Thursday, January 14, 1999 - Vol. Three, No. 2 - Media Inquiries: Keith Appell (703) 683-5004
Pornographer's Credibility, Clinton Ties Barely Touched While Anti-Clinton Guests Attacked or Ignored
ABC: Larry Flynt's Outreach Partner
Seven years ago, Peter
Jennings regretted running the Gennifer Flowers story as "a bad beginning to the year
that probably alienated a public already critical of news media." But on Tuesday
night, Jennings and his show World News Tonight were the only one of the Big
Three to peddle Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt's attack on Rep. Bob Barr.
John Cochran began: "Whatever you think of Larry Flynt or his pornographic
magazine, he has shown that if you've got enough money you can put an ad in the paper
offering up to one million dollars for dirt on Congressmen. And then mainstream
journalists will report your allegations about the personal life of, well Bob Barr for
ABC did not wait to verify Flynt's charges for themselves, as they waited five days to
touch the Flowers story in 1992. ABC's Good Morning America interviewed Flynt
Tuesday morning, hours after the Barr charges were made. In 1996, ABC interviewed former
FBI agent Gary Aldrich on This Week with David Brinkley. After the panel asked
blistering questions about the documentation of Aldrich's charges, ABC and other networks
canceled their remaining interviews.
But ABC's Elizabeth Vargas only asked Flynt once "how thoroughly did you
investigate this information before releasing it?" and then made vague references to
"if it's true." She asked Flynt (interjecting "It might be a stretch")
if he was a White House tool. This bias is not unique. ABC has a habit of biased bookings:
ABC did not extend a morning show invitation to Flowers for six years -- until March
16, 1998.
ABC never invited David Brock or R. Emmett Tyrrell of The American Spectator
or the Arkansas state troopers when Troopergate broke at the end of 1993.
ABC did not interview Paula Jones when she announced she was sexually harassed in
February 1994. When Jones was interviewed for Prime Time Live by Sam Donaldson in
June, Good Morning America co-host Charles Gibson asked Donaldson: "Why does
anyone care what this woman has to say?... Bottom line, Sam. Is she not trying to
capitalize on this, in effect to profit from impugning the President?"
In November 1994, ABC did interview reporters Jill Abramson and Jane Mayer to promote
their hostile book on Clarence Thomas, Strange Justice. In addition to
interviewing the duo on Good Morning America and Nightline, ABC's Michel
McQueen filed a one-hour Turning Point special. One of the few new claims was
Kaye Savage asserting she'd seen Playboy centerfolds taped up in Thomas's
apartment in 1983.
When the August 11, 1992 New York Post revealed that authors Joe and Susan
Trento claimed a dead ambassador once said George Bush had an affair with Jennifer
Fitzgerald, Good Morning America had both authors on the next morning. ABC is not
a careful judge of unconfirmed allegations. They prefer the allegations that hurt the
officials they disagree with. -- Tim Graham

L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Tim Graham, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Mark Drake, Paul Smith, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research
Associate. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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