Friday, January 30, 1998 | Vol. Two, No. 5 | Media Inquiries: Keith Appell (703) 683-5004
"Feeding Frenzy" Followed by "Rush to Judgment" Breast-Beating Without Conservative Counterpoints
Tonight's Top Story: We Stink
One signal of Bill Clintons New Hampshire turnaround in 1992 came
with self-critical media reports insisting "the people" didnt care about
scandals the media were reluctant to cover. On February 14, 1992, ABC World News
Tonight reporter Chris Bury mourned: "In the campaigns final crunch,
questions of Clintons character, his personal life, and the draft are pursued daily,
almost always by the press. And that is the trouble for Clinton: the press hounds him
about character; voters seem more worried about other things." At that point,
ABCs evening newscast had aired four stories in ten days about Clintons draft
ABC was the first off the self-critical mark by Day Three of
Monicagate, as
Peter Jennings anchored three segments on overcoverage: "We know from just answering
the phone around here that the amount of attention we are giving this story is, at the
very least, debatable. We in the media..are devoting major time and resources to these
events, but have we been carried away, are we doing too much, and are we not being
The flagellation frenzy continued this week. On Wednesday, CNN aired a special Investigating
the President: Media Madness? Jeff Greenfield began: "More than 200 years after
the Founding Fathers risked their lives to found a nation built on the idea of freedom,
after crafting the Bill of Rights, whose very first guarantee is the right of a free press
to inform and educate the people, millions of those people are asking the press one
question fraught with significance: What the hell are you people doing trying to find out
what kind of sex the President of the United States might or might not be having?"
CNNs panel of experts included Dan Rather, CNNs Greta Van
Susteren, Times
Walter Isaacson, Newsweeks Ann McDaniel, James Warren of the Chicago
Tribune, David Broder of The Washington Post, White House press aide Mike
McCurry, comedian Bill Maher, professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution and in a feint toward balance, a dramatically outnumbered Tucker
Carlson of The Weekly Standard, who was never asked about liberal bias. Taped Bruce
Morton segments were heavily salted with liberal experts like Howard Kurtz of The
Washington Post and Jamieson. The show took one phone call and spoke to three
students, all of whom complained of low standards on Monicagate or media mistreatment of
On PBS, most of last nights NewsHour with Jim Lehrer was devoted to the
"rush to judgment." Anchor Elizabeth Farnsworth began a focus-group interview:
"Have the media gone overboard or have they done a fairly good job?" Most agreed
it was overdone. Then anchor Phil Ponce talked to a narrow panel of media insiders: Newsweeks
Richard Smith, CNNs Frank Sesno, former CBS newsman Marvin Kalb, and the ubiquitous
Jamieson. All agreed with Kalb that "This is a very sorry chapter in American
of these shows wondered: (1)Have the media undercovered Clinton scandals for six
years? (2) Do self-flagellating media seminars just serve to bury the idea of a liberal
bias and help Clinton turn his political fortunes around without answering any questions?
(3) If the President is lying, then wont the festival of hand-wringing look like a
rush to judgment? Tim Graham

L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Tim Graham, Editors;
Eric Darbe, Geoffrey
Dickens, Gene Eliasen, Denise Froning, Steve
Kaminski, Clay Waters, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research
Associate. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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