media outlets — radio, television and print —
regularly feature MRC guests on their programs,
quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and
cite MRC research in their stories. Below are
links to a sampling of MRC making news in the
media. Links to the full story are provided when
available, and were active when posted.

- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, July
31, 2006.
Media Monday: The Times and Hillary,
Quotes TimesWatch Study
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, July
30, 2006.
Media fall flat on Fannie Column by BMI Director Dan Gainor
Independent, London, July 29, 2006,
Politics and Hollywood: How Stone won over the Right,
by David Usborne. "In the audience were several opinion-makers
from the conservative right, including writers from the National
Review as well as Cal Thomas, a syndicated columnist and pundit of Fox
Television, and Brent Bozell, the president of the highly conservative
Media Research Center, which has led the campaign against violence in
Washington Times, July 29, 2006.
Inside Politics: Lefty TV Critics,
by Greg Pierce. ""When Fox News Channel Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes
spoke to the Television Critics Association Monday night at the
group's gathering in Pasadena, about two-thirds of the 150 attendees
in the room walked out in protest," the Media Research Center reports,
citing the Miami Herald's Glenn Garvin."
- WBAL, Baltimore, MD, July 29, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this
week's top stories
- Accent Radio Network, Greg Allen's The
Right Balance, July 28, 2006.
Greg Allen's The Right
Balance, Editor-in-Chief David Thibault discussed the
week's top stories
- Human Events, July 28, 2006.
TV Journalists Owe Roger Ailes an Apology,
by Rob Bluey. Blog quotes letter from MRC President Brent Bozell.
"Their decision to stage a walkout, writes Media Research Center
President Brent Bozell in a letter to Television Critics Association
President Rob Owen, demonstrates that the journalists are "nothing
more than cynical hypocrites.""
- Wonkette, July 28, 2006.
Original Wonkette: Special Jealousy Edition,
by David Weigel. Blog links to NewsBusters story. "The hip cats at the
Media Research Center:"
- Calgary Herald, Calgary, Canada, July 27,
Pundits Eat Words Over Stone's 9/11 Film, by Paul D.
Colford. Quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. "In a press release, Brent
Bozell, president of the conservative Media Research Center, called it
"a masterpiece [that] must be seen by as many people as possible.""
- FrontPage Magazine, July 27, 2006.
Terrorist News Network,
by Michael Reagan. Discusses NewsBusters story. "According to
NewsBusters’ Rich Noyes: "Robertson touted his ‘exclusive’ exchange
with a Hezbollah propagandist who led him on a tour of a bombed-out
block of southern Beirut."
- New York Times, July 27, 2006.
Odd Bedfellows Align to Market Film About 9/11,
by David M. Halbfinger. Quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. "L. Brent
Bozell III, president of the conservative Media Research Center and
founder of the Parents Television Council — best known for its
campaigns against indecency on television and for stiffer penalties on
broadcasters — called it "a masterpiece" and sent an e-mail message to
400,000 people saying, "Go see this film.""
- Right Balance, July 27, 2006.
Research Director Rich Noyes discussed PBS' tribute to Walter Cronkite
- Times Union, Albany, NY, July 27, 2006.
9/11 Charities to Share in Box Office. Quotes MRC President
Brent Bozell. "L. Brent Bozell III, head of the conservative Media
Research Center and founder of the Parents Television Council, called
it "a masterpiece.""
- United Press International (UPI), July 27,
Oliver Stone Gets Unexpected Praise.
Story by national press syndicate. "He has more noticeably drawn
glowing kudos from such conservative voices as L. Brent Bozell III,
president of the conservative Media Research Center, columnist Cal
Thomas and the National Review."
- Yahoo! News, July 27, 2006.
Olbermann Seeks Oddballs.
Column by MRC President Brent Bozell.
- Air America, Thom Hartmann Show, July
26, 2006.
Editor-in-Chief David Thibault discussed the minimum wage
- New York Daily News, July 26, 2006.
Oliver's Twist: Right Loves WTC,
by Paul D. Colford. Quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. "In a press
release, Brent Bozell, president of the conservative Media Research
Center, called it "a masterpiece [that] must be seen by as many people
as possible." He added: "It's more than a movie - it's a vivid
reminder of the love, heroism, faith and patriotism that comprise the
fabric of our country.""
-, July 26, 2006.
The Fix: Oliver Stone, Right-wing Heartthrob.
Quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. "Brent Bozell, president of the
conservative Media Research Center, writes on that he
expected a "tiresome, loathsome, Bush-lied-thousands-died production
designed to titillate the Michael Moore left-wing fringe," but the
movie changed his mind: "Let me be unequivocal. Stone has delivered a
- National Review Online, July 25, 2006.
Media Blog: CNN's Cooper: Hezbollah Media Events "Heavily
by Stephen Spruiell. Quotes MRC Research Director Rich Noyes. "Rich
Noyes notes an interesting report from CNN's Anderson Cooper on the
way Hezbollah manages the media:"
- NRANews, July 25, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Jeff Johnson discussed security on the
National Mall on syndicated radio show
- Rush, July 25, 2006.
