Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | Contact: Colleen O’Boyle (703) 683-5004
ABC, CBS and NBC Provide Zero Coverage of Effort to Control Media
Content and Extinguish Talk Radio
Blackout of Left’s “Fairness” Doctrine Push
Barack Obama’s transition team has tapped former FCC Commissioner
Henry Rivera, a longtime proponent of the so-called “Fairness
Doctrine,” to head the team looking for the man or woman who will
soon give Democrats a 3-to-2 advantage on the Federal Communications
Commission. [Correction Added]It’s another troubling sign that
Democrats are serious about trying to reinstate the long-defunct FCC
regulation, which can more aptly be described as the “Censorship
Doctrine” because of its chilling effect on free speech. In effect
from 1949 to 1987, the Fairness Doctrine was an obstacle to open
discussion of public policy issues on the radio; its removal in the
Reagan years spawned the robust talk radio marketplace of ideas now
enjoyed by millions.
While talk radio hosts often warned during the
campaign that free speech could be trampled by an all-Democratic
majority, the broadcast networks have failed to react to this
dangerous threat to the First Amendment. A review shows the
broadcast networks — whose affiliates could also be regulated — have
failed to run even a single story mentioning the push for a new
Fairness Doctrine. The most recent mention of the Fairness Doctrine
was on May 30, 2007, when in an interview on CBS’s The Early Show,
Al Gore bizarrely called it a “protection” that was removed during
the Reagan years.
But there has been news to report, as Democrats
have been more than candid about their plans. On Election Day, for
example, New York Senator Charles Schumer justified regulating
political speech. “The very same people who don’t want the Fairness
Doctrine want the FCC to limit pornography on the air,” Schumer told
the Fox News Channel. “You can’t say, ‘government hands off in one
area’ to a commercial enterprise, but you’re allowed to intervene in
another. That’s not consistent.”
late October, Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman told a New Mexico
radio station how he “hopes” the Fairness Doctrine returns so radio
will be more to his liking: “For many, many years, we operated under
a Fairness Doctrine in this country. I think the country was
well-served. I think the public discussion was at a higher level and
more intelligent in those days than it has become since.”
Democrats have launched various attempts to
control of broadcast content since the Fairness Doctrine’s demise in
1987, but the push has become more insistent in the past couple of
years. After the failure of a liberal immigration bill in 2007,
Senator Dianne Feinstein told Fox News Sunday that she was
“looking at” a new Fairness Doctrine because “talk radio tends to be
one-sided....It's explosive. It pushes people to, I think, extreme
views without a lot of information.” As with Schumer and Bingaman
recently, none of the broadcast networks thought Feinstein’s threats
worth reporting.
Journalists aren’t known for turning a blind eye
to free speech issues. In 2003, ABC, CBS and NBC ran 33 stories on
criticism of the Dixie Chicks for speaking out against President
Bush and the Iraq war. ABC’s Jim Wooten darkly warned: “All this has
reminded some of the McCarthy Era's blacklists that barred those
even accused of communist sympathies for working in films or on
When Democrats first pushed to reinstate the
Fairness Doctrine in 1987-88, both the New York Times and
Washington Post (see box) came down strongly on the side of free
speech. Now that the Left is gearing up to suffocate talk radio, the
media’s First Amendment solidarity seems to have been eclipsed by
their loyalty to the would-be censors of the Democratic Party. —
Rich Noyes
Widespread reports that Henry
Rivera would head Obama's FCC transition team turned out to be
TVNewsday reported on November 14: "Various press reports
had said that former FCC Commissioner Henry Rivera would lead the
team. Rivera is working on the transition, but is leading the team
assigned to the National Science Foundation. Rivera may have been
bumped from the FCC team because of ethics guidelines. Rivera is a
communications attorney at Wiley, Rein with an active practice
before the FCC." Instead, the Obama FCC transition will be led by
Susan Crawford and Kevin Werbach.

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