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MRC's DisHonor Awards
  Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2003
Thursday, March 18, 2004
The Omni Shoreham Hotel

Fifth Award

Ozzy Osbourne Award
(for the Wackiest Comment)


Cal Thomas & CBS's Lesley Stahl

Host Cal Thomas: “Many conservatives and religious people in this country feel that much of the media, especially the broadcast media, is biased or at least insensitive to their points of view...”
CBS’s Lesley Stahl: “I’m going to attack the premise of the question, because I think today you have broadcast journalists who are avowedly conservative....The voices that are being heard in broadcast media today, are far more -- the ones who are being heard -- are far more likely to be on the right and avowedly so, and therefore, more -- almost stridently so, than what you’re talking about.”
Thomas: “Can you name a conservative journalist at CBS News?”
Stahl: “Well, I don’t know of anybody’s political bias at CBS News. I really think we try very hard to get any opinion that we have out of our stories, and most of our stories are balanced.”
-- Exchange on Fox News Channel’s After Hours with Cal Thomas, January 18, 2003.
NBC's Katie Couric & Senator Bob Graham “I know you keep a running log of your every waking activity. There’s an article in the Style section of the Washington Post this morning. It says you’ve logged 26 years of personal minutiae, filling 4,400 two-by-three inch notebooks, color-coded by season. An example: ‘12:17' -- this is when you made the announcement -- ‘Ascend stage, stumble, regain balance; 12:18: Applause, ‘Where the Streets Have No Name,’ plays (U2); 12:19: Clap, wave; 12:20: Adjust tie (red, white stripes); 12:21: Double thumbs up; 12:22: Sing along with National Anthem, right hand on heart.’ What, what do you do this for?!”
-- Katie Couric to Senator Bob Graham on Today, May 7, 2003 apparently unaware the article she quoted from was a spoof of the presidential candidate’s diary.


And the winner is:

Boston Globe's Charles Pierce “If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.”
-- Charles Pierce in a January 5, 2003 Boston Globe Magazine article. Kopechne drowned while trapped in Kennedy’s submerged car off Chappaquiddick Island in July 1969, an accident Kennedy did not report for several hours. (Audio of Ted Kennedy impersonator reading this quote.)


Jonah Goldberg presenting the
Ozzy Osbourne Award

Laura Ingraham accepting
the award for Charles Pierce



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