The Best Notable Quotables of 1992:
The Linda
Ellerbee Awards
For Distinguished Reporting
Happy Talk Award
(for the Silliest Interview) |
"You talked, Anita, about some of the very supportive letters you've gotten, and some of the letters that have touched you. Have you received any hate mail?....They find you offensive, most of all, because you are a black woman?....Twenty years from now, fifty years from now, when people look back at these hearings, how do you want them to think of you?"
-- Katie Couric's questions to Anita Hill, October 7 Today. |
Runners-up: |
"Making headlines this morning: Bill Clinton comes up with a plan for the economy -- tax the rich, cut the deficit, and help just about everyone."
-- CBS This Morning co-host Paula Zahn, June 22.
"Since, as you say, you're just musing here -- if you were President of the United States, what would you do about Los Angeles, about these problems? Be honest."
-- Anchor Garrick Utley interviewing Mikhail Gorbachev, May 16 NBC Nightly
"When you grow up, and it's a choice between a clean river and a better car or a better Walkman or something like that, which are you going to choose?"
-- CNN reporter Richard Blystone interviewing a Norwegian child, June 8
World News.
"What are people responding to when they cheer you on this trip?"
-- Bryant Gumbel's first question to Bill Clinton, July 22 Today.
Media Hero Award
"I'm nominating you for President of the United States and I'm going to quit my job and go to work for you."
-- Sam Donaldson to Mario Cuomo on the floor of the Democratic convention, quoted by the
New York Daily News, July 13. |
Runners-up: |
"By American presidential standards, Mikhail Gorbachev accomplished enough in his seven-year term to qualify for a bust on Mount Rushmore."
-- NBC reporter Jim Maceda, December 25, 1991 Nightly News. |
"When Steinem, now 57, pours a second cup of coffee and writes like she talks, there is no one more fascinating. The only comparable figure is Ralph
-- Time Deputy Washington Bureau Chief Margaret Carlson on Gloria Steinem's new book,
Revolution from Within, January 20.
"It's worth dying prematurely so you can hear somebody else do your eulogy if that somebody is Mario
-- Bill Moyers during CNN Democratic convention coverage, July 14.
Michael Kramer, Time: "He's [Cuomo] incredibly smart. He's the most interesting person to talk to that I've ever met in politics."
Gail Collins, Newsday: "He is such a fascinating guy. He is everything, the most fascinating politician I've ever met."
Joe Klein, New York magazine: "He's one of the most fascinating people I've met, period. I mean, in life, period. He's more fun to talk to than almost anybody."
-- Reporters on Mario Cuomo, January 9 Nightline.
Quote of the Year
"Greenpeace, the public interest organization, believes that the Iraqi death toll, civilian and military, before and after the war, may be as high as 198,000. Allied military dead are counted in the low hundreds. The disparity is huge and somewhat embarrassing. And that's commentary for this evening, Tom."
-- NBC commentator John Chancellor, March 12 Nightly News.
"Al Gore leaned against his orthopedic back pillow, drank bottled water and reflected on the human spirit and his newfound sense of self. How is it that the wooden-tongued policy wonk of 1988 has emerged as a spokesman for the inner child, an icon of the new manhood?...But when Vice President Dan Quayle derides Gore's notions as `pretty bizarre stuff,' he may not be aware that millions of people attend support groups every week in the U.S."
-- Time Chicago reporter Elizabeth Taylor, October 12 issue. |
"[Columbus] sailed just as Jews and Muslims were being expelled from Spain, the persecution of those peoples and the riches robbed from them paying for his small armada of ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, to set sail for new plunder. For Native Americans, the people who hardly felt discovered, Columbus' landing commenced a Holocaust. There's really no other word for the death delivered by settlers, as they scattered, enslaved, and obliterated Indian nations on their own sacred lands."
-- NBC weekend Today co-host Scott Simon, October 11.
"But for the simple folk of Uzbekistan, people like Kurban Manizayov, these are mind-wrenching times. Their simple wants were nicely cared for by the communists. But now they've been thrust into the hurly-burly world of market capitalism, and nobody even bothered to ask if it was all right."
-- CNN Moscow reporter Steve Hurst, August 31 World News. |

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