media outlets — radio, television and print —
regularly feature MRC guests on their programs,
quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and
cite MRC research in their stories. Below are
links to a sampling of MRC making news in the
media. Links to the full story are provided when
available, and were active when posted.

Christian Coalition of America, November 30, 2006.
Traces of Radiation Found in 12 Locations in Britain, Blog posted
by Drew McKissik. Links to article
Christian Coalition of America, November 30, 2006.
Humanists Challenge Voting Booths in Churches, Blog posted by Drew
McKissik. Links to article
Christian Coalition of America, November 30, 2006.
No Fuss As Schools Prepare to Screen Nativity Movie, Blog posted
by Drew McKissik. Links to article
The Drudge Report, November 30, 2006.
ACLU Blesses Showing of 'Nativity Story' in Public Schools, by
Nathan Burchfiel. The Drudge Report linked to story
The Lars Larson Show, November 30, 2006. Staff Writer Monisha Bansal discussed Senator
Lieberman likening video games to smoking, booze and porn
The Michael Dresser Show, November 30, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's top
Washington Times, November 30, 2006.
Inside Politics: Pelosi's Flub, by Greg Pierce. Quotes MRC VP of
Research and Publications Brent Baker. "Asked by a reporter about how
'President Bush today blamed the surge of violence in Iraq on al
Qaeda,' incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded with a
disjointed answer about how 'the 9/11 commission dismissed that notion
a long time ago, and I feel sad that the president is resorting to it
again,' " the Media Research Center's Brent Baker reports at
Agape Press, November 29, 2006.
Pro-Family Leader Dismayed to See NHL in League With Homosexual Agenda,
by Jim Brown.
Quotes CMI Director Bob Knight. “Bob Knight, director of the Culture
and Media Institute at the Virginia-based Media Research Center,
believes NHL officials are unlikely to win any more fans for the
League by endorsing this homosexual-themed movie.”
American Spectator, November 29, 2006.
Going on the Offensive, by Lisa Fabrizio. Links to NewsBusters
story. “As pointed out by our friends at, when the
Rev. Jesse Jackson was asked about the injudicious use of a familiar
and repulsive racial epithet, he announced, "I might add that we're
really going to begin to fight to prohibit that word in public usage
as hate language."”
Fox News Channel, Your World with Neil Cavuto, November
29, 2006.
TimesWatch Director Clay Waters discussed the leaked White House memo
on Iraqi President Malaki
Washington Times, November 29, 2006.
NBC Assailed for Declaration of 'Civil War', by Jennifer Harper.
Quotes MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham. “This is NBC saying,
'Hey, George Bush is delusional, and we're not going to play along.'
That's the tenor of it," Tim Graham of the Media Research Center said
WDC Media News, November 29, 2006.
ProFamily Leader Dismayed to See NHL in League with Homosexual Agenda,
by Jim Brown. CMI Director Bob Knight discussed new movie
WRVA, Richmond, VA, November 29, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming and hurricanes
AFA Online, November 28, 2006.
Media Analyst Calls Soaps Transgender Character Addition Exploitive
Ploy, by Jim Brown. Quotes CMI Director Bob Knight. “Bob Knight,
director of the Culture and Media Institute at the Media Research
Center, says the bottom line in this instance is that ABC believes it
needs to push the envelope for higher ratings.”
York Sun, November 28, 2006.
Victory on the Hill Within Reach for the Gay Community, by Josh
Gerstein. Quotes CMI Director Bob Knight. "Behavior involves moral
choices and skin color does not," the director of the Virginia-based
Culture and Media Institute, Robert Knight, said. "If sexual
orientation is accorded the same clout in the law that is given to
race, then people with traditional values will be treat as hate-filled
bigots even if they have no hate in their hearts."
RedState Blog, November 28, 2006.
Fighting the Iraqi Civil War, by Mark Kilmer. Links to NewsBusters
story. “Proof that Iraq is now a civil war comes from no less as
source than the NBC morning entertainment program Today Show, the Matt
'n Meredith vehicle. Again, NewsBusters has the transcript.”
-, November 28, 2006.
