Runners-Up |
Republicans who are registered Republicans are decent, honest good
people who you have a difference of opinion with. The leadership of the
Republican Party are a bunch of sociopathic maniacs who have their lips
super-glued to the ass of the conservative right."
— Actor Alec Baldwin during an appearance on HBO’s Real Time with
Bill Maher, April 1. |
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"The President
is a moron! I’m saying it. I don’t care. He’s an idiot. Cheney is evil.
I’m sick of, impeach them, get them out! I hate them! I hate them. Get
them out. They got to go!...You shouldn’t give any money to religion,
religion should be free, what are you sending money to religion for,
it’s such BS....What do you watch O’Reilly for? He’s a moron, he’s a
fool. O’Reilly’s an idiot! He and Hannity can suck it! I hate those two
idiots...It’s disgusting! What is it going to take for you people? Get
Bush out! Impeach. Out! Out! Out!"
— Actress/comedienne Kathy Griffin on Comedy Central’s Weekends at
the DL, September 10. |
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And the winner is...
O’Donnell: "This President invaded a sovereign nation in defiance of
the UN. He is basically a war criminal. Honestly. He should be tried at
The Hague. This man lied to the American public about the reasons for
invading a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11. And as a Democrat,
as a member of this democracy...I feel I have a responsibility to speak
out, as does every other person who disagrees with this administration.
And it’s scary in a country that you can say something against the
President and then worry about your career. That Dan Rather gets taken
off CBS News for writing, for saying a report that essentially was true,
that George Bush did not show up–"
Geraldo Rivera: "Okay, okay, we get it, we get it!"
O’Donnell: "Okay, there you go. But anyway, it infuriates me."
— Exchange on FNC’s At Large with Geraldo Rivera, April 30.
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