Coverage of the Candidates
Reports NYT Had to Correct Clymer’s Cheney Hit Piece
The New York Times
reporter who Hillary Clinton says "is a superb, fair-minded
reporter" but whom Bush called a "major league ass****" for
his bias, was the subject of a Special Report with Brit Hume
segment that appears to support Bush’s claims.
Media Quote of the
Find out why Tuesday’s
award for most biased media quote goes to CBS’s Dan Rather.
USA Today
Reports Stars in SUVs Line Up for Hillary
USA Today reported on
what could not, by any measure, be deemed a mainstream campaign event in
support of Hillary Clinton’s senate race.
Clift on
Hillary Campaign Letter: "That’s Not Lying"
A letter from the Hillary
Clinton for Senate campaign urged supporters to defend her in the media
against charges of anti-Semitism but specifically requested supporters
identify themselves as mere "concerned citizens" not acting at
the campaign’s urging. Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift, predictably,
came to Hillary’s defense.
NBC Reveals
It Knew About Hillary’s Slur Since Last Year
The silence of ABC — not even
mentioning the hot story Tuesday night — was bad, but nothing compared
to that of NBC which, Andrea Mitchell let slip on NBC Nightly News,
decided to forego the story of Hillary’s racial slur back in 1999.
News Redefines "Sexist"
On CNN Late Editon, U.S.
News & World Report’s Steve Roberts (husband of Cokie Roberts)
claims being anti-Hillary is being sexist.
U.S. News
Highlights Pro-Hillary Book
A U.S. News & World
Report writer highlights how a "new book says Giuliani has
thuggish family ties" but offers no labels for the far-left author,
even though it did not don such kid gloves earlier in reporting on
pro-Bill Clinton books.
Early Show
Contributes First Hour to Hillary’s Campaign
CBS’s Early Show, dead
last in the morning show ratings war, managed to spend its first 45
broadcast minutes Wednesday with First Lady Hillary Clinton and still not
break any news.
Rather Votes for Hillary
On the CBS Evening News
Thursday, anchor Dan Rather passed along news that Hillary Clinton will
not be indicted over the Travel Office firings "that happened just
when the Clintons were coming into office." Since when is First Lady
an elected office?
Couric on Hillary: "Can You Really Pretend to Understand?"
On the Wednesday, June 6 Today show, NBCs
Couric interviewed Laura Ingraham, author of The Hillary Trap: Looking
for Power in All the Wrong Places, portraying Hillary as a victim of
how people like Ingraham project onto her their views of the role of
If you thought George W. Bush had a corner
on the word, think again. In an appearance on HBOs Dennis Miller
Live on Friday June 2 to plug a new movie, actress Christine Lahti,
who recently played a doctor on CBSs Chicago Hope, proclaimed of
Hillary: "I really think she is...compassionate about all people, and
I think shes a true, earnest public servant."
Liasson: Hillarys No Ted Kennedy
White House correspondent Mara
Liasson decries Hillarys "conservative" views.
Totenberg on "Intestinal Animus" Towards Hillary
Nina Totenberg reveals on Inside
Washington she just doesnt get it.
Pro-Abortion Gingrich Clone?
Reporters cover all bases in covering
Long Island congressmans entry into the New York Senate race Giuliani
ABC Swift to Scold Lazio
Over the weekend, CBSs Bob
Schieffer upset by "what this campaigns going to be about"
while ABCs Cokie Roberts label Lazio "nasty."
Roberts Asks Weekends Dumbest Question
Catch the query she posed to NY Senate
candidate Rick Lazio on Sunday.
Use Rudy to Benefit Clinton
In their May 22 editions,
Newsweek, U.S.News and Time all use the alleged infidelity
of Rudy Giuliani to defend Bill Clinton.
News: "Together Again, Bill and Hillary"
During the May 17 NBC News
In Depth story about Hillarys acceptance of the NY State
Democratic Party Nomination, reporter Andrea Mitchell said, without irony,
that Hillary accepted it with "her loyal husband at her side."
"Top Ten Hillary Clinton Campaign Slogans"
... from the comics May 17
"Top Ten Signs Mayor Giuliani Is In Love With You"
... from the comics May 11
Todays Leftist Hillary Town Meeting
The hour-long gab-fest on Thursday
5/11 featured 15 