War of the Words, Posted by Christopher Beam. Blog posting quotes
VP of Research and Publicans Brent Baker's remarks on 'Civil War'
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, November 28, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discusssed Maryland slot machines and the New
York Times
WDC Media News, November 28, 2006.
Media Analyst Calls Soaps Transgender Character Addition Exploitive
Ploy, by Jim Brown and Fred Jackson. Quotes CMI Director Bob
Knight. “Bob Knight, director of the Culture and Media Institute at
the Media Research Center, says the bottom line in this instance is
that ABC believes it needs to push the envelope for higher ratings.”
Fox News Channel, Hannity and Colmes, November 27, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed NBC's declaring Iraq to be in a
civil war
-, November 27, 2006.
Did Jack Murtha Lie For His Purple Hearts?, by Patrick Poole.
References articles. “In
January, Marc Morano and Randy Hall of noted multiple
explanations offered by Murtha on his combat injuries that varied
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, November 27, 2006.
Media Monday, Attributes column of quotes to the Media Research
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, November 27, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's Top
WBAL-AM, Baltimore, MD, November 27, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed Maryland slot machines
Chattanooga Times Free Press, November 25, 2006.
Expect Big Push on
'Global Warming', Dan Gainor. BMI Director Dan Gainor wrote editorial
Fox News Channel, Fox News Watch, November 25, 2006.
Fox News Watch quoted and showed video clip of MRC President Brent
Bozell at a post-election news conference at the National Press Club.
“First here's a turkey award so to speak
presented by Brent Bozell who is the head of an influential
conservative media watch dog group called The Media Research Center.”
Washington Times, November 25, 2006.
Recycling Pays Off
Only When it Doesn't Cost You. Column by BMI Advisor Don Boudreaux,
Journal, November 24, 2006.
Ithacan Find Beauty, Violence on Trip to Iraq, by Raymond Drumsta.
Story on Mark Finkelstein's trip to Iraq. “Finkelstein
hosts “Right Angle,” an Ithaca cable television talk show, and blogs
on, a Web site dedicated to “exposing and combating
liberal media bias.””
WIOJ, San Antonio, TX, November 24, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed rising gas prices
WOWO, Fort Wayne, IN, November 24, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed this year's top
Notable Quotables
Christian Coalition of America, November 22, 2006.
Anti-Gun Mayor Convicted on Firearms Charges, by Nathan Burchfiel.
Links to article
Human Events, November 22, 2006.
Jack Murtha Scandal Time Arrives, Column by MRC President Brent
KAHL, San Antonio, TX, November 22, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed gas prices
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, November 22, 2006. Senior
Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's Top Stories
Yahoo!, November 22, 2006.
Murtha Scandal Time Arrives, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
-, November 21, 2006. Jerusalem Bureau Chief Julie Stahl discussed Hizballah's
desires to topple the Lebanese Government
The G. Gordon Liddy Show, November 21, 2006. Communications Director Craig Bannister discussed an MSU
Student who refused to Lobby a Pro-Gay Cause
The Lars Larson Show, November 21, 2006. BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed gas prices
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, November 21, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's Top
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, November 21, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed OJ and Katie
WIBA, Madison, WI, November 21, 2006. Jerusalem
Bureau Chief discussed the Israeli air strike called off due to a
human shield
KDKA, November 20, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Rangel
calling for the draft to be reinstated
- The Manufacturer's Blog, November 20, 2006.
Climate Change or Weather Change? More Sloppy Reporting from ABC,
Posted by Pat Cleary. Links to NewsBusters story. “But as Noel
Sheppard points out over at NewsBusters, back on August 4, Blakemore
reported on the nation's heat wave, citing it as evidence of so much
global warming.”
The Thom Hartmann Show, November 20, 2006. BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed electronic voting
WHAT, Philadelphia, PA, November 20, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed Stories that are 'bad for you'
WIBA, Madison, WI, November 20, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed this week's bias
WTOP, Washington, DC, November 20, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed FOX cancelling the
OJ Simpson documentary
XM Satellite Radio, November 20, 2006
CMI Director Bob Knight discussed the media's role in the 2006
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,
November 19, 2006.
The Macaca Post, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
November 18, 2006.
