For Immediate Release: Bill Shapard - (703) 683-5004 Monday, April 19, 1999
Vol. 3, No. 16
Energy Department Misleads Congress, Delays Release of Report to the Public, But Where Are the Nets?
TV's Great Stonewall of China Continues
While the Pentagon aims to have enough personnel and materiel to fight two wars at
once, the TV networks have demonstrated they can't cover two international stories at the
same time. All eyes are on Kosovo, and none on what may be a far more dangerous threat to
U.S. national security: China.
Cox on Fox.
Yesterday, Reps. Christopher Cox and Norman Dicks appeared on Fox News Sunday to
discuss their special bipartisan House probe of Chinese espionage. When asked why the
committee's report has been so long in coming, Cox replied: "Even though we've
reached agreement, for example, with the CIA or the FBI, the Department of Energy will
have an objection not based on sources or methods but based on some other ground and if
declassification is, in fact, the legitimate aim here, if we're trying to declassify --
not just say that we could classify this if we wished to do so -- then I think those kinds
of objections not based on sources and methods are not proper in this circumstance and
we're trying to, frankly, turn them around on that." But the developing scandal of
DOE cover-ups and stonewalling isn't gaining TV traction.
Trulock Blocked. A week ago, Energy Department intelligence adviser
Notra Trulock testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Only CBS Evening
News filed a full report. [See box.] FNC gave it 43 seconds. ABC and NBC did nothing.
CBS's Sharyl Attkisson added: "In fact, some intelligence officials now regard the
theft of design plans for America's most sophis-ticated nuclear warhead, the W-88, the
most important spy case in recent history, but Trulock says his efforts to fix
breaches at the weapons labs were blocked at every turn, even when he identified suspects
in early 1996."
On Thursday, Trulock appeared before the House Armed Services Committee. Associated
Press reported: "Energy Department officials acknowledged Thursday they withheld
information from a House subcommittee last fall on an alleged Chinese spying case. A
department intelligence officer said he was told by the deputy energy secretary not to
talk about the case, a charge the senior agency official denied." Only FNC covered
the House hearing, in 25 seconds.
How many stories will it take to get the networks interested in the damage done by
Chinese espionage? So far, it's balked at covering:
The Neutron Dance. Chinese agents bragged about stealing neutron bomb
secrets from U.S. nuclear labs in 1995. One U.S. official announced: "The penetration
is total...they are deep, deep into the labs' black [top secret] programs." Beijing
also acquired two unexploded U.S. cruise missiles from the attack on Osama bin Laden in
The Wiretap Tip. What about the mysterious Justice Department wiretap
record? Out of 2,686 wiretap requests, only the call to tap alleged spy Wen Ho Lee was
Chung's Chinese Check-Writers. Johnny Chung has told Justice
Department investigators that the chief of Chinese military intelligence gave him $300,000
to donate to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign. Chung also has linked fund-raisers Charlie
Trie and John Huang to money from Chinese military intelligence.
When asked about Chung's campaign cash, Cox told Fox News Sunday host Tony
Snow that he believes the money was "for purposes, which I'm convinced, extended to
the acquisition of technology, not just putting the money into campaigns." So where's
the follow-up? -- Tim Graham

L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Tim Graham, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Mark Drake, Paul Smith, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research
Associate. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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