Liberal Bias by Topic
Click here for a
year-by-Year Rundown of Couric's Liberal Tilt (with videos)
Click here for more
Profiles in Bias
1989 - 2006; CBS Evening News, 2006 - Present

Katie Couric’s Years of Liberal Tilt
Media Reality Check, on Couric's 2001 tenth anniversary as co-host of
"Perky Katie’s Decade of Loving Liberalism. According to Couric, Reagan Was 'An
Airhead' While Dictator Castro Was a 'Charismatic Leader'"
Below: Katie Couric, By by Topic
(with videos)
Anti-War Issues
George W. Bush
Bush Administration
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Death Penalty & Crime
Al Gore
John Kerry and John Edwards
Iraq and War on Terrorism
Regulations and Taxes
Ronald Reagan
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Social Secuirty
United Nations
Women’s Issues
Couric Outed as Pro-Abortion Protestor
Couric’s One-Sided Stem Cell Questions
Anti-War Issues
Prompts Mother of Killed Soldier Who Denounces Bush
Admits Her 7-Year-Old Daughter Opposes the War
George W. Bush
Couric and Russert Pile on
Highlights Anti-Bush NYT Editorial, But Not Corroboration
Names Reading, Couric Relays How Bush
Has Alienated World
Obsessed About Bush Vacation
Couric Prompts
Accident Victim to Recall Jokes About Bush
Scolded Justice O’Connor on Bush v. Gore
Couric Questions Whether Bush’s Vacation Will Hurt His Stature
Bush Administration
Couric Takes Pock Shots at Dick Cheney
Burying Bush in Bad Polls
Breaking the Law is ‘The Way This
White House Possibly Operates’
Couric Cues Up
Joe Wilson’s Attacks
Couric Pushes Lynne Cheney Over
Couric Scolds
Karl Rove and Frets Over Day Care
Couric Asks Bill
Clinton Whether Karl Rove Should Be Fired
Couric Urges
Bush ‘Move to Middle’
Couric Treats
Annan as Wise Sage, Pushes Him to Denounce Bolton
Couric Sees
Parallels Between Nazi Sympathizer and Bush-Cheney
Pleads with McCain to Accept Offer to Replace Cheney
Amazed: Mild-Mannered Dick Cheney. Who Knew?
Grills Lynne Cheney About Conservative Views
Bill Clinton
Couric More Concerned About Freeh’s Credibility Than Clinton’s
Clinton Lectures
Couric on Obstructionism and Couric Scolds Vatican
Tougher Than Rather on Bill Clinton, But...
and Stephanopoulos Tout Bill Clinton Book as ‘Candid’
Clinton Grumbles that Media ‘Sympathetic’ to Conservatives
Gushed Over the Clintons
Couric Light on Clinton Scandals, Pounds Bush Policies, 7/23/2003
Couric Dismisses Clinton Scandal: Everyone Does It 2/27/2001
Hillary Clinton
Couric and
Gibson Blame America, First Lady Counters Their Claims
Raises Criticisms of Nancy Reagan, Ignores Them With Hillary Clinton
Treats Hillary Clinton as Victim
Gushed Over the Clintons at WH during Christmas Season
Couric Reveals Her Mom Bought Stock in Condom Companies
Couric’s Mom a Condom Queen
Couric Pokes Fun at Rush Limbaugh’s Prescription Drug Addiction, 10/15/2003
Badgers Whitman for Caving to ‘Right-Wing Conservatives’
Labeled Non-Conservative Stephen Carter a ‘Conservative’
Fets Conservative-Hating Ann Richards
Ties The Right to Harming Gays
Death Penalty & Crime
Pushes for Death Penalty
Couric Advocated on Behalf of Texas Murderer
Katie Couric
Outrage: Today Anchor Becomes On-Air Advocate, Fundraiser for Confessed
Child-Killer Andrea Yates, But NBC Denies Taking Sides
Couric Lets Kerry Trumpet
Bogus Stats
Couric Criticizes Kerry
Couric Hands Dean the Crazy Uncle
Couric Insists
Harry Reid is ‘More Conservative’ than Daschle
Pleads: ‘Let's Hope’ Jokes Will ‘Soon Be Over for Dean’
Easy on Dean, Couric: Gore ‘Considered...a Hardcore Centrist’
NBC Trumpet Carville’s Bush Bashing and Tips for Liberals
Cues Up Talking Points for Daschle, Pounds at Richard Myers
Cues Up Dean on Leakgate, But Lauer Pounds Specter
Cheers Pelosi: ‘You Go Girl!’
CBS Again
Avoids Sharpton Rant, But NBC’s Couric Presses Him
Today Gushes Over Carter Getting Nobel
NBC Still Pining for Carter
More NBC Love for Jimmy Carter 10/5/2004
Couric: O’Neill Candid, But Stephanopoulos Was ‘Turncoat’
Gushed Over the Clintons
Couric Took On Liebermann’s Spin
Couric’s McKinney Connection
Golden Years of Camelot
"With the death of JFK Jr., there is now only one survivor of Camelot. That,
of course, is Caroline Kennedy, the little girl who walked her father to the
Oval Office and rode a pony on the White House lawn. And now grown up with a
family of her own, Caroline remains our only link to those golden years."
-- Today co-host Katie Couric, July 19, 1999.