Boston Globe: 'Big Demotion' for VP Cheney?, by Warren Todd Houston. Posting
of NewsBusters story
Jillosophy, November 18, 2006.
Ellison Finds Himself Between Islam and a Hard Place, by Nathan Burchfiel.
Reprint of Article
-, November 18, 2006.
The NewsBusters Weekly Recap. Links to NewsBusters story
Small Dead Animals Blog, November 18, 2006.
Iraq Diary, Posted by Kate. Links to NewsBusters story. “Newsbusters' Mark
Finkelman is currently embedded with the US Marines in Fallujah. Check it out.”
Democrats Exposed, November 17, 2006.
Spokesman for CAIR: Ellison to Address CAIR Convention Via Videotaped Message,
Posted by Michael B . Brodkorb. References article. “However,
Bridget Cusick, a spokeswoman for Ellison, told Cybercast News Service Wednesday
that Ellison had never accepted the group's [CAIR] invitation and was never
scheduled to appear at the banquet. “
Pro Ecclesia Pro Familia Pro Civitate, November 17, 2006.
Alito: Courts Not 'Center of the Universe' in Legal Matters, Posted by Jay
Anderson. Blog posted Article
Pro Ecclesia Pro Familia Pro Civitate,
November 17, 2006.
Two Americas, Posted by Jay Anderson. Blog posted article.
TheRealThing, November 17, 2006.
There is No Second Place. Blog posted CyberAlert
Washington Times,
November 17, 2006,
The 'Menace', Quotes CMI Director Bob Knight
Yahoo!, November 17, 2006.
The CEO of Silliness, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
Faith2Action with Janet Folger, November 16, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed electronic voting
Fox News Channel, FOX News Live, November 15, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed whether or not Al-Jazeera should be allowed
to broadcast in the US
The George Putnam Show, November 15, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed divisions in the House of
Human Events, November 15, 2006.
Throwing the Book at the 'Religious Right', Column by CMI Director Bob
Human Events, November 15, 2006.
Jack Murtha for Majority Leader, by Rob Bluey. “The Media Research Center
says Murtha has the liberal media to thank for his candidacy for majority
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, November 15, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Rudi Giuliani's potential
'08 run
Sean Hannity Radio,
November 15, 2006.
Sean Hannity cited a NewsBusters blog entry about the difference in the way the
media have treated Nancy Pelosi vs. Newt Gingrinch
Sean Hannity Radio, November 15, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed how the media have treated Nancy Pelosi vs.
Newt Gingrich
The Radio Equalizer, November 15, 2006.
Smearing Powder, Posted by Brian Maloney. Quotes NewsBusters story. “At
NewsBusters, Brad Wilmouth has more:”
Chicago Maroon,
November 14, 2006.
Remember Blair Hull? Barack Obama Does, by Matt Barnum. Quoted MRC President
Brent Bozell. “As columnist Brent Bozell reports, in a January 2005 “Who’s Next”
edition of Newsweek, both Obama and the recently unseated Pennsylvania Senator
Rick Santorum were featured.”
The Lars Larson Show, November 14, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed the 2006 Elections
Michigan Talk
Network, November 14, 2006. Jerusalem Bureau Chief Julie Stahl discussed Israeli/Palestinian
RighTalk, November 14, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed
divisions in the House of Representatives
Sean Hannity Radio, November 14, 2006. story on Giuliani's potential '08 run cited by Sean Hannity on
nationally syndicated radio show
Sweetness & Light, November 14, 2006.
Churches' Tax Breaks Challenged - For Helping GOP, by Nathan Burchfiel.
Reprint of Article
American Spectator, November 13, 2006.
Military Unfairly Blamed for Embed Problem, by Michael Fumento. References article. “Writings by Sig Christenson, president of Military
Reporters and Editors (MRE), picked up by in a November 6 article,
lay the blame squarely on the military.”
The Michael Dresser Show, November 13, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's top stories
Tribune-Review, November 13, 2006.
Media Monday. “On Oct. 18 and again on Oct. 23,
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann frothed at the mouth over Republicans. Two excerpts,
courtesy of the Media Research Center:”
RighTalk, The Ray Spero Show, November 13, 2006. Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel discussed
candidates conceding too soon
Courier News, Bridgewater, NJ, November 12, 2006.
