For Immediate Release: Keith Appell (703) 683-5004 - Thursday, May 6, 1999
Vol. 3, No. 17
Tom Brokaw Asked Clinton About China, But NBC Regularly Skips Reporting New China Revelations
If Only The Chinese Wore Trench Coats...
Read the MRC's Special Report: Network
Apathy Toward Chinese Contributions and Espionage
Brokaw interviewed President Clinton for last night's NBC Nightly News. Unlike
Dan Rather's syrupy 60 Minutes II Q&A on March 31, he actually asked a
question about Chinese espionage: "Your critics say the Clinton doctrine is we bomb
the small countries, Iraq and Kosovo, but when the big countries begin to give us trouble
we turn the other way. China and nuclear secrets is the most recent example of that. Isn't
that a bigger risk really to the long term history of the United States than
The networks haven't given China a tiny fraction of the news from Kosovo, despite major
new print revelations. For example:
April 28: The New York Times reported "A scientist
suspected of spying for China improperly transferred huge amounts of secret data from a
computer system at a government laboratory, compromising virtually every nuclear weapon in
the United States arsenal, government and lab officials say." Network coverage? ABC's
World News Tonight aired a full story. CBS Evening News mentioned it
before its own exclusive report on nuclear lab security. CNN's The World Today
aired two reports. But NBC aired nothing.
April 29: In response to the Times, Energy Secretary Bill
Richardson gave an interview to The Washington Post admitting "a serious
security breach that is unconscionable." The front-page Post article
reported that Richardson signaled the possibility that Lee "may have made available
to China far more sensitive information than previously imagined," including during
the Clinton years. Network coverage? Nothing.
April 30: The Washington Post front page reported that
Congress "erupted" with criticism against the FBI and the Justice Department.
"After grilling FBI Director Louis J. Freeh for nearly three hours in a closed-door
hearing, members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from both parties appeared
equally outraged at what they depicted as lax handling of past and present investigations
into suspected leaks of classified data. Their concern was aroused in particular by
Freeh's testimony that the suspect, Wen Ho Lee, had been cited for suspicious actions
going back almost 20 years." Network coverage? Only CNN aired a story on the hearing.
May 2: The New York Times added new details about when the
Clinton team learned about espionage: "A secret report to top Clinton
administration officials last November warned that China posed an 'acute intelligence
threat' to the government's nuclear weapons laboratories and that computer systems at the
labs were being constantly penetrated by outsiders." Network coverage? Only ABC noted
it, for 40 seconds.
May 5: The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard from
nuclear lab directors and probed delays in warrants for Wen Ho Lee. Officials admitted
Lee's security file was lost at one point. Network coverage? Only ABC aired a story. Bob
Woodruff simply relayed the Justice Department's claim that it twice turned down warrant
requests "because the evidence against Lee was insufficient." -- Tim Graham

L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Tim Graham, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Mark Drake, Paul Smith, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research
Associate. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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