Sore Losers Award
(for Refusing to Concede Bush’s Victory in Florida)

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CNN anchor
Paula Zahn: "If Al Gore
had gotten what he wanted, which was a statewide manual recount or a
recount of those four specific counties, George Bush still would
have won. So I wonder, and I’m going to put up on the screen now a
paragraph from your book where you once said, ‘The wrong man was
inaugurated on January 20th, 2001 and this is no small thing in our
nation’s history.’ Do you still agree with what you wrote?"
ABC News legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin: "Oh, absolutely.
I mean, remember this is just about the undervotes and overvotes.
There were thousands of votes that were clearly mistakenly cast.
Democracy is about the intent of the voters...."
— Exchange on CNN after the latest media recount, November 12,
five of our nation’s nine Supreme Court Justices be in prison?
That’s the opinion of famed former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi. He
says the justices who supported George W. Bush in the election
dispute are almost treasonous white-collar criminals. He’ll
explain why. Because all that is right now on Rivera Live."
"It is a scathing indictment of the high court of the United
States, at least these five conservative justices. And I really,
really, I urge law students especially, but anyone who’s
interested in the machinations of the Court, to check this out.
Vince Bugliosi’s The Betrayal of America."
— Start and end of Geraldo Rivera’s interview with Bugliosi,
CNBC’s Rivera Live, June 25, 2001. |
the winner is:
"Nineteen days
after the presidential election, Florida’s Republican
Secretary of State [Katherine Harris] is about to announce the
winner — as she sees it and she decrees it....
"The believed certification — as the Republican Secretary
of State sees it — is coming just hours after a court ordered
deadline for counties to submit their hand count and recount
"She will certify — as she sees it — who gets
Florida’s 25 electoral votes....
"What’s happening here is the certification — as the
Florida Secretary of State sees it and decrees it — is being
"And after this, it will be, at least in the opinion of the
Secretary of State, that the results will be final..."
— Dan Rather during a CBS News Special Report on the
November 26, 2000 official certification of Florida’s vote.
Accepting for Dan Rather....Katherine
Harris |
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