Absurd Couric:
‘I Had to Take Out a Loan to Fill Up My Minivan’
Couric Blames Hurricanes on Global Warming
Today Promotes Cause of ‘Environmental Researcher’ Brockovich
Shoots Down Couric's Admiration for European Work Ethic
Couric More
Enthusiastic for Socialism Than Even the French?
Al Gore
Couric Slobbers to Boies: ‘You've Done So Many Exciting Things’
Pleads with Gore to Bash Bush
John Kerry & John Edwards
Katie Couric
Throws a Couple of Hardballs At John Edwards
Russert and
Couric Assume Kerry Ignored Swift Vets Ad in August
Katie Couric
Joins Liberal Stars Hobnobbing with John Kerry
Couric to
Edwards: “What Do You Say, 'One Frosty, Two Straws?’”
Couric Poses
Some Tough Questions to Edwards, But Also Softballs
and Time Photographer Admire Kerry/Edwards Family Team
Praises Edwards’ Liberal Stump Speech as ‘Quite Moving’
Anchors Blatantly Sell ‘Crash’ DVD
Patrick Swayze
Derides Fear of Soviets, Couric Echoes Sentiment
Michael Moore So
Enthralled Couric She Awarded Him a 2nd Segment
Cheered Movie Plot About Minor Having Sex
Celebrities Ruin Politics?
Iraq and War on Terrorism
Couric Claims Jill
Carrol’s Kidnappers ‘Not as Vicious’
Warmongering or Committing Terrorism
Couric: It’s Not as if OBL is Reading
the NYT, is it?
Couric Assumes
Eavesdropping Illegal, Cites Terrorist’s Lawyer
Couric Not So
Tough with Saddam Hussein Lawyer Ramsey Clark
Senator Frist
Displeases Couric on Iraq
Make Mine Torture: Couric Finds a
Couric Anticipating 2,000th
Death in Iraq
Couric Sees Iraq
‘Unraveling’ Thanks to ‘Tenacious Insurgents’
Couric Finds
Time for 'Downing Street Memo' But Not Dick Durbin
Iraq ‘Death
Squads’ Remind Couric of Innocents Killed in Salvador
First Lady Laura
Bush corrects the negative spin NBC's Katie Couric puts on U.S. military.
Katie Couric: "In your view, is the administration holding the people who are
doing these things and perhaps they are in the minority as you say, but do you
think they're being held sufficiently accountable?"
Laura Bush: "Yes I do. I mean there's investigations going on the people are
being held accountable and it's not 'perhaps in the minority.' We know it's
very, very few people. A handful of people. We know that overall our troops are
serving with distinction."
-- NBC's Today, May 23, 2005 |

