August 27, 1998 |
BOB ADAMS/KEITH APPELL (703)-683-5004 |
The Gephardt Gap:
Networks Ignored Democratic Leader's Criticism of Clinton Even Though It's Front-Page News
Bozell: "The Continuous Network Cover-up For Bill Clinton Is Now Becoming A Theatre Of The Absurd"
"House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.), repeating his criticism of President Clinton for his behavior in the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, refused today to rule out the possibility of impeachment if the facts warrant such action" - Lead sentence in Ceci Connolly's front-page, above the fold story,
Washington Post, 8/26/98). Headline above the story: "Gephardt Says Clinton Could Be Impeached."
ALEXANDRIA, Va. --- Media Research Center Chairman
Brent Bozell lambasted the evening television network newscasts for blacking out House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt's refusal to rule out impeachment proceedings against President Clinton. None of the network evening newscasts covered the story, which ran on front pages in newspapers across the country.
"The continuous network cover-up for Bill Clinton is now becoming a theatre of the absurd. The networks' cup overfloweth with bias. If the Republican leader had invoked the 'I-word' with a Republican president it would lead the network newscasts for days. The newspapers continue to cover the Clinton scandals while the networks continue to ignore them and therefore they continue to mislead the public," Bozell said.
Bozell noted the only network coverage on the morning news shows was 15 seconds on ABC's
Good Morning America. He further noted the evening network newscasts ignored former Democrat Senator, and party elder statesman, Sam Nunn's op-ed in Sunday's
Washington Post, in which he urged Clinton to resign.

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