Wednesday October 1, 2008 | Contact: Colleen O’Boyle (703) 683-5004
Even Before Her Obama Book, PBS Anchor Demonstrated Liberal Tilt at
2004 Vice-Presidential Debate
Gwen Ifill Is Pro-Obama and Anti-Palin
Washington Post carried an ad from PBS touting their two TV debate
moderators: “Objective. Impartial. Independent. The NewsHour’s Jim Lehrer
and Washington Week’s Gwen Ifill bring PBS’s tradition of integrity to
the most important conversations in America – so you can make up your own mind.”
Sadly, that ad is not
accurate. Even before addressing whether “independence” is
demonstrated by Ifill writing a new book celebrating Barack Obama’s
bold “Breakthrough,” Ifill’s questions in the vice presidential
debate in 2004 displayed an undeniable bias against Vice President
For example, she pressed
Cheney to attack Democratic nominee John Edwards personally:
“President Bush has derided John Kerry for putting a trial lawyer on
the ticket. You yourself have said that lawsuits are partly to blame
for higher medical costs. Are you willing to say that John Edwards,
sitting here, has been part of the problem?”
Ifill then turned around
and asked the Democrat if he was feeling pained at the attack she
had just requested: “Senator Edwards, new question to you, same
topic. Do you feel personally attacked when Vice President Cheney
talks about liability reform and tort reform and the president talks
about having a trial lawyer on the ticket?”
The PBS host also pressed
Cheney with a Tim Russert-style question on Iran: “Mr. Vice
President, in June of 2000 when you were still CEO of Halliburton,
you said that U.S. businesses should be allowed to do business with
Iran because, quote, ‘Unilateral sanctions almost never work.’ After
four years as Vice President now, and with Iran having been declared
by your administration as part of the ‘Axis of Evil,’ do you still
believe that we should lift sanctions on Iran?” Cheney said no, and
that in 2000, he was talking about unilateral sanctions, not
universal sanctions. Some viewers were put off after the Edwards
counterattack, when Cheney said “I can respond, Gwen, but it's going
to take more than 30 seconds,” and she said “Well, that's all you've
got.” She said Democrats loved it (“they thought I was being
snippy”), but she said that wasn’t her intent.
When Ifill turned to
Edwards for a question on Israel policy, there wasn’t an equally
tough question for him. She said the U.S. seemed sadly “absent”
under Bush: “Today, a senior member of Islamic Jihad was killed in
Gaza. There have been suicide bombings, targeted assassinations,
mortar attacks, all of this continuing at a time when the United
States seems absent in the peace-making process. What would your
administration do?”
Ifill’s toughest question to Edwards underlined that he had the
least governmental experience of any vice-presidential nominee since
1976. She also pressed Edwards from the left on Kerry’s promise not
to raise taxes and their opposition to gay marriage. But her last
question seemed designed to aid Kerry: “Senator Kerry changed his
mind about whether to vote to authorize the President to go to war.
President Bush changed his mind about whether a Homeland Security
department was a good idea or a 9/11 Commission was a good idea.
What's wrong with a little flip-flop every now and then?”
When Palin was picked,
Ifill announced on the August 29 Washington Week that the idea of
Palin attracting Hillary Clinton voters was strange: “I want to
question that whole theory, why Hillary Clinton voters would
actually vote for someone who is so famously anti-abortion, for
instance and other issues.” [See box.]
There’s seemingly no end in
sight for biased PBS moderators, since Republican debate negotiators
keep accepting them, allowing PBS to suggest that decision endorses
the false notion of their objectivity and impartiality. – Tim Graham
See Also: PBS's Gwen Ifill, No Moderate

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