March 25, 1998 |
123,000 Hits On February 23:
MRC Web Site is Huge Hit
Dow Jones: "A Zealous, Often-Hilarious Counterpoint
To 'Liberal Media Bias'"
ALEXANDRIA, Va. --- The Media Research Center web site,, has become a huge hit on the Internet, averaging 33,000 hits per day and hitting an all-time high of 123,000 hits on February 23. Stephen Schurr praised the MRC web site in his review for the
Dow Jones Business Directory, citing its mixture of pertinent information with humor.
"A zealous, often-hilarious counterpoint to 'liberal media bias.' ... Anyone who thinks conservatism and 'hipness' are mutually exclusive is proven wrong by the Media Research
Center's web site. The site achieves a dual feat quite rare in the nascent interactive medium - it is densely packed with germane information yet remains breezy and entertaining," Schurr wrote.
A good example of this occurred February 23 when 123,000 hits were recorded. That is when the MRC ran ABC News footage of Bill Clinton lustily placing his hand on an airline stewardess's leg during the 1992 presidential campaign. The ABC News reporter praised Clinton senior aide Bruce Lindsey, who got the stewardess a White House job. This footage is still viewable in full motion and color on the MRC web site.
"Viewers are privy to David Letterman's Top Ten lists harping on President Clinton, oft-bizarre comments from Hollywood liberals, and bon mots such as [MRC Chairman Brent] Bozell's recent article naming Jay Leno as the leader of the alleged right-wing conspiracy to which First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton frequently refers," Schurr wrote. "MRC raises the standard of political web sites," he concluded.
Dow Jones gave the MRC web site a rating of 34 out of 40, besting almost every other web site listed, including such major sites as CNN's

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