For Immediate Release: Katie Wright (703) 683-5004 - Monday, May 20, 2002
Newsweek Editor Reveals: "The Media Beast Was So
Happy...We All Jumped Up and Down"
Pushing a "Phony, Bogus" Anti-Bush Story
The liberal media are continuing to push the canard they developed last week that President Bush "knew" before September 11 about Osama bin Laden's scheme to hijack jets as a way to make war against the United States - equating a vague briefing about a possible hijacking with some of the worst scandals of the past two generations.
"Every President seems to struggle through a credibility gap at
some stage, such as Richard Nixon with Watergate, Ronald Reagan with
Iran-contra, and Bill Clinton with the Whitewater affair. What did
he know, and when did he know it? Now it's George W. Bush's turn to
answer Washington's favorite question, " Kenneth T. Walsh and
Kevin Whitelaw declared in the May 27 edition of U.S. News &
World Report.
Amid the media hype, there are some good
questions about how effectively U.S. intelligence sifted through all
of the real clues and phony leads last summer. But beginning with
CNN's Judy Woodruff - who on Wednesday's NewsNight
charged that "President Bush knew that al Qaeda was planning to
hijack a U.S. airliner and he knew it before September the
11th" - media bigwigs have oversimplified and exaggerated the
story to put the blame on Bush:
• On Thursday's Good Morning America, ABC's
Charles Gibson promoted the cynical idea that Bush had faked his
shocked reaction. The President's vague August briefing, Gibson
charged, "calls into question what happened when Andy Card,
Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff, that morning went and
whispered in the President's ear, as the President was talking to a
group of school students in Florida. Was the President really
and NBC each began their Thursday evening newscasts with the story,
ratifying its importance: "On World News Tonight, the
White House admits President Bush knew before September that Osama
bin Laden was plotting to hijack planes. Was there enough
information to make a difference?" Peter Jennings rhetorically
• In his book, Mobocracy,
Matthew Robinson exposed the media's practice of using quick and
methodologically-suspect public opinion polls to reinforce the tone
of their coverage. Sure enough, on Thursday evening's NewsNight,
anchor Bill Hemmer showcased a CNN poll echoing the liberal media
spin that Bush had mishandled the "warnings" he received:
"This is only preliminary, it is still early on this
story," Hemmer cautioned, "but when asked, 'Did the Bush
administration act on 9/11 warnings in the proper way,' 41 percent
said yes, 52 percent said no."
• Outgoing
CBS Early Show host Bryant Gumbel on Friday echoed his
brethren by quoting the media's hoary scandal question: "In
light of revelations that the White House had several terrorist
warnings prior to the 9/11 attacks, top Democrats are demanding to
know what the President knew and when he knew it."
• On Saturday's
McLaughlin Group, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift shifted a
portion of the responsibility from al Qaeda's terrorists to the
White House: "What we learned this week is the President is not
entirely blameless" for the death and destruction on September
• On
Sunday's This Week, anchor-designate George Stephanopoulos
wrapped an accusation in a compliment when he said the Bush White
House has "been very careful with their words and, I think for
the most part, the White House has not lied here." For the most
Over the
weekend, Newsweek Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas,
appearing on Inside Washington, dismissed the media's idea
of a Bush scandal as "phony" and "bogus." He
contended that journalists were "so happy to have a scandal
here that we jumped up and down and waved our arms and got all
excited about it." In other words, liberal journalists put
their personal desire for a Bush scandal ahead of accurate
reporting. -- Rich Noyes
& Brent Baker

L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Rich Noyes, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Patrick Gregory, Ken Shepherd, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research Associate;
Liz Swasey, Director of Communications. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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