Blaming Reagan for 9/11 Attacks;
Exploiting Reagan on Stem Cells
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
so-called mainstream media never admit their liberal tilt, so the
news analysts at the Media Research Center tirelessly document the
media's bias and expose their left-wing agenda. The "awards" for
last week's lowlights:
» 9/11 Attacks = Reagan’s Fault?
Two days after President Reagan died, the
CBS Evening News on Monday began a week-long review of Reagan’s legacy with a story about Iran-Contra, the scandal that so animated CBS News during the late 1980s. But even though Iran-Contra had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait or Osama bin Laden attacking New York City, reporter Bill Plante strained to link them with the Reagan-era debacle.
In Iran-Contra’s wake, Plante asserted, “U.S. efforts to deal with the tough issues in the Middle East went on hold, helping to set the stage for the first Iraq war and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.” Actually, Saddam’s thirst for Kuwait’s oil triggered the first Gulf War, and Islamic fundamentalism had been on the rise since Iran’s 1979 overthrow of the Shah. Seems like CBS is more interested in blaming Reagan than getting it right. |

CBS's Bill
Plante linked Reagan with "the rise of Islamic
fundamentalism." |
For more, see the June
8 CyberAlert.
» Exploiting Reagan on Stem Cells.
On the June 8 Good Morning
America, ABC’s Charles Gibson cited the grieving Nancy Reagan as a reason why more human embryos should be killed for stem cell research: “She is a staunch advocate, along with many medical experts who consider it to be the best hope for beating Alzheimer’s and other diseases.” But Gibson was distorting the scientific community’s views, as revealed in the June 10
Washington Post: “The infrequently voiced reality, stem cell experts confess, is that, of all the diseases that may someday be cured by embryonic stem cell treatments, Alzheimer’s is among the least likely to benefit.” How many times did you hear that on TV last week?
For more, see the June
11 CyberAlert.
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