Speaking Out: TransFat Threat
Exaggerated by Some Doctors. Column by BMI Advisor Dr. Elizabeth Whelan
Tribune-Review, November 12, 2006.
Hollywood's Brand of Heroes, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
America's Car
Show, November 11, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the decline in gas prices
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, November 11, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's top stories
WBT-AM, Charlotte, NC, November 11, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed election bias
-, November 10, 2006.
What To Do Now That I Have Decided Not To Blame Diebold, by Lorie Byrd. “I
am still all for exposing media bias, and it is valuable for media watchdogs
like the Media Research Center to document it.”
BBCNews, November 9, 2006.
Press Reacts to Rumsfeld's Departure. Quotes MRC Research Director Rich
Noyes. “For Rich Noyes, of the NewsBusters blog - which bills itself as
combating "liberal media bias" - Mr Rumsfeld's departure meant the media "losing
a favourite punching bag".
Changing Worldviews, November 9, 2006.
The Election - A Vote Against Republicans, by Sharon Hughes. Quotes MRC
President Brent Bozell. “Even Brent Bozell of the
Media Research Center said the Democrats used to be called the 'tax and spend'
party, but now the Democrats are the 'tax' party and the Republicans are the
'spend' party.”
GOPUSA, November 9, 2006.
Bias Predicted in Election Coverage, UPI Story. Quotes MRC VP of Research
and Publications Brent Baker. “The center's Brent Baker said he believes
broadcast networks ABC, NBC and CBS will likely use the results to paint
Democrats in a favorable light, The Washington Times reported Monday.”
KAHL, San Antonio, TX, November 9, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed election bias
Los Angeles
Times, November 9, 2006.
Gay Marriage Votes Get Diverse Spins From Activists, by Elizabeth Mehren.
Quotes CMI Director Bob Knight. “Robert Knight, director of the conservative
Culture and Media Institute think tank in Alexandria, Va., said Wednesday that
Arizona was "out there on the edge" in its defeat of the traditional-marriage
WIBA, Madison, WI, November 9, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed the 2006 election
The American Thinker, November 8, 2006.
Election Day Black Op? by Thomas Lifson. Quotes NewsBusters story. “Our
contributor Noel Sheppard investigated the way the story broke, and Newsbusters
today has his investigation.”
C-SPAN, November 8, 2006.
Press Conference. MRC President Brent Bozell discussed 2006 Election results
at a press conference
The George Putnam Show, November 8, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed the 2006 election
Human Events, November 8, 2006.
Heroes and Horrors, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
Examiner, November 7, 2006.
Ask Which Candidate is on the Money, Column by BMI Director Dan Gainor
Detroit News, November 7,
Blogs Hit Civil Servants, Iraq, Detroit, by J.D. Andary. “According
to the Media Research Center, talking heads like Tom Brokaw were ruthless in
their depiction of Gingrich.”
Fox News Channel, November 7, 2006.
NewsBusters cited by Michelle Malkin during Fox's Election Coverage
Investor's Business Daily, November 7, 2006.
British Derangement, Op-Ed. Mentions interview. “If the BBC's
continuing review is truly soul-searching, management will see clearly why Marc
Landers, a Scotland-based American who monitors the BBC for bias, told the
Cybercast News Service that he has watched as the BBC has turned his British
friends and acquaintances against the U.S. with its anti-Western, anti-American
and pro-Islamist coverage.”
KGNW, Seattle, WA, November 7, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the study, Bad News Bears
The Mark Levin Show, November 7, 2006.
Mark Levin read Senior Staff Writer Kevin Mooney's article on
Kennedy conspiring with the KGB on air
The Martha Zoeller Show, November 7, 2006. Staff Writer Monisha Bansal discussed the top 'values' ballot issues
National Review Online, November 7, 2006.
Ticks Me Off, Posted by Katherine Jean Lopez. Credits the MRC for the posted
story. “Our friends at the Media Research Center point this out from today's
Today Show:”
-, November 7, 2006.
