John Edwards
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
The so-called mainstream media never admit their liberal tilt, so the news analysts at the Media Research Center tirelessly document the bias and expose their left-wing agenda. Last week's "award" goes to the political reporters of CBS News for their hagiographic coverage of John Edwards:
The Sexiest Politician.
Before John Kerry had even announced his pick, CBS's Byron Pitts — the reporter assigned to scrutinize the Democratic campaign — was giddy. "When you talk to Democrats," Pitts gushed on Tuesday's
Early Show, "by far the name you hear most is John Edwards. He's 51 years old. In 2000,
People magazine selected him the sexiest politician in America."
» For
more, see the July 6 CyberAlert
Extra Edition.
Like Sweet Tea.
That night on the CBS Evening
News, Pitts was still enthralled: "A passionate speaker and a prolific fundraiser, the campaign hopes [Edwards]...will connect with working class voters in battleground states. With a style as syrupy as Carolina sweet tea, Edwards could also help in the South."
» For
more, see the July 7 CyberAlert.
The Dream Team.
On the July 7 Evening
News, after the running mates held a joint photo-op, Pitts applauded the "perfectly choreographed first glimpse of the Democratic Party's new dream team....Humor from the boss, humanity from his running mate....Team Kerry touched and
tickled their way to Ohio....Purpose from Kerry....Passion from Edwards."
» For
more, see the July 8 CyberAlert.

CBS's campaign
coverage surpassed every Democratic operative's dreams. |
Melting CBS's Cameras.
On Thursday's Early Show, reporter Thalia Assuras seemed as swept up as Pitts, cooing about Wednesday's photo-op: "It was a perfect portrait — smiles all around, hugs and hand-holding. A warm family photo of the Kerry/Edwards clans that seemed capable of melting the camera lens."
» For
more, see the July 9 CyberAlert.
How's the Honeymoon?
Kerry, Edwards and their spouses laughed their way through Sunday's
60 Minutes joint appearance. CBS's Lesley Stahl was indulgent. "How do you think the honeymoon is going?" she asked, after CBS had done so much to aid the Democratic love-in.
» For
more, see the July 12 CyberAlert.
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