becoming co-host of NBC’s Today in April 1991, Katie Couric has often
used her perch to salute her liberal heroes (including Hillary Clinton and Jimmy
Carter) or complain about "right-wing conservatives." In her years on
Today, She’s lectured Charlton Heston about the need for gun control,
championed the need for campaign finance "reform," and even touted the wonders
of France’s nanny state. Here are some of the most outrageous quotes from
Katie’s career, many accompanied by audio and video clips. (Updated April 2006)
A Catholic Town? How Awful!
"Some of the values,
depending on your perspective... may be deemed wholesome, but in
other ways, I think, people will see this community as eschewing
diversity and promoting intolerance....Do you think the tenets
of the community might result in de facto segregation as a
result of some of the beliefs that are being espoused by the
majority of the residents there?...You can understand how people
would hear some of these things and be like, wow, this is really
infringing on civil liberties and freedom of speech and right to
privacy and all sorts of basic tenets that this country was
founded on. Right?"
— March 3, 2006, interviewing Domino’s Pizza
founder Tom Monaghan and real-estate developer Paul Marinelli,
who are building a community based on Catholic values in Ave
Maria, Florida.
We’re Not as
Compassionate as Europe
"This country is pretty far behind in providing
really superior child care for working parents, right?"
— To Diane Debrovner of Parents magazine,
October 4, 2005.
Bill Clinton,
Ethics Expert
"President Clinton, as you well know, President
Bush has been under fire recently because Karl Rove allegedly released the
identity of a CIA agent to reporters. President Bush has said it’s a fireable
offense now if a crime was committed, but in your view is the ethical violation
enough to warrant dismissal?"
— Questioning Bill Clinton in a taped interview
shown July 21, 2005.
First Lady Laura
Bush corrects the negative spin NBC's Katie Couric puts on U.S. military.
Katie Couric: "In your view, is the administration holding the people who are
doing these things and perhaps they are in the minority as you say, but do you
think they're being held sufficiently accountable?"
Laura Bush: "Yes I do. I mean there's investigations going on the people are
being held accountable and it's not 'perhaps in the minority.' We know it's
very, very few people. A handful of people. We know that overall our troops are
serving with distinction."
-- NBC's Today, May 23, 2005 |

"Disgusted" If
Senate Votes on Judges?
"If the ‘nuclear option’ is played out, don’t you
think voters are going to be disgusted with all politicians and say come on, get
out of the sandbox?"
— Asking Republican Senator Arlen Specter about a
move to force a Senate floor vote on President Bush’s judicial nominees, May 13,
Is the New Pope a
"Cardinal Ratzinger’s past includes a brief
membership in the Hitler Youth movement, service in the German army in World War
II, which was mandatory. But given his past associations do you think that will
create a rift between Christians and Jews, and what can he do to fix that?"
— To liberal priest Father Andrew Greeley, April
20, 2005. Greeley, a critic of Cardinal Ratzinger, dismissed her concern.
Our Top Story:
Where’s Jimmy?
"As President Bush travels to Rome [for Pope John Paul II’s funeral] this
morning along with the First Lady, Condoleezza Rice and former Presidents Bush
and Clinton, the question some people are asking is where’s President Carter in
all this? Are the Bushes and the Carters the modern day version of the Hatfields
and the McCoys?"
— Opening the April 6, 2005 Today.
"Were you surprised, Archbishop Foley, that
President Carter was not a part of the delegation given the fact that the Pope
visited President Carter at the White House?"
— Questioning a Vatican official, April 7, 2005.
Katie Wishes
They’d Give Up
"Is it disappointing for both you and your husband
that his detractors and critics continue to pursue him?"
— To Senator Hillary Clinton, November 18, 2004.
Katie’s Idea of
Really Tough Questioning
Katie Couric: "I know you’ll be
celebrating your 27th wedding anniversary, and I understand you go through a
romantic ritual every year to commemorate that date. Share it with us will you?"
Senator John Edwards: "Wendy’s. We go to Wendy’s for our anniversary."
Couric: "That is so weird, I’m sorry....What do you say, ‘One Frosty, two
— July 15, 2004.
