October 26, 1998 |
BOB ADAMS/KEITH APPELL (703)-683-5004 |
Reaction from Brent Bozell to the Media's Double Standard in Coverage of Violent Hate Crimes
Bozell, Chairman, Media Research Center: "Just as it is unfair and reprehensible to blame Al Gore for the Ted Kaczynski murders and the environmental movement for the torching of the Vail ski resort by environmental terrorists, so too is it equally reprehensible to blame Christians and social conservatives for the murders of Dr. Barnett Slepian and Matthew Shepard.
"Network television news continues to carry the attack of the extreme left, laying the blame for these heinous murders at the feet of innocent Christians and social conservatives. There was no suggestion that the liberal environmental community was at fault last week when Vail ski resort was set ablaze and the Earth Liberation Front publicly claimed responsibility. This was a deliberately violent, hate-filled crime against innocent people and property perpetrated by terrorists. The media were correct not to suggest that credible environmental groups were to blame. Compare that to the bigoted blaming of Christians and social conservatives by the press in the cases of Shepard and Dr.
"The media's pathetic double standard when it comes to these crimes is an indictment of knee-jerk religious bigotry that permeates the profession of journalism and reaches to the highest levels, and it's got to stop."
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