Gibson &
Couric Presume Credibility of Explosives Allegation
Airs Katie Playing Badminton Over New Saddam Hussein Video
Cues Up Clinton’s Talking Points, Assumes Worst in Iraq
Couric: More Killed in Iraq Than in First 3 Years of Vietnam
to Lynch: Rescue Exploited to ‘Gin Up Support for War?’
On 9/11 Anniversary NBC Bashes Bush Team Over Air Quality Report
Asks Lynch’s Doctor If Rescue Was ‘Pentagon Propaganda’
Today Pounds Away on Iraq, Couric Marvels Story Won’t Fade
Asks Marine's Family if Proud Despite U.S. Flag Display
Couric & Miklaszewski Refute Arnett's Baghdad Reporting
Today's Town Meeting: Iraqi Disarmament Undercuts Bush Case
Marching to War ‘Even As’ Iraq Pledges to Disarm
A Good
News Day, But NBC’s Katie Couric Stresses the Negative
How Couric Will Move to
Rather’s Chair at CBS
Couric to Drop Anchor at CBS?
What’s Dumber? Pigeon Jokes of
Couric’s Plan to Broadcast ‘Lies’?
Sick: NBC Today Displays Human Corpse
Next to Couric
Deaf and Dumb on Durbin
Couric Touts Maureen Dowd as ‘Witty’ and ‘Insightful’
Couric: Aren’t ‘Liberals Controlling the Mainstream Media?’
Rues ‘Kid-Gloves’ Handling of Reagan, Loss of Free Speech
Jokes About Limbaugh’s Addiction to Pain Killers
Today Claims Lauer and Couric ‘Avoid Revealing Their Biases’
Provides Benevolent, Non-Ideological Tag for MoveOn.org
Clinton Grumbles that Media ‘Sympathetic’ to Conservatives
Denies There is a Liberal Media Bias
Gephardt Excuse: I Parroted Katie Couric
Couric Took On Liebermann’s Spin
Today Examines How ‘Racism’ & ‘Bigotry’ Are ‘Alive and Well’
Regulations & Taxes
Couric Pushes Ted Kennedy's Latest Regulatory Intrusion
Couric Pleads
for AG to Take on SUV's Which Could ‘Squash’ Her
Tax on Grocery
Bags Intrigues Today Couric, Lauer & Curry
Gushes Over Rubin’s Record, Blames Tax Cuts for Deficit
& Koppel Treat Warren Buffett as Wise Anti-Tax Cut Sage
Couric: ‘Everybody Thinks’ Dividend Tax Cut Favor the Rich
Never Enough Taxes for the Media, 9/6/2001
Couric vs. Those Controversial
Couric Bashes ‘Catholic Town’ for
‘Infringing on Civil Rights’
Couric Distorts
Poll to Say Most Want ‘Less Conservative’ Church
Couric Scolds
A Catholic Town? How Awful!
"Some of the values,
depending on your perspective... may be deemed wholesome, but in
other ways, I think, people will see this community as eschewing
diversity and promoting intolerance....Do you think the tenets
of the community might result in de facto segregation as a
result of some of the beliefs that are being espoused by the
majority of the residents there?...You can understand how people
would hear some of these things and be like, wow, this is really
infringing on civil liberties and freedom of speech and right to
privacy and all sorts of basic tenets that this country was
founded on. Right?"
— March 3, 2006, interviewing Domino’s Pizza
founder Tom Monaghan and real-estate developer Paul Marinelli,
who are building a community based on Catholic values in Ave
Maria, Florida. |
NBC's Couric
Champions ‘Clarion Call’ of ‘Moderates Are Coming!’
Morning Shows
Praise McCain, Couric: ‘Slap in Face of Extremists’
Couric Fawns
Over Specter, Blames GOP for ‘Disgusted’ Public
Couric’s Questions Take More Time Than GOP Guest Has to Answer
Katie Falls for Parody
know you keep a running log of your every waking activity. There’s an article in
the Style section of the Washington Post this morning. It says you’ve
logged 26 years of personal minutiae, filling 4,400 two-by-three inch notebooks,
color-coded by season. An example: ‘12:17' -- this is when you made the
announcement -- ‘Ascend stage, stumble, regain balance; 12:18: Applause, ‘Where
the Streets Have No Name,’ plays (U2); 12:19: Clap, wave; 12:20: Adjust tie
(red, white stripes); 12:21: Double thumbs up; 12:22: Sing along with National
Anthem, right hand on heart.’ What, what do you do this for?!"
-- Katie Couric to Senator Bob Graham, apparently unaware the article she
quoted from was a spoof of the presidential candidate’s diary, Today, May
7, 2003.

Gushes Over Jim Jeffords
"Jim Jeffords is the
personification of one man, one vote, and his story a classic of American
politics. What Jim Jeffords did simply was turn Washington on its ear. In the
months following President Bush’s inauguration in January, the 67-year-old
Jeffords found himself increasingly at odds with the GOP on Capitol Hill and the
White House over issues ranging from education, to the environment, to the size
of the tax cut, all of which forced him to examine his core beliefs....Jeffords
knew and agonized that a political switch at this time in his career would
affect not only him, but Republican colleagues, and
his staff and family....But flying
to Vermont in May, Jeffords knew he’d made the right decision....Today, Jeffords
is a man at peace with himself, enjoying work on his Vermont farm, splitting
logs, saving a few pennies with some inventive repair work on a wheelbarrow."
— Introducing a December 17, 2001
interview with Jeffords. |

Ronald Reagan
Laudatory Reagan Profile, But Couric Relays a Liberal Canard
Defended Reagan Was ‘Airhead’ Comment
Reagan Fibbed Too, Said Couric
Katie Couric, Reagan Defender?
NBC's Couric
and O'Donnell: Blame Reagan for Capitol Hill Shooting
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tags Arnold as Nazi’s Son, Then Condemns ‘Dirty’ Tactics
Couric on Schwarzenegger: ‘He's the Son of a Nazi Party Member’
Couric Favorably Compares Arnold’s Reaction to Clinton’s
Social Security
9-Year-Old Praises Bush's SS Plan, Couric Corrects Him
United Nations
Criticism of Annan ‘Payback’ for Him Opposing Iraq War?
Women’s Issues
Couric Uses
Today Show to Extol Virtues of Feminism and Steinem
Upset No Woman on Time’s 'Person of Year’ Soldier Cover
Couric’s Million Mom Tribute
Katie Couric, Feminist Killjoy
She's Very PC, But Katie Can't See
Katie Couric: "Time
magazine’s Person of the Year issue hits news stands today and
this year it honors the American soldier. Jim Kelly is Time’s
Managing Editor and veteran war photographer James Nachtwey was
embedded with the Army’s First Armored Division in Baghdad and
took the remarkable images in this week’s issue, he was also
wounded while on assignment. Gentlemen, welcome, good morning,
nice to have you both. I was so, I have to say, just personally,
I was so pleased to see this....Tell me why you all decided to honor the American soldier? Wondering why there’s
no woman on the cover, too?"
Time’s Jim Kelly, pointing to cover: "This is a woman."
Couric: "Oh, there you go, oh sorry....I couldn’t tell
because of her helmet."
— Exchange on NBC’s Today,
December 22, 2003. |