"Let me ask you, when your husband was voted
Sexiest Politician by People magazine, were you like ‘blech’? Or were you
like, ‘Hey! That’s my man!’?"
— Question to Elizabeth Edwards in the same
"Very Candid" Clinton
"True confessions. A candid President Clinton talks about his political
accomplishments and personal demons."
— NBC’s Katie Couric opening the June 21, 2004
"Many people have remarked how open and candid
you’ve been in the book."
— Couric interviewing Bill Clinton, June 23, 2004.
Saddam Saved Lives
"Senator McCain, are you concerned that if the transfer of power does take place
on June 30th that a huge vacuum will be created and it will be an invitation to
civil war? Because no matter how deplorable Saddam Hussein was considered, he
was the ultimate referee who kept the Sunnis and the Shiites apart from killing
each other."
— To John McCain, April 5, 2004.
Wowed by
Candidate’s Class Warfare
Katie Couric: "He [Edwards] gave quite
a moving speech last night. Let’s take a look and then we’ll talk about it."
Senator John Edwards: "We do still live in two different Americas: Two
different health care systems, two different public school systems, two tax
systems, two governments, two economies. It doesn’t have to be that way. You and
I together, we’re going to build one America that works for everybody. That’s
what we’re going to do!"
— To former Clinton White House press secretary Dee
Dee Myers on February 4, 2004, the morning after Edwards won the South Carolina
America’s New
"Nazi" Tactics
"Some countries, as you know Secretary Ridge, are furious at this new policy,
specifically Brazil which has started to do the same to U.S. visitors to that
country. A Brazilian judge said, compared the new security plans to Nazi horrors
saying, ‘I consider the act absolutely brutal, threatening human rights,
violating human dignity, xenophobic and worthy of the worst horrors committed by
the Nazis.’ How do you respond to that?"
— Question to Homeland Security Secretary Tom
Ridge, January 5, 2004.
She’s Very PC, but Katie Can’t See
Katie Couric: "Time
magazine’s Person of the Year issue hits news stands today and
this year it honors the American soldier. Jim Kelly is Time’s
Managing Editor and veteran war photographer James Nachtwey was
embedded with the Army’s First Armored Division in Baghdad and
took the remarkable images in this week’s issue, he was also
wounded while on assignment. Gentlemen, welcome, good morning,
nice to have you both. I was so, I have to say, just personally,
I was so pleased to see this....Tell me why you all decided to
honor the American soldier? Wondering why there’s no woman on
the cover, too?"
Time’s Jim Kelly, pointing to cover: "This is a woman."
Couric: "Oh, there you go, oh sorry....I couldn’t tell
because of her helmet."
— Exchange on NBC’s Today,
December 22, 2003. |

Centrist" Al Gore
"In his endorsement Tuesday Al Gore
said, ‘We need to remake the Democratic party.’ You’re considered, Governor
Dean, more, more left-leaning and Al Gore is considered sort of a hardcore
centrist, if you will. The two of you, specifically, what do you think needs to
be done to remake the Democratic party?"
— Question to Howard Dean on December 10, 2003, one day after Gore endorsed
Dean’s presidential candidacy.
Exploiting Private Lynch
"Do you think that somehow, this, your rescue was, was manipulated by the
government in order to, sort of, gin up support for this war?"
— Question to Jessica Lynch, November 12, 2003.
Killed Free Speech
"Does [it] bother you at all that one group in
America, or many Americans...can basically exert this kind of political pressure
and create an environment where, perhaps, free speech is not exercised?"
— Question to former Reagan campaign manager Ed
Rollins, November 6, 2003, discussing CBS’s cancellation of their anti-Reagan
Rush Limbaugh,
Retrograde Racist
"Derrick Jackson, who’s a columnist for the
Boston Globe, Tim, back in July when ESPN hired Rush Limbaugh, he wrote a
column about some of the comments that Mr. Limbaugh has made in the past. In the
1970s, according to this column, Limbaugh told an African-American caller ‘take
that bone out of your nose and call me back.’ He goes on to say Limbaugh has
always had crime and black people on the brain. He once said, ‘have you ever
noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse
Jackson?’...Given the fact that Rush Limbaugh has made these kind of
inflammatory comments in the past, was it appropriate
for ESPN to hire him in this capacity?"
