media outlets — radio, television and print —
regularly feature MRC guests on their programs,
quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and
cite MRC research in their stories. Below are
links to a sampling of MRC making news in the
media. Links to the full story are provided when
available, and were active when posted.

The Washington Times, September 30, 2006.
Pampered Prima Donna. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell,
Chuck Harder, For the People, September
29, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed John Murtha
Drudge Report, September 29, 2006.
Sen. Clinton: Incalculable
Damage Done to Our Country, by Randy Hall. Drudge Linked to Story
Investor's Radio Network, The Stock Doctor,
September 29, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed Ford and unions
Air America, The Thom Hartmann Show,
September 29, 2006. Editor-in-Chief discussed the new terrorist torture law
FrontPage Magazine, September 28, 2006.
The Media vs. The War on Terror, by Rich Noyes. Executive summary of the MRC
Study, The Media vs. The War on Terror
KSFO, San Francisco, CA, September 27, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed gas prices
Manufacturers' Blog, September 27, 2006.
Indefatigable Inhofe Takes on Media Hype, by Carter Wood. “As
if to prove Inhofe's point, a day later ABC's Good Morning America hauled out
its best hype-steria. Now, we don't watch the show since Katie Couric left, but
Newsbusters keeps track of it for us.”
MSNBC, MSNBC Live, September 27, 2006. MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed his study, The
Media vs. The War on Terror
Ringside Politics, September 27, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Bill Clinton
The Robert Mangino Show, September 27, 2006.
Editor-in-Chief David Thibault discussed hi-tech voting fears
Human Events, September 26, 2006.
The Immigration Story That's Not Written,
by Rep. Lamar Smith. Quotes the MRC Immigration Study. “A report by the Media Research
Center (MRC) reveals that the three major broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS,
have greatly skewed the immigration story.”
KARN, The Dave Elswick Show, September
26, 2006. Editor-in-Chief David Thibault discussed
Generals attacking Rumsfeld
The Michael Dresser Show, September 26, 2006. Editor-in-Chief discussed a study on the living wage lowering
MSNBC, Scarborough Country, September
26, 2006. MRC
President Brent Bozell discussed South Park's treatment of Islam vs.
National Review Online, September 25, 2006.
"Wag the Dog?" Don't Blame Conservatives, by Stephen Spruiell. Cites the MRC.
“The conservative Media Research Council NOTED that "every network did raise the
"Wag the Dog" scenario."”
US Senate Committee on Environment and Public
Works, September 25, 2006.
“Hot & Cold Media Spin: A Challenge To Journalists Who Cover Global Warming”
, by Sen. James Inhofe. Mentioned BMI Study, Fire & Ice, in speech on the floor
of the US Senate. “Much of the 100-year media history on climate change that I
have documented here today can be found in a publication titled “Fire and Ice”
from the Business and Media Institute.”
American Spectator, September 24, 2006.
Equal Parts Doom and Gloom.
Article by BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the media's coverage of the economy
Sun-Times, September 24, 2006.
CNN Talking Head's Conspiracy Theory Runs Out of Gas. Op-Ed by BMI Director
Dan Gainor
Tribune-Review, September 24, 2006.
Media's 'Victim Religion'. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell.
September 27, 2006. MRC
Research Director Rich Noyes discussed leaks of classified material
and the role of the news media
CNN, Paula Zahn Now, September 22, 2006.
BMI Director Dan Gainor
discussed the decline in gas prices
Human Events, September 22, 2006.
Robert Greenwald Sells Iraq Propaganda, Op-Ed by BMI Deputy Editor Amy
Thom Hartmann Show, September 21, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Meredith Vieira taking Katie
Couric's spot on the Today Show
WMET, Washington, DC, September 21, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed the media's coverage of the Pope.
American Family Radio, September 20, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed the new NBC show, Studio 60
Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada, September 20, 2006.
Why NBC Sliced Bob the Tomato, by Terry Mattingly. Quotes MRC President
Brent Bozell. "NBC has taken the very essence of VeggieTales -- and
ripped it out. It's like Gunsmoke without the guns, or Monday Night
Football without the football," argued L. Brent Bozell III of the Media
Research Center.
