October 18, 1999 |
Keith Appell/Dan Gabriel
(703) 683-5004, ext. 139 |
He's Back ... But For How Long?
Media Research Center Welcomes Bryant Gumbel Back to Morning TV With The Top 10 "Gumbel Stumbles"
The Media Research Center welcomes Bryant Gumbel back to morning television today by releasing its top ten list of
"Gumbel Stumbles" on its web site, Gumbel will return to morning television on Monday, November 1, two weeks from today, on CBS’s new morning news show,
The Early Show. Gumbel left the Today show to join CBS several years ago to host a prime time news magazine,
Public Eye, which quickly was canceled due to poor ratings. If Gumbel’s outrageously liberal bias – and gratuitous shots at conservatives and Republicans – is anything like what he displayed on the
Today show, here is sampling of what CBS’s morning viewers can expect to see and hear.
CONGRESS: "This comes at a time when Republicans are looking to gut the Clean Air Act and also the Safe Drinking Act. What are our options? Are we now forced to boil water because bottled water is not an economically feasible option for a lot of people?" – To Natural Resources Defense Council lawyer Erik Olson,
Today, 6/1/95.
ATTACKING RONALD REAGAN: "Largely as a result of the policies and priorities of the Reagan Administration, more people are becoming poor and staying poor in this country than at any time since World War II" –
Today, 7/17/89.
JUSTIFYING RACIAL RIOTS: "If I’m a young black man in South Central L.A., where poverty is rampant and unemployment is skyrocketing, I see that Washington’s promises of a year ago have gone unfulfilled, I see that perhaps for a second time, the court’s inability to mete out justice in a blind fashion, why shouldn’t I vent my anger?" – To U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.),
Today, 4/15/93.

Media Interviews
To schedule an interview with either Media Research Center Chairman Brent Bozell or Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham contact Dan Gabriel at (703)-683-5004, ext. 139.
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