— To Tim Russert, October 1, 2003. Couric did not
identify Jackson as a left-wing columnist or note that his source was a book
published by a far-left group more than 10 years earlier.
I Can Smear
Arnold, but GOP Can’t
"He’s admitted smoking marijuana, using steroids
during his body-building career. He’s the son of a Nazi Party member. He said he
was prejudiced before overcoming those feelings by working with the Simon
Weisenthal Center in Los Angeles, and the dean of the Center said an
investigation of Schwarzenegger’s late father, conducted at the actor’s request,
found no evidence of war crimes. Through his publicist he’s denied allegations
published in Premiere magazine in March 2001 that he sexually harassed
women and committed infidelity. All those things — are they gonna be front and
center, Darry, do you think in this campaign?"
— Question to Democratic consultant Darry Sragow,
August 7, 2003.
"The New York Daily News says, ‘a Simon
strategist said his lagging campaign plans to win by stirring up the base,
spotlighting the actor’s raunchy past and liberal social views,’ meaning Arnold
Schwarzenegger. How dirty will you get?"
— To GOP candidate Bill Simon, August 11, 2003.
No Skepticism of
"Candid" Clinton
"Senator Clinton reveals how she learned the
painful truth about her husband and Monica Lewinsky....She’s very candid about a
very personal matter."
— Discussing Hillary Clinton’s memoirs, June 4,
7:15: Katie Shows She’s Clueless
“There’s an article in the Style section of the Washington
Post this morning. It says you’ve logged 26 years of personal
minutiae, filling 4,400 two-by-three inch notebooks, color-coded
by season. An example: ‘12:17' — this is when you made the
announcement — ‘Ascend stage, stumble, regain balance; 12:18:
Applause, ‘Where the Streets Have No Name,’ plays (U2); 12:19:
Clap, wave; 12:20: Adjust tie (red, white stripes); 12:21:
Double thumbs up; 12:22: Sing along with National Anthem, right
hand on heart.’ What, what do you do this for?!”
— Katie Couric to Senator Bob Graham on Today, May 7, 2003,
apparently unaware the article she was quoting from was a spoof
of the presidential candidate’s diary.

Awed by the
Greatness of Jimmy
"President Carter’s crowning achievement, of
course, the Camp David Accords, designed to forge peace in the Middle East.
Unfortunately, that seems like a distant memory, but it’s so nice to see former
President Jimmy Carter honored this way....A ceremony is being held to bestow
the Nobel Peace Prize on former President Jimmy Carter, that is in Oslo, Norway.
It’s a terrific honor for him for all the work he did while he was President
and, of course, he is considered by many as one of the finest former Presidents
this country has ever seen. Once again, we send our heartfelt congratulations to
President Jimmy Carter."
— December 10, 2002.
Conservatives" vs. Environment
"A lot of people, though, have been highly critical
of the Bush administration on the environment. They say that you came to the EPA
with incredibly strong environmentalist credentials. And yet, you know, every
proposal that you’ve tried to put forward has gotten a kibosh by right-wing
conservatives within the administration....The bottom line is do you, Christie
Whitman, feel comfortable with the Bush administration’s environmental
— To EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, December 2, 2002.
Cheering Nancy
Ann Curry: "Today House Democrats are
poised to pick Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi as Minority Leader. The California
Democrat would be the first woman ever elected a party leader in Congress. It is
now 7:07 a.m. You are now up to date from the news desk. Let’s now turn back to
Matt, Katie, and Al."
Katie Couric: "Is it okay to say, ‘You go girl!’?"
Curry: "I think it’s okay. It’s gonna happen in either case."
— November 14, 2002.
Fawning Over Jimmy the Great
"I mean, it’s so wonderful...and so well-deserved."
— October 11, 2002, reacting to news that Jimmy
Carter had won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Real Bias: Our
Conservative Viewers
Matt Lauer: "You will get a lot of
e-mails that’ll say, ‘You were too light on that conservative.’ You’ll go and
file down your e-mails, you’ll find people who say, ‘You were too hard on that
conservative.’ It’s all in your point of view. It’s much less, I think, our
point of view than it is the point of view of the person watching the
Katie Couric: "That’s true. I think really that it is sort of a Rorsach
test....I think that people really see...what they want to see from their
particular frame of mind, or the prism from which they’re watching the program,
or the interview. And I think actually, that’s an excellent point, Matt."