Human Events, September 20,
New Conspiracy Theory: Cheaper Gas, Op-Ed by BMI Director Dan Gainor
KOGO, San Diego, CA, September 20, 2006.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed this week's bias
KTSA, San Antonio, TX, September 20, 2006.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed the decline in gas prices
Scripps Howard News Service, September 20, 2006.
When Does Bob the Tomato Cross the Religion Divide? by Terry Mattingly.
Quotes MRC President Brent Bozell.
"NBC has taken the
very essence of 'VeggieTales' _ and ripped it out. It's like 'Gunsmoke' without
the guns, or 'Monday Night Football' without the football," argued L. Brent
Bozell III of the Media Research Center.
WCLO, Stan Milam Show, Janesville, WI, September 20, 2006.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed the decline in gas prices
MSNBC, Scarborough Country, September 19, 2006.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed the media's criticism of the Pope's speech
on Islam and other media bias
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, September 19, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's top stories
Stan Milam Show, September 19, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Chicago's 'Living Wage'
WIBA, Upfront with Vicki McKenna, Madison, WI, September
19, 2006. BMI Deputy
Editor Amy Menefee discussed the decline in gas prices
Chattanooga Times
Free Press, September 18, 2006.
Skewed Terrorism Coverage.
Op-Ed quotes the MRC study, Media vs. The War on Terror
PR Week, September 18, 2006.
ABC Takes Questionable Path with '9/11' by Randi
Schmelzer. Quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. “But that strategy had its
successes. L. Brent Bozell, founder of 'liberal media watch-dog' organization
Media Research Center, praised the film in a syndicated column and appeared on
radio to applaud ABC.”
TalkStar Radio Network, For the People, September 18,
2006. Senior Staff Writer Jeff Johnson discussed
states suing the EPA over global warming
WDUN, Joel Williams Show, Atlanta, GA, September 18, 2006. Senior Staff Writer Jeff Johnson discussed Rosie O'Donnell calling
Christians terrorists on "The View"
Tribune-Review, September 17, 2006.
Clinton's Cleanup Crew. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
The Washington Times, September 17, 2006.
Foiled Oil Plot Theory. Op-Ed by BMI Director Dan Gainor
Telegram & Gazette, September 17, 2006.
Safer Since 9-11? You Bet We Are, by Robert Z. Nemeth. Quotes the MRC's
Media vs. War on Terror study. “A recent study by the
Media Research Center is an eye-opener. Its recent review of all CBS, ABC and
NBC evening news segments, a total of 496 reports, on three major aspects of the
war — the Patriot Act, the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, and the NSA surveillance —
found most of the reports presented those measures as legal atrocities with
little or no security value.”
- September 8, 2006, Wall Street
Asking the wrong questions. Op-Ed
on the MRC's study on the Media vs. The War on Terror. "According to a new study
by the Media Research Center (MRC), in fact, TV coverage of the domestic War on
Terror has focused most intently not on the threat to our lives but on alleged
threats to civil liberties."
- September 8, 2006, KDKA, Pittsburgh, PA.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed the ABC mini-series, "The
Path to 9/11"
- September 8, 2006, Lars Larson Show.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed the ABC mini-series, "The
Path to 9/11"
- September 8, 2006, Mike Gallagher Show.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed the ABC mini-series, "The
Path to 9/11"
- September 8, 2006, WABC, New York, NY.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed the ABC mini-series, "The
Path to 9/11"
- September 8, 2006, CNN, Showbiz Tonight.
MRC Director of Media Analysis discussed the ABC
mini-series, "The Path to 9/11"
- September 8, 2006, Fox News Channel, Your World with Neil Cavuto.
MRC Director of Media Analysis discussed the ABC mini-series, "The Path to 9/11"
- September 8, 2006, Drudge Report.
Chris Matthews: Plame Report to Complicated to Cover Now. Links to NewsBusters
- September 8, 2006, Hot Air.