Rush read part of a NewsBusters post on air (uncredited) and gave
credit on his web site
Fox News Channel, The O’Reilly Factor,
July 24, 2006. MRC President Brent Bozell discussed the
media's coverage of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah
-, July 24, 2006.
Fire, or
Ice? By
William Rusher. Article commented on BMI's Fire & Ice Study. "All of
the above quotations can be found in a wonderful new booklet by R.
Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor of the Business & Media Institute, a
division of the Media Research Center in Alexandria, Va."
Radio Factor, July 24, 2006.
MRC Research Director Rich
Noyes discussed bias on Hezbollah
WDUN, Martha Zoller, Atlanta, GA, July 24, 2006. Jerusalem Correspondent Julie Stahl discussed the
Israel-Hezbollah Conflict
Atlanta Journal Constitution, July 22, 2006,
Journalists Restrain Their Reporting in the Interest of National
Security? by
Shaunti Feldman and Diane Glass. "As conservative media watchdog Brent
Bozell said in an interview, "When you consider that leaders across
the ideological divide told the New York Times that printing the story
would do grave harm to our nation, one has to conclude that the paper
did this knowing and not caring about the damage it was doing to the
- Fox News Channel, Fox & Friends, July
22, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the American Businessman
- Melbourne Age, Melbourne, Australia, July
22, 2006.
Crimewave, by
Martin Daly and Kenneth Nguyen. Article on BMI's American Businessman
Study. "The research, titled Bad Company: For American Businessmen,
Primetime is Crimetime, argues that fictionalised American
business people commit so much crime and have so much illicit sex on
TV that this false image of business undermines traditional American
- Sydney Morning Herald, Syndey, Australia,
July 22, 2006.
The Devil
Carried a Briefcase
by Martin Daly. Article on BMI's American Businessman Study. "The
study, Bad Company: For American Businessmen, Primetime is
Crimetime, says that fictionalised American business people commit
so much crime and have so much illicit sex on TV that this false image
of business undermines traditional American values."
- USA Radio Network, US, July 21, 2006,
Topic: World
Trade Center, Point of View, MRC President Brent Bozell discussed the
movie World Trade Center
- USA Radio Network, July 21, 2006,
Topic: Oil/Gas hype,
, BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed oil/gas hype
- Buffalo News, July 20, 2006,
TV's Bad-guy Businessmen,
by Clarence Page. Nationally syndicated columnist commented on BMI's
American Businessman study. "Titled "Bad Company," the study looked at
the dozen top-rated TV dramas during last year's May and November
ratings months and found almost all of the businesspeople were doing
something unethical, cruel or criminal."
- Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, FL, July 20,
TV's Bad Guys - Businessmen, Clarence Page, Nationally syndicated
columnist commented on BMI's American Businessman study, Titled "Bad
Company," the study looked at the dozen top-rated TV dramas during
last year's May and November ratings months and found almost all of
the businesspeople were doing something unethical, cruel or criminal.
-, July 20, 2006,
Fire, or Ice?, William Rusher, Article commented on BMI's Fire and
Ice Study, All of the above quotations, and many more, can be found in
a wonderful new booklet by R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor of the
Business & Media Institute, a division of the Media Research Center in
Alexandria, Va.
- WIBA, Madison, WI, July 20, 2006,
Topic: World Trade Center, Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel
discussed the movie World Trade Center
- American Family Radio, July 19, 2006.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Katie Couric's most recent
- Chicago Tribune, July 19, 2006.
TV's Bad-guy Businessmen,
by Clarence Page. Nationally syndicated columnist commented on BMI's
American Businessman study. "Titled "Bad Company," the study looked at
the dozen top-rated TV dramas during last year's May and November
ratings months and found almost all of the businesspeople were doing
something unethical, cruel or criminal."
- Human Events, July
19, 2006.
Katie's Charities: A Conflict?
Column by MRC President Brent Bozell.
- Salt Lake Tribune, July 19, 2006,
of Climate Stories,
by Sheila Thompson. Letter to the Editor mentions Fire & Ice. "On May
17 Business and Media Institute writer R. Warren Anderson published an
article titled "Fire and Ice." It chronicles 110 years of print media
reports on four different periods of climate change."
- WAAM, Detroit, MI, July 19, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed "Fire & Ice," a global warming
Special Report
- Powerblog, July 18, 2006.
Businesspeople are Evil!
by David Michael Phelps. Blogger commented on BMI's American
Businessman Study. "A very, very interesting piece in WSJ this week
detailing a study by the Business and Media Institute that looks at
how businesspeople are portrayed on television:"
- Human Events, July 17, 2006.
Oliver Stone Winning Praise on the Right,
by Rob Bluey. "My former boss, Brent Bozell, president of the Media
Research Center, is praising Oliver Stone's new movie, "World Trade
- WIBA, Madison, WI, July 17, 2006.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Katie Couric's most recent
- WLAC, Nashville, TN, July 17, 2006.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed gas prices
- Chicago
Tribune, July 19, 2006,
TV's Bad-Guy Businessmen
Article on BMI's American
Businessman Study.