— NBC’s Today co-hosts during a joint
appearance on MSNBC’s Donahue, September 18, 2002.
Bush "Knew" About
9/11 Plot
"Good morning. What did he know and when did he
know it? The Bush administration admits the President was warned in an
intelligence briefing last summer of the possibility that Osama bin Laden’s
terrorist network might hijack American planes, raising more questions about
whether the attacks on America could have been prevented."
— Introducing Today on May 16, 2002.
Embarrassed by
American Patriotism
"Obviously, the opening ceremony, the games
themselves will be very patriotic in feel. And yet sometimes the international
community can interpret that as arrogant nationalism. Obviously, you’ve gotta
balance those two things. Are you all, clearly you’re mindful of that. How are
you, how are you going to do that?"
— Questioning Salt Lake Olympic Committee Creative
Director Scott Givens, February 8, 2002.
Advocates First,
Journalists Second
"What does this [Enron] portend for, for campaign
finance reform? Could this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back that makes
people say, ‘Enough is enough! This has got to happen! We don’t care what those
folks on Capitol Hill say?’"
— To MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, January 25, 2002.
The Wonderful Mr. Jeffords
"Jim Jeffords is the
personification of one man, one vote, and his story a classic of
American politics. What Jim Jeffords did simply was turn
Washington on its ear. In the months following President Bush’s
inauguration in January, the 67-year-old Jeffords found himself
increasingly at odds with the GOP on Capitol Hill and the White
House over issues ranging from education, to the environment, to
the size of the tax cut, all of which forced him to examine his
core beliefs....Jeffords knew and agonized that a political
switch at this time in his career would affect not only him, but
Republican colleagues, and his staff and family....But flying to
Vermont in May, Jeffords knew he’d made the right
decision....Today, Jeffords is a man at peace with himself,
enjoying work on his Vermont farm, splitting logs, saving a few
pennies with some inventive repair work on a wheelbarrow."
— Introducing a December 17, 2001
interview with Jeffords. |

Less Ronald
Reagan, More Harry Potter
"I can’t think of anyone more qualified to write
another book about Ronald Reagan. The question is, do we need another book about
Ronald Reagan?"
— First question to former Washington Post
reporter and Reagan biographer Lou Cannon on the November 26, 2001.
Another Spending
"You know the U.S. is the only industrialized
nation, I didn’t know this until today, that doesn’t spend federal money
promoting tourism. Do you think it should?"
— Question to Maryland Governor Parris Glendening,
October 1, 2001. Glendening, a liberal Democrat, said no.
You’ve Got to Admire the Socialist French
Keith Miller: "Break out
the band, bring on the drinks. The French are calling it a
miracle. A government-mandated 35-hour work week is changing the
French way of life. Two years ago, in an effort to create more
jobs, the government imposed a shorter work week on large
companies, forcing them to hire more workers....Sixty percent of
those on the job say their lives have improved. These American
women, all working in France, have time for lunch and a life."
Avivah Wittenberg-Cox: "More Americans should be more aware
that an economy as successful as the French one managed to be
successful without giving up everything else in life." |

Katie Couric, following the end of Miller’s taped piece: "So
great that young mother being able to come home at three every
day and spend that time with her child. Isn’t that nice? The
French, they’ve got it right, don’t they?"
— August 1, 2001. |
Hillary, Both
Feminine and a Hard Worker
"Giving Senator Clinton her due, though we talk
about her feminine wiles, she has also won a great deal of respect by working
very, very hard, and by not pulling any kind of prima donna act. Her Secret
Service detail is very much in the background. She goes to all sorts of meetings
that some people, in the past, have not attended. For example, I know she goes
to a meeting over at the House of Representatives with all the folks from New
York, which, I guess, Moynihan never attended, right?"
— Observation to Gail Sheehy, discussing a gushing
profile of Hillary Clinton that Sheehy wrote for the August issue of Vanity
Fair, July 16, 2001.
