Cal Thomas, Larry Kudlow, Tony
Blankley Mark Levin, Jack Singlaub, Stan Evans, Linda Chavez, Ken Cribb
and Ron Robinson highlighted the presentations and acceptances of MRC’s
“2006 DisHonors Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal
Reporters of 2005,” which were presented on Thursday night, March 30,
before an audience of more than 900 packed into the Independence
Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt hotel in Washington, D.C.
Following the presentation of
the DisHonors Awards videos in five categories (see links to videos
below), a look at several unintentionally
humorous clips from network
newscasts and the audience picking the Quote of
the Year, those in attendance watched a “Tribute to the
American Military” video. It was preceded by a “Toast to the Fallen
Comrade” and followed by remarks from Herman Cain, the former President
of Godfather's Pizza and National Chairman of the MRC's Free Market
DisHonors Awards winners were
selected by a distinguished panel of 17 leading media observers,
including Rush Limbaugh, Steve Forbes, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham,
Robert Novak and Mary Matalin, who served as
Cal Thomas, a syndicated
columnist and panelist on FNC's Fox Newswatch, served as Master of
Ceremonies. Lawrence Kudlow, host of CNBC's Kudlow & Company and
National Review Online's economics editor, was the first presenter of
nominated video clips, followed by Washington Times Editorial Page
Editor Tony Blankley and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark
In place of the journalist
who won each award, a conservative accepted it in jest. Those standing
in for the winners: Major General Jack Singlaub (Retired), radio talk
show host and conservative commentator Linda Chavez, Ron Robinson,
President of the Young America's Foundation, Ken Cribb, President of the
Intercollegiate Studies Institute and a former Reagan administration
official, and author Stan Evans, the founder of the National Journalism
Center, who delivered an especially hilarious routine.
The evening began with
welcoming remarks from Cal Thomas, an invocation by Reverend Robert
Sirico, President of the Acton Institute, and the Pledge of Allegiance
led by Colonel Robert Rust (Retired).

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Cal Thomas welcomes attendees, the invocation and the
pledge of allegiance
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Cal Thomas introduces Lawrence Kudlow, also known as
“Larry Kudlow, capitalist”

MRC's “Tribute to the American Military" video |