A compilation of MRC analysis of Chinagate disclosures and what many
media outlets have not covered about Chinese espionage and technology transfers.
Special Reports:
7/6/99: Who Makes or Breaks a Scandal? The Cox Report vs. The Iran-Contra Report
5/14/99: Updated and Revised -- Network Apathy Toward Chinese Contributions and Espionage
Dan Rather Reporting on 1987 Iran-Contra Report vs.
1999 Cox Report.
for more details
8/3/1999: FNC’s Carl Cameron noted delays in sentencing hearings for Huang and Trie. CBS followed up on its 60 Minutes interview with Wen Ho Lee by allowing Congressman Chris Cox to suggest the Clinton administration is making Lee a scapegoat.
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7/30/1999: Two more people identified as Chinese agents will escape prosecution as FNC’s Carl Cameron relayed that "some Justice Department investigators suspect their bosses deliberately dropped the ball to protect the President."
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7/28/1999: FNC’s Carl Cameron outlined how Justice failed to pursue leads in the Chung and Huang cases and "political pressure" is now suppressing pursuit of Trie’s charge that top Democrats "knew he was receiving illegal foreign contributions."
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6/30/1999: FNC's Carl Cameron surprised the Energy Dept. counter-intelligence chief with information. Cameron also uniquely revealed a probe at Defense for abuse of a whistleblower.
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6/9/1999: Only FNC's Carl Cameron picked up on the charge that former Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary personally leaked secret nuclear weapons data to a magazine in 1995 and that Clinton plans to ease export controls on super-computers.
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5/27/1999: FNC's Eric Burns explored how "conservatives suggest that the story [Chinagate] is not being covered for reasons of politics... that there is a liberal bias at the big three networks."
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5/25/1999: FBI wiretaps, FNC's Carl Cameron disclosed, "indicate that President Clinton and China's President Jiang Zemin had agreed on how to spin the story if it got out." Blame "princelings."
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5/19/1999: MRC Chairman Brent Bozell appeared May 18 on the Fox News Channel's O'Reilly Factor to outline how the broadcast networks refuse to cover disclosures in the Chinese espionage scandal. for more details
4/9/1999: FNC put it all together. Carl Cameron outlined how money flowed on a "circuitous" route from Chinese intelligence to a front company to Lippo to John Huang to the DNC. Plus, in 1993 Al Gore met with the "head of Beijing's alleged espionage front."
for more details
New York Times Ad:
5/16/1999: MRC's full page ad urging the networks to cover Chinagate.

Media Reality Check fax reports:
7/28/99: FNC,
New York Times Expose Again the Absence of Big TV Bloodhounds on China-DNC Money Trail -- Too Busy Laying Bouquets at JFK's Door?
7/8/99: Who Makes or Breaks a Scandal? New Report Shows the Networks Which Forwarded Iran-Contra Lectures Dismissed the Cox Report
6/30/99: What If Clinton Knew of Espionage in '95?
6/24/99: There's No One But Fox to Follow Up Cox -- While the Other Networks Air Almost Nothing, FNC's Carl Cameron is Developing Chinagate Scoops
6/2/99: The Cox Report, a One-Day Story? Yes -- In the Midst of Days of Network Silence, CNN's Media-Review Show Insisted Espionage is Overcovered
5/6/99: If Only The Chinese Wore Trench Coats...
4/19/99: TV's Stonewall of China Continues -- Energy Department Misleads Congress, Delays Release of Report to the Public, But Where Are the Nets?
4/8/99: Broadcast Blackout on Beijing Bombshell
3/17/99: Which Beret to Wear During Incineration? Potential Chinese Warhead Threat Gets Less Morning and Evening Coverage Than the Monica Book
6/12/98: Where Are
Nightline's Investigative Resources Now That Clinton's Charged with Dangerous Exports? Will Koppel Let Clinton Get Away With It?
6/4/98: Chinagate by U.S. News & World Rebuttal -- Clinton's Gift of Loral Missile Expertise Rationalized Away In Magazine's Belated First Stories

6/1/99: News Magazines: Cox Report Close to "Hysteria" and Fuels "Extremists"

newsletter articles:
5/17/99: Review: Big Three Ignore Proof Clinton Lied on China Spying
4/19/99: Study: Networks Continue to Avoid Major Print Scoops -- What Proof of a
DNC-China Connection?
4/19/99: On the Bright Side: FNC Shows Chung's China Money Flow
3/22/99: Page One: No "Moving On" to Chinese Espionage -- Stolen Bomb Secrets Draw Less TV News Than Monica's Book
3/22/99: On the Bright Side: Lou Dobbs Goes to Los Alamos
12/14/98: On the Bright Side: 20/20 Tackles Missilegate
11/2/98: Page Four: Is Sex the Only Scandal? TV Still AWOL on Missile Technology
7/13/98: Analysis: TV Still Spiking Fundraising, Missile Scoops -- When in China, Skip China Scandals
6/29/98: Page One: Keeping Quiet on Clinton's China Trip -- Networks Provide Silence on Fundraising, Missile Scoops
6/15/98: Study: Networks Prefer Monica News to Missile News -- Chinese Missiles Aren't Very Sexy
6/1/98: Page One: Clinton's Strategic Defense Imbroglio -- TV, Print Outlets Slow to Recognize China Missile Scoop
5/4/98: On the Bright Side: Fox News Channel on China

MRC Op-Eds:
7/6/1999: Networks Cover Pro Wrestling Over Chinese Espionage -- The Wall Street Journal
5/19/1999: Darth Vader vs. Johnny Chung -- The Washington Times

Columns by MRC Chairman
5/27/99: Cox Report: Dissed and Dismissed
4/8/99: Networks Protect Democrats Instead of America
6/11/98: Monica Trumps Missiles Every Time
4/17/98: Clinton's Peculiar Arms Control Methods

Newspaper story:
5/10/99: TV's Blackout on China Spying: Big Three Networks Bypass Blockbuster Scandal -- from
Investor's Business Daily