Happy Mother’s
Day to a Liberal Activist
"With Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday, we wanted
to salute the hard work, integrity and love moms show us every day, so this
morning we invited three women who have made their own special contribution to
motherhood and, as I said earlier, to all of mankind, in fact. Donna Dees-Thomases
founded the Million Mom March...Donna, you organized the Million Mom March, and
it really was such a grassroots movement of stroller moms, right? Tell me how it
came about."
— Introduction and question to anti-gun activist
Donna Dees-Thomases, May 11, 2001.
Defending Bill
"With the exception of the pardon of Marc Rich and
some other moves that probably were somewhat questionable, would you concede
this morning that it’s gotten to the point where there is a bit of piling on
going on here? I mean, it seems to me that he has done some things that other
Presidents have done in the past. I mean, you look at other presidential
libraries, they are filled with things that those Presidents got during their,
their years at the White House. And yet somehow it’s become a high crime for
Bill Clinton to take some of these things with him to put in his presidential
— To Chris Matthews and Mike Barnicle, February 20,
Republicans Loved
Reagan’s Lies
"All this week you all have made much of Al Gore’s
exaggerations, but the same things were often said about Ronald Reagan who would
pass off as true stories things he had seen in the movies. You know, Republicans
brushed that off as part of Ronald Reagan’s charms or charm, but now you cite it
as a major character flaw when it comes to Al Gore. Why was it charming then and
not presidential now?"
— To Bush campaign Communications Director Karen
Hughes, October 11, 2000.
Colin Powell, Do
You Know You’re Just a Token?
"Only four percent of the delegates in the
convention hall are African-Americans. Do you feel troubled at all by this, and
do you feel used by your party?"
— To Colin Powell, August 1, 2000, during the week
of the Republican convention.
Dick Cheney Held
Keys to Mandela’s Jail Cell?
"I’m just curious, do you have any problems with
the fact that he [Dick Cheney] did vote against Head Start — because you care so
deeply about education — and against a resolution that would have allowed Nelson
Mandela to be released from prison?"
— To Colin Powell, August 1, 2000, during the week
of the Republican convention.
Frightened by
Hillary’s Power
"Why do you think Hillary Clinton elicits such
powerful emotions? Why is she such a polarizing figure?"
"But don’t you think there’s an awful lot of projection that goes on in terms of
how people view her, placing their own confused states or their role in society
or how powerful should women be and it’s sort of projected upon her as an
— First two questions to Laura Ingraham, author of
The Hillary Trap: Looking for Power in All the Wrong Places, June 7, 2000.
Repent, Anita
Hill Critic
"You know you, you angered a lot of feminists when
you accused Anita Hill. In fact, you detailed how she changed her testimony
during questioning, during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. And you
accused of her publicly, quote, ‘Flat out perjury.’ Any regrets?"
— To Sen. Arlen Specter, March 6, 2000. Couric did
not ask if he regretted not voting guilty during Bill Clinton’s Senate trial.
Ronald Reagan,
"Good morning. The Gipper was an airhead! That’s one of the conclusions of a new
biography of Ronald Reagan that’s drawing a tremendous amount of interest and
fire today, Monday, September the 27th, 1999."
— Opening the show, September 27, 1999, before an interview with Reagan
biographer Edmund Morris, who actually wrote that President Reagan was "an
apparent airhead." He told Couric, "He was a very bright man."
Entitlement a "No Brainer:"
"It sounds like a no-brainer. Seniors spend
billions of dollars on prescription drugs every year, often putting them in
terrible financial situations. So what’s wrong with this plan?"
"And while I appreciate your concern about medical research, certainly I feel
passionately about that as well, it’s important for people who are sick now and
who are experiencing problems to be able to get affordable drugs, isn’t it?"
— To pharmaceutical industry spokesman Alan Holmer
about creating a Medicare prescription entitlement, June 29, 1999.
