CBS, and NBC...
Why are you not reporting

Open Letter to ABC, CBS, and NBC
If the Fox News Channel and the nations most prestigious newspapers the New
York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and the Washington
Times can report story after story over the past year about
important dates, facts, people, hearings, testimonies, documents, evidence, and
events involved in the Chinese espionage case... Why cant you?
Why are you ignoring what is one of the most serious and frightening news events this
country has faced in decades?
The Media Research Center has been monitoring and documenting your absolutely horrendous
record for reporting the story to the American people in your evening and morning news
shows. On mornings when newspapers delivered major espionage revelations, your networks
dedicated more coverage to beavers chewing down trees at the Jefferson Memorial, the
latest weight loss pill, and celebration tips for New Years Eve 1999.
On March 8, 1999, referring to the New York Times article first disclosing
Chinese espionage, NBCs own Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert told MSNBCs
John Hockenberry: "I said, This is dead serious. Why arent people
reacting to it? Front page of the New York Times on Saturday. I assumed by
Sunday the country would be aghast by it and talking about it..."
"Why?" he asks. Its because most Americans still dont even know
about the espionage. More than half of them get their news from TELEVISION
and ABC, CBS, and NBC arent reporting it like they should like they
would, were it any other Administration. Stop your bias. Report the real news!
L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman
Media Research Center |
Stumped for ideas on what your network should be covering?
Try these reports which have been surfacing since
LAST YEAR March 1998!
ABC, CBS, and NBC have reported NEXT TO NOTHING on these bombshells.
- Former Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung told federal investigators that the chief of
Chinas military intelligence secretly directed funds from Beijing to help re-elect
President Clinton in 1996. (4/4/99 LA Times)
- During Clintons first term, virtually every nuclear weapon in the United States
arsenal was compromised suspected spy Wen Ho Lee "improperly transferred huge
amounts of secret data." (4/28/99 NY Times)
- Clintons claim that spying only took place in the 1980s, before his election, was
false. (4/28/99 NY Times)
- Clinton quietly approved the Loral Corporations export to China of missile
technology while a federal grand jury was still investigating the company. Lorals
Chairman Bernard Schwartz was the largest individual contributor to the Democratic
National Committee in 1996. (4/4/98 NY Times) [Winner of a Pulitzer Prize
for national reporting but the networks still ignored the story for six weeks.]
- A White House document contradicted recent statements by Clinton officials
"defending satellite export policies and claiming they were following procedures set
by the Bush Administration." (6/15/98 Washington Times)
- "A secret report to top Clinton administration officials last November warned that
China posed an acute intelligence threat to the governments nuclear
weapons laboratories and that computer systems at the labs were being constantly
penetrated by outsiders." (5/2/99 NY Times)
- Officials inside China's intelligence service were boasting that they had just stolen
secrets from the U.S. and had used them to improve Beijing's neutron bomb. (4/8/99 NY
- Out of the 2,686 wiretaps that federal officials requested from 1993 to 1997, the
Justice Department only turned down one for suspected spy Wen Ho Lee in 1996.
(3/31/99 Investors Business Daily)
- When a suspected hit squad of Chinese visitors arrived in California, more than 40 FBI
agents were assigned to guard key witness and former Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung.
(4/4/99 LA Times)
- Energy Secretary Bill Richardson admitted "a serious security breach that is
unconscionable" and that Lee "may have made available to China far more
sensitive information than previously imagined." (4/29/99 Washington Post)
- Clinton loosened the Bush export-control policy by approving deals with China to launch
U.S.-made satellites, despite evidence that China had sold ballistic missile parts to
Pakistan. (6/11/98 Washington Post)
- When Americans finally reached a rocket crash sit that China had barred them from, a
supersecret encoded circuit board was missing from the "battered but intact control
box of the satellite." (6/24/98 NY Times)
America, Show Your Support!
Who in the world is capable of tracking and monitoring the news like this and
exposing bias to the American public? Only the Media Research Center can! The MRC
is a nonprofit organization with more than 11 years dedicated to bringing responsibility
and balance to the media. Please show your support of the nations leading
media watchdog today!
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