- TV commercial broadcast on PBS stations lobbying Congress
for taxpayer-funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Posted June 20,
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift
Declares Iraq 'Worse than Vietnam'
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"It’s worse than Vietnam because
Vietnam was a tiny country with no strategic importance and we
could declare victory and leave. Iraq is at the nexus of terrorism
and oil and it’s a war that we don’t know how to win and can’t
afford to lose."
-- Newsweek's Eleanor Clift on The McLaughlin Group,
June 18, 2005
Posted June 16,
NBC's Chris Matthews Endorses a Hillary Clinton vs. John
McCain Presidential Race
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Andrea Mitchell: "I think
that would be such a great race!"
Chris Matthews: "Oh! Pray for it! Bread and butter. Wouldn't that be the
greatest? McCain against Hillary."
-- Exchange between Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell on
The Chris Matthews Show, June 12, 2005.
Posted June 15,
ABC's Bob Woodruff Discloses that North Korea's Communist
'Minders' Translated His Interviews'
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"But because we were not allowed to
bring in our own translator, we had to rely on our minders to tell
us what people were saying."
-- Following a week-long series of reports from North Korea for
ABC, reporter Bob Woodruff disclosed that his interviews with
North Koreans were translated by the Communist-government's
selected "minders," ABC World News Tonight, June 11, 2005.
Posted June 14,
Investigative Reporters Applaud Dan Rather and 'Underlying
Story About President Bush'
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"How do you feel about the fact
that journalists seem to have done more work in reviewing the
60 Minutes reporting than they have in examining the
underlying story about President Bush?"
-- David Boardman, President of the Board of Directors of
Investigative Reporters & Editors, in a question to Dan Rather at
a June 4 conference where the latter was honored.
Posted June 13,
PBS's Bill Moyers Says
Liberalism Complex, Conservatism 'Red Meat'
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"The people out in the country who
listen to Fox News, who listen to Rush Limbaugh, they like red
meat. And you know, by nature, it's very hard for a liberal to
throw red meat, simply because the issues are more complex than
you can reduce down to a soundbite."
-- PBS's Bill Moyers in an exchange with MSNBC's Hardball host
Chris Mattthews, June 10, 2005.
Posted June 10,
CBS's Bob Schieffer
Draws Parallel Between Gitmo and North Vietnamese POW Camps
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"But you know, this thing is just,
this is just a boil. It's a cancer. This thing is not doing
anybody any good, and I'll tell you something, Don. I went to see,
they had a showing up here in New York before Memorial Day, this
film about John McCain when he was in the North Vietnamese prison
camp. And to see what those people did to him, it just, it made me
rethink this whole thing about how we treat these prisoners in
-- CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer discussing
Guantanamo Bay POW camp on Imus in the Morning, June 9, 2005
Posted June 9,
Rosie O'Donnell Calls
President Bush a 'War Criminal,' Demands Trial at The Hague
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“Sean Hannity: "But Rosie, you
guys, all you guys on the left, you demonize this President. You
once called George Bush a war criminal."
Rosie O'Donnell: "He is. He should be tried at the Hague!"
Hannity: "What do you want? Do you want to give him the death
O'Donnell: "No, I said he should be tried, Sean-"
Hannity: "Life in prison? You want to convict him?"
O'Donnell: "-tried. Listen, the leader of any nation that defies
the UN and invades a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with
9/11 should be tried."
-- Exchange between talk radio host Sean Hannity and activist
Rosie O'Donnell on ABC's The View, June 7, 2005
Posted June 7,
Newsweek's Jonathan
Alter Admits Bias on Embryonic Stem Cell Debate
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“I'm really ticked off these days
about the stem cell research debate, because, as you know, for me
it's kind of a personal thing. So I don't have a lot of neutrality
on it."
-- Newsweek's Jonathan Alter on Imus in the Morning, June 6,
Posted June 6,
NBC's Matt Lauer Praises
Bill Clinton on "Greatest American" Show
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“Under Clinton the economy boomed
-- deficits turned into surplus -- and
more than 22 million jobs were created. Along with the character
and the subpoenas came peace and prosperity.”
-- Matt Lauer describing Bill Clinton during the Discovery
"Greatest American" nominations, June 5, 2005
Posted June 3,
Dan Rather Says Forged
Documents Not Disproven, Guard Story True
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Dan Rather: "Important point:
[Panel] said, 'We don't know whether the documents are fraudulent
or not.'"
Larry King: "So, are you saying the story might be correct?"
Dan Rather: "Well, I'm saying a prudent person might take that
-- Dan Rather on
Larry King Live, June 2, 2005
Posted June 2,
Ted Turner Reveals that
Communist Fidel Castro Inspired Creation of CNN International
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Ted Turner: "You know, I got the
idea to go global from Fidel Castro. The signal spilled into Cuba
and he heard about it -- and he's pretty intelligent -- and he
bought a satellite dish or got one somehow, and started watching
the news and he said it was incredibly important. When I met him
in '82, he said, 'Ted, the whole world needs CNN.' He said, 'I use
it all the time and it's very important to me.' So I said, 'Well
if Castro needs it, certainly the capitalists around the world
could use it, and perhaps some other communists, too.'"