Blaming Right Wing for Murder
"Let’s talk a little bit
more about the right wing because I know that’s something you
feel very strongly about. But this is actually not necessarily
about the right wing, but perhaps a climate that some say has
been established by religious zealots or Christian
conservatives. There have been two recent incidents in the news,
I think, that upset most people in this country, that is the
dragging death of James Byrd Junior and the beating death of
Matthew Shepard. I just would like you to reflect on whether you
feel people in this country are increasingly intolerant,
mean-spirited, et cetera, and what, if anything, can be done
about that because a lot of people get very discouraged when
they hear and see this kind of brutality taking place."
— To former Texas Governor Ann
Richards as she hosted a 92nd Street Y appearance in New York
City on March 3 shown by C-SPAN on April 3, 1999. |

Start Your Day
With a Left-Wing Smear
"Then the fallout from the death of Matthew
Shepard. The tragic beating of the college student in Wyoming has some activists
in this country saying there is a climate of anti-gay hate that’s been fostered
by a provocative advertising campaign by the political right in this country.
We’re going to get into that debate after news and weather."
— October 13, 1998 show.
All Ills Lead to
"Quickly, we’re almost out of time, but it seems to
me that money is an issue, that [mental health] funding was cut 25 percent
during the Reagan administration. It’s gone down ever since. Don’t we need to
funnel more money into helping these people? The fact that half of the homeless
population may be untreated mentally ill is a real tragedy, don’t you think?"
— To two psychologists during discussion about U.S.
Congress shooting suspect, Russell Weston, Jr., July 29, 1998.
One More Gun
Restriction, That’s The Ticket!
Katie Couric: "Getting back to kids and
guns, if you will indulge me for a moment. You cannot think of any other
position the NRA could take in terms of trying to decrease the number of school
shootings? You feel like this is not your bailiwick, this is not your problem?"
Charlton Heston: "Not at all. As I told you the NRA spends more money, more
Couric, cutting him off: "Other than education."
Heston: "Well what would you suppose? What would you suggest?"
Couric: "I don’t know, perhaps greater restrictions."
— Exchange on June 8, 1998.
Please First
Lady, Give Us More Rules
"As you know, Mrs. Clinton, regulations for at-home
day care vary so much from state to state in terms of the ratio of children to
day care provider, do you think there should be some kind of overall federal
— To Hillary Rodham Clinton, October 23, 1997.
Clamoring for
More Government Controls on Free Speech
"In fact, Senator Specter, as Senator Torricelli
mentioned, two votes have left campaign finance reform legislation pretty much
DOA. Do you think that prompts the American people to wonder about the sincerity
of Congress to really enact change and suspect that perhaps this is an
intentional effort to embarrass the Democratic Party?"
"But it’s so ridiculous, you know people watching this just think that reform is
necessary. They can’t understand why you guys can’t get your acts together!"
— October 8, 1997.
Bill Clinton Not
Liberal Enough
"Seventy-four percent of the respondents in a
recent poll think young Americans without education or job prospects is the
greatest threat facing the country. If that’s the case, if that many people
think this is such a serious problem, shouldn’t government be increasing its
role rather than decreasing it? Many people think that your signing the welfare
bill only exacerbated the situation of poor kids at risk."
— To President Clinton, April 28, 1997.
Those Crazy
"Contract with America" Zealots
"But in fairness, what is wrong with Newt Gingrich
reaching out to some other groups, extending himself? I mean, can’t you catch
more flies with honey? Isn’t there something about that? And perhaps the
rigidity of some of the conservative Republicans and their almost religious
adherence to the Contract with America, didn’t that ultimately backfire on
— To Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), April 2, 1997.
No Room for
Pro-Abortion Feminists?
"You know a lot has been made of the Republican
Party being a very inclusive party, one that can embrace the views of various
people. Given the way the platform has worked out vis-a-vis abortion, and the
fact that some of these Republican governors are not speaking because they felt
as if they were being censored, do you still believe you can call the Republican
Party an inclusive party?"
— One of seven abortion questions to Senator Kay
Bailey Hutchison, August 12, 1996.
Blaming Marilyn
Quayle for ‘92 Defeat?
Tim Russert: "Bob Dole has to avoid
giving in to Pat Buchanan in terms of public perception."
Katie Couric: "Right, because didn’t that, Gwen, nail the Republicans in ‘92
because so many moderate Republicans were turned off by the likes of Pat
Buchanan and Marilyn Quayle. Don’t they have a danger of doing the same thing
this go ‘round?"
