The Best Notable Quotables of 1988:
Geraldo Rivera |
"Is there a lesbian baby boom? That's the focus of this edition of Geraldo."
-- Geraldo Rivera introducing his April 20 show.
"What happens when the man you marry becomes a woman? Transsexuals and their wives are the focus of this edition of Geraldo."
-- Opening his show, May 16. |
Phil Donahue
Phil Donahue: "Let's fight communism by making it safe for your mother to be on the New York subway. Let's fight communism that way. Let's make America work. You and the Reagan ideologues have spent us into oblivion -- our children are going to have to pay this bill -- and you step forward, like some religious figure saying, 'more bombs, more bullets, let's get the beachhead!' Now the beachhead, as, like, Managua's a beachhead like World War II. You're living like in an old '40's movie..."
Pat Buchanan: "Phil, calm down."
-- exchange on the April 25 Donahue.
"The [Catholic] Church has always thrived on ignorance and oppression."
-- Phil Donahue, interviewed by Pat Buchanan on CNN's Larry King
Live, May 31. |
Carl Rowan
"Anyone found in possession of a handgun except a legitimate officer of the law goes to jail -- period."
-- Carl Rowan in a 1981 column.
David Brinkley: "Suppose somebody was breaking into your house at night, and you didn't have a gun. Wouldn't you wish you had one?"
Sam Donaldson: "No, I'd call the police immediately, I'd slam the doors, I'd cower under the bed, or in the closet..."
Brinkley: "George?"
George Will: "I'd call Carl Rowan."
-- exchange on This Week with David Brinkley, June 19.

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