- Washington
Times, July 18, 2006,
The ‘Dictator.’ MRC CyberAlert cited in Inside Politics
by Greg Pierce.
-, July 14, 2006,
now links to MRC Web site
- Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2006.
TV's Killer Capitalists. Article on
BMI's American Businessman Study. "Mr. Gainor believes that the business-bashing
on TV may reflect the political mindset of its writers."
- KAHL, San Antonio, TX, July 14, 2006.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed the MRC Study "Touting Military
Misdeeds, Hiding Heroism
- Baltimore Sun, July 13, 2006.
Media Mistreat American Troops,
by Thomas Sowell. Cites the MRC Study, "Touting Military Misdeeds, Hiding
Heroism." "A recent study by the Media Research Center found that the three big
broadcast news networks -- CBS, ABC, and NBC -- ran 99 stories in 3 and 1/2
hours about the investigation of charges against Marines in the death of Iraqi
civilians in Haditha last November."
- National Review, July 13, 2006.
Media Blog: Rather in Mapes Land,
by Stephen Spruiell. Links to NewsBusters story. "Brent Baker has the video and
relevant transcripts."
- Real Clear Politics, July 13, 2006.
Media Mistreat American Troops,
by Thomas Sowell. Cites the MRC Study, "Touting Military Misdeeds, Hiding
Heroism." "A recent study by the Media Research Center found that the three big
broadcast news networks -- CBS, ABC, and NBC -- ran 99 stories in 3 and 1/2
hours about the investigation of charges against Marines in the death of Iraqi
civilians in Haditha last November."
- Investor's Business Daily, July 13, 2006.
Turning Good News into Bad.
Op-Ed cites MRC research. "As noted by the Media Research Center, a journalism
watchdog group, coverage of this "good news" was spun in an overwhelmingly
negative fashion by the nation's big media."
- KKLA, Los Angeles, CA, July 13, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed
the NY Times bias on deficit improvements and also its jeopardizing national
- MSNBC, Tucker Carlson, July 12, 2006.
Newsbusters Executive Editor Matthew
Sheffield discussed Dan Rather
-, July 11, 2006.
Blues: Is the Media too Negative?
by David Brody. ""I have stopped eating. I have stopped drinking. I rarely
breathe any longer because I'm going to hear something on television telling me
that I've done something that's about to kill myself," said Brent Bozell,
president of the Media Research Center."
- Human Events, July 11, 2006.
Biased Reporting, by
Thomas Sowell. Cites the MRC Study, "Touting Military Misdeeds, Hiding Heroism."
"A recent study by the Media Research Center found that the three big broadcast
news networks -- CBS, ABC, and NBC -- ran 99 stories in 3 and 1/2 hours about
the investigation of charges against Marines in the death of Iraqi civilians in
Haditha last November."
- Chattanooga Times Free Press, July 10, 2006.
On 'Unprecedented' Warming.
"In all, the print news media have warned of four separate climate changes in
slightly more than 100 years -- global cooling, warming, cooling again, and,
perhaps not so finally, warming," the Business and Media Institute study found."
- Christian Broadcast Network (CBN), 700 Club, July 10, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed
the Media and its reporting the world is ending
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, July 9, 2006.
The Times' Private Interests,
by MRC President Brent Bozell.
- Boston Globe, July 5, 2006.
About Our Dictator,
by Jeff Jacoby. Op-Ed links to Newsbusters
- Sun Sentinel, July 5, 2006,
Couric Might Hear,
But Will She Listen? by Cal Thomas. "The Media Research
Center has compiled a record of Couric's liberal pronouncements on
various subjects."
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 3, 2006.
People in the News: Here's a New 'View' of the Facts,
Mentions BMI's American Businessman Study. "The Media Research
Center, a conservative group monitoring TV and movies for liberal
bias, isn't amused, according to The Washington Post."
- Washington Times, July 3, 2006.
Hill GOP to Put Heat on Bush for More Judges,
by Charles Hurt. "The 83 signers of the letter also include such
conservative icons as Paul Weyrich, Alan Keyes, Richard Viguerie,
Abigail Thernstrom, David A. Keene, L. Brent Bozell III and Bill
- KAHL, San Antonio, TX, July 3, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed gas price gouging
- WIBA, Madison, WI, July 3, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed gas price gouging
St. Petersburg Times, July 2, 2006.
Perspective: In War on Terror, Reporters Wind up in the Cross Hairs,
by Eric Deggans. Quotes MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham,
"Here you are in a situation where the Republican and the Democratic
chairmen of the 9/11 commission are telling you not to run the story
... (and) you're still saying you know better than these people," said
Tim Graham of the conservative watchdog group Media Research Center,
referring to the fact that administration officials and other
politicians asked journalists not to print the banking records story."
- Investor's Business Daily, July 1, 2006.
TV Prime Time is Crime Time for Business.
Op-ed by BMI Analyst Charles Simpson
- Washington Times, July 1, 2006.
Where is the Weapons Story?
Op-ed by MRC President Brent Bozell
- WBAL, Baltimore, MD, July 1, 2006. Editor-in-Chief David Thibault discussed this week's top
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