-- From forum marking CNN's 25th anniversary, as played back on
Anderson Cooper 360, June 1, 2005
Posted June 1,
ABC's Terry Moran Pushes
Amnesty International's Line that the U.S. Has Created A "New
Gulag of Prisons Around the World."
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Terry Moran: "Mister President,
recently Amnesty International said you have established quote 'a
new gulag of prisons around the world beyond the reach of the law
and decency.' I'd like your reaction to that, and also your
assessment of how it came to this, that that is a view not just
held by extremists and anti-Americans, but by groups that have
allied themselves with the United States government in the past,
and what the strategic impact is, that in many places in the world
the United States these days under your leadership is no longer
seen as the good guy?"
--Terry Moran at President Bush's press conference, May
31, 2005
Posted June 1,
Aaron Brown Says 'No Heroes' in Clinton Impeachment
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Media Reality Check
Aaron Brown: "Accept for a moment
this premise. There will be no winners in the impeachment battle
going on, no heroes are going to emerge from this mess, that when
all is said and done, the landscape will be littered with losers
of varying sorts. Ms. Lewinsky, whose life is forever changed, Ms.
Tripp, who will never seem heroic, Judge Starr will be no winner,
and Mr. Clinton will be the biggest loser of all. According to
this premise, the only person even vaguely close to a winner is
the First Lady. And what a heavy price she has paid for that."
--ABC Good Morning America/Sunday
anchor Aaron Brown, November 22, 1998
Posted May 31,
CBS's Bob Schieffer Endorses Closing U.S. POW Site at
Guantonamo Bay
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Bob Schieffer: "Columnist Tom
Friedman said the prison ought to be shut down because the stories
about it are so inflaming the Arab world they're making the war on
terrorism more dangerous for our American soldiers to fight. But
as I watched the McCain movie, I wondered if the greater danger is
the impact Guantanamo is having on us. Do we want our children to
believe this is how we are? Is this the code of honor we are
passing on to the next generation?"
-- Face the Nation, CBS, May 29, 2005
Posted May 26,
Law & Order: Criminal Intent Portrays Rep. Tom DeLay as
Hero of White Supremacists
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Detective Alexandra Eames
(character): "Looks like the same shooters. CSU found the slug in
a post, matched it to the one that killed Judge Barton. Maybe we
should put out an APB for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt."
-- Law & Order: Criminal Intent, May 25, 2005
Posted May 25,
CBS's Gloria Borger Spins Senate Filibuster Deal as
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Gloria Borger: "Enter the Gang of
14, a collection of Republicans and Democrats led by maverick John
McCain, and ranging from the liberal Senate elder, Robert C. Byrd,
to conservative John Warner. Their politics are different but they
shared one goal: to save the Senate from the partisanship of
interest groups on both the left and the right."
-- CBS Evening News, May 24, 2005
May 24, 2005
First Lady Laura Bush corrects the negative spin NBC's
Katie Couric puts on U.S. military.
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Katie Couric: "In your view, is the
administration holding the people who are doing these things and
perhaps they are in the minority as you say, but do you think
they're being held sufficiently accountable?"
Laura Bush: "Yes I do. I mean there's
investigations going on the people are being held accountable
and it's not 'perhaps in the minority.' We know it's very, very
few people. A handful of people. We know that overall our troops
are serving with distinction."
-- NBC's Today, May 23
May 23, 2005
Dan Rather talks about the "magical mystic kingdom" of CBS
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Tina Brown: "What are the realistic chances
that you're going to be able to do a story that really shakes
and rattles the Bush administration?"
Dan Rather: "Excellent. The Bush administration, the Democratic
leadership or any future Democratic Presidents. CBS News has a
culture, has a history that those of us who work here, it's very
real -- that we see it as a sort of magical mystical kingdom of
journalistic knights -- and I know I can mentally hear people
rolling their eyes, that's the way we feel."
-- CNBC's Topic [A] with Tina Brown, May 22, 2005.
Posted May 2, 2005
Actress and Activist Rosie O'Donnell Declares President Bush a
War Criminal.
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Rosie O'Donnell: "You know, this
President invaded a sovereign nation in defiance of the U.N. He is
basically a war criminal. Honestly. He should be tried at The
-- At Large with Geraldo Rivera, FNC, April 30, 2005
March 28, 2005
NPR's Totenberg Uses Schiavo to Push for Universal Health Care.
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"If we really believed in
an unmitigated, uncurbed in any way culture of life, we would be
having universal health care that paid for every conceivable
medical treatment in the world."
-- NPR reporter Nina Totenberg