— Exchange on March 6, 1996.
Smearing Reagan
with Made-Up Ketchup Tale
"The school lunch program, by all accounts, has
been incredibly successful, as has the WIC program, and obviously provides good
nutrition for children, which is so crucial for development and education. Since
the states won’t have to adhere to any federal guidelines and they can basically
do their own thing, aren’t you worried that we’re going to go back to the days
when Ronald Reagan suggested that ketchup and relish be designated as
— To Rep. Duke Cunningham, February 22, 1995.
(Reagan never suggested that).
1994 |
Bill Clinton: A
Bigger Success than Most Realize
"Why do you think that he doesn’t get credit for
the good news that’s going on? And if Reagan was the Teflon President, it seems
like Bill Clinton is the Velcro President. Every bad piece of news just sticks
to him."
— To new Democratic National Committee adviser Tony
Coelho, August 18, 1994.
1993 |
Legacy: Greed and Materialism
"When you talk about leaving a deposit, many people say that the Reagan-Bush
administration, people on the other side of the political spectrum, did leave a
negative deposit, or really, the opposite of a deposit. The federal budget
quadrupled under that administration. They might say that greed and materialism
was the norm then, and that social ills were largely ignored, and therefore only
worsened as a result of that neglect."
— To William F. Buckley Jr., September 20, 1993.
Saluting the
"Courage" of a Tax-Raising Liberal
"Just last night on television I saw your opponent
for Governor complaining about your record, saying how you had raised taxes, how
it had cost 300,000 jobs. Are you afraid your politically courageous moves are,
in fact, going to cost you the election?"
— To New Jersey Governor Jim Florio, May 24, 1993.
Ruing "Rigid"
Pro-Life Stance
"What about the abortion issue? Do you think the
party should remain as rigid vis-a-vis abortion to be successful in 1996?"
— To Pat Buchanan, February 1, 1993.
"So you don’t think the right wing should be so
narrow-minded or rigid when it comes to abortion?"
— To RNC chairman Haley Barbour, February 1, 1993.
That Icky
Republican Convention
"I think some moderate Republicans were put off by
the tone at the convention. The Republicans relinquished too much time to what
some term the radical religious right. Did you feel comfortable with the
— Interviewing President George H. W. Bush, October
30, 1992.
"Some have said they find the tone of this
convention, some Republicans, a bit troubling. Abortion rights have been totally
ignored in the platform; gay rights not acknowledged in the platform. Recently,
Rich Bond said ‘We are America, these other people in America are not America.’
The ‘other people,’ presumably, are Democrats. Do you think the Republican Party
has grown, or become too exclusionary, too intolerant, and that this kind of
rhetoric is divisive and counterproductive?"
— To Dan Quayle, August 19, 1992.
Another One of
Katie’s Heroes
"You talked, Anita, about some of the very
supportive letters you’ve gotten, and some of the letters that have touched you.
Have you received any hate mail?...They find you offensive, most of all, because
you are a black woman?...Twenty years from now, fifty years from now, when
people look back at these hearings, how do you want them to think of you?"
— Interviewing Anita Hill, October 7, 1992.
Good Grief
"Do you think the American people are not ready for
someone who is as accomplished and career-oriented as Hillary Clinton?"
— To Hillary Clinton, August 24, 1992.
Republicans and
the Race Card
"Many are afraid the L.A. riots are going to be the
Willie Horton of this campaign. Are you afraid they’re going to have a very
divisive effect? Does that concern you or are you playing that up?"
— To Pat Buchanan, May 6, 1992.
Charismatic Success Story
"Considered one of the most charismatic leaders of
the 20th century....[Fidel] Castro traveled the country cultivating his image
and his revolution delivered. Campaigns stamped out illiteracy and even today,
Cuba has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world."
— February 13, 1992.
Carve Carter into
Mt. Rushmore
"And finally President Carter, you are
now considered one of the world’s foremost statesmen. You’ve been called the
best ex-President this country has ever had. Your reputation has been bolstered
tremendously since you left office. How does that make you feel?"
— November 13, 1991.