Iraqi Leader: CNN No Better Than Al-Jazeera, by Dawn Rizzoni. Reprint of Article
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, November 7, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed the 2006 elections
RighTalk, November 7, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Kevin Mooney
discussed Ted Kennedy and the KGB
Ringside Politics, November 7, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the study, Bad News Bears
Baltimore Examiner, November 6, 2006,
Ranting & Raving for the Whole World to See. Column by BMI Director Dan
News 10 Now, Ithaca, NY, November 6, 2006.
Local Journalist to Report from Iraq, by Evan Axelbank. Story on Mark
Finkelstein's trip to Iraq. “Finkelstein won't be
disconnected from us here in the United States while he's overseas. He'll
continue blogging for, a site aimed at proving there is, what he
calls, a liberal media bias.”
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, November 6, 2006.
Media Monday, Articles cites the MRC as source of quotes
RighTalk, November 6, 2006. Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel discussed
small/minority businesses under GOP leadership
The Limbaugh Letter, November 2006.
Gas: Good News is Bad News.
Quotes BMI article on gas prices. “A study by the Business and Media Research
Institute found that within a 35-day span this fall, "[i]n half the stories
where journalists mentioned falling gas prices, they undermined the news with
warning of future price increases."
United Press International, November 6, 2006.
Bias Predicted in Election Coverage, Quotes MRC VP of Research and
Publications Brent Baker. “The center's Brent Baker said he believes broadcast
networks ABC, NBC and CBS will likely use the results to paint Democrats in a
favorable light, The Washington Times reported Monday.”
Washington Times, November 6, 2006,
Networks Vow to Keep Predictions to Themselves, by Jennifer Harper. Quotes
MRC VP of Research and Publications Brent Baker. "Victories for Democrats
anywhere in the country will be cast as a repudiation of President Bush and the
war on Iraq, on a Republican Congress and possibly on conservative policies in
general," said Brent Baker of the Media Research Center.
WMET, Washington, DC, November 6, 2006.
CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick discussed his article, "Mum's the Word"
Yahoo! News, November 6, 2006.
Nobody Runs Against Hollywood, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
Tribune-Review, November 5, 2006.
Race-Baiting. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, November 3, 2006.
Soapbox Approach a Boost for Olbermann, by Tim Cuprisin. Article
quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. “And it yields strong reactions
like this, from Brent Bozell, whose Media Research Center is a regular
media critic.”
York Sun, November 3, 2006.
Buckley Says Yale Speech Was His Last, by Eliana Johnson. Quotes
MRC President Brent Bozell. "I think this was his fifth final speech,"
Mr. Buckley's nephew, L. Brent Bozell III, said. "He's given more
final speeches than Barbra Streisand has given final concerts."
-, November 3, 2006.
William F. Buckley Gives Last Public Speech. Quotes MRC President
Brent Bozell. “His nephew L. Brent Bozell III, founder of the Media
Research Center, said: "He’s given more final speeches than Barbra
Streisand has given final concerts.””
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, November 3, 2006.
BMI Director Dan
Gainor discussed the media's deficit coverage
WTKF, Greenville, NC, November 3, 2006.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed good economic news
USA Radio Network, November 3,
2006. CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick discussed his
article, "Mum's the Word."
WIBA, Madison, WI, November 3, 2006.
CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick discussed his article, "Mum's the
The Chuck Baker Show, November 3, Senior
Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Democrats 'New Direction'
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, November 3, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Election 2006
-, November 2, 2006.
Mum's the Word on Radical Democrat Social Agenda. Column by CMI
Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick
WLW, Cincinnati, OH, November
2, 2006. MRC President Brent Bozell discussed Election 2006
Wausau, WI, November 2, 2006. MRC
Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Election 2006
KAHL, San Antonio, TX, November 2, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the study, Bad News Bears
American Conservative Daily, November 1, 2006.
Kerry Sought Out Families at Soldiers Funerals, Authors Say,
Posted by Carolyn Hileman. Blog links to story
WMET, Washington, DC, November 1, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed Election 2006
WIBA, Madison, WI, November 1, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Election 2006
KCOL, Denver, CO, November 1, 2006.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed John Kerry's "Botched Joke"
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