Matthews tells Newsbusters Plamegate’s too "complicated" to follow now,
Posted by Allahpundit. Links to NewsBusters story
- September 8, 2006, Fox News Channel, Fox and Friends.
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared on Fox &
- September 7, 2006,
Shooting the
Messenger: Mixed reviews on Couric's Debut as CBS Anchor
by Adam Christian. Links to the MRC's report on Katie Couric
- September 7, 2006, Michelle Malkin.
Revising "The Path to 9/11", by
Michelle Malkin. Links to NewsBusters story
- September 7, 2006, E! Online.
ABC's "Path to 9/11" Treads on Clintonites' Feelings,
by Josh Grossberg. "Both Clinton and Bush officials come under fire, and if it
seems more anti-Clinton, that's only because they were in office a lot longer
than Team Bush before 9/11," said L. Brent Bozell, president of the conservative
Media Research Center, who saw a preview of the miniseries. "
- September 7, 2006, Newsday.
Switching Allegiances, by Glenn
Thrush. "Two years ago, she [Hillary] advised Brock on creating the group,
encouraging the creation of a liberal equivalent of the Media Research Center, a
conservative group that has aggravated Democrats for decades."
- September 6, 2006, Washington Times.
Couric Takes Center Stage at CBS,
by Jennifer Harper. Quoted MRC Research Director Rich Noyes. ""It was wise for
them to appear with Katie Couric," said Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center
yesterday. "If there is any unbalance in the coverage, no one can accuse
conservatives of not cooperating."
- September 6, 2006, MSNBC, Scarborough Country.
MRC President Brent Bozell discussed "Path to 9/11"
- September 6, 2006,
A Time to Cuss, by Kathleen
Parker. Mentions the MRC. "Protecting the public airwaves is a worthy battle,
which organizations such as the American Family Association, the Parents
Television Council and the Media Research Center fight with passion, and for
little appreciation." This article also appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer Press,
Duluth News Tribune, The Wichita Eagle and The Biloxi Sun Herald.
- September 6, 2006, The Right Balance. Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel discussed the week's top stories
- September 5, 2006, Christian Science Monitor.
Evening News' Trump Card: Katie
Couric, by Gloria Goodale. Quotes MRC
President Brent Bozell. "CBS missed a prime opportunity to turn over a new leaf,
says Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, a watchdog group in
Alexandria, Va., dedicated to ferreting out liberal bias in the media, citing
dozens of on-air examples of such bias."
- September 5, 2006, Agape Press.
Commentary & News Briefs, by Jenni
Parker. Quoted MRC's study on immigration. "...A conservative media watchdog
organization has released a new study that shows the mainstream media's
overwhelming pro-illegal alien bias in its coverage of the massive street
protests of U.S. immigration policy and proposed reforms during the spring."
- September 5, 2006, WBAL, Baltimore, MD.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed Baltimore's global warming plans
- September 4, 2006, Washington Times.
Couric Set for CBS Debut Amid Much Hype and Hoopla,
by Jennifer Harper. Quotes MRC Research Director Rich Noyes. ""The question is
whether she pushes that agenda. No matter how cute or perky, she can still lose
viewers who don't want their news skewed," said research director Rich Noyes."
- September 4, 2006, Buffalo News.
Blogosphere focuses on Couric
, by
Greg Connors. ", whose mission is "exposing and combating liberal
media bias," will be scrutinizing Couric's debut, as it does all national
broadcast TV, through a skeptical lens."
- September 3, 2006, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Illegals & Media's Abstract Reality. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
- September 2, 2006, Wall Street Journal.
Incomes and Politics (Link unavailable). Op-Ed.
"Some of our readers may not recall all of the front-page articles and
editorials assailing the inequality in the 1990s. That's because there weren't
many in contrast to the current spate, as the Media Research Center has
- September 1, 2006, American Spectator.
The Full Murtha by David Holman. Quotes
article. "When Cybercast News Service questioned Murtha's Purple Hearts from the
Vietnam War, his spokeswoman said, 'We certainly believe that the questions
being raised are an attempt to distract attention from what's happening in
- September 1, 2006, The Right Balance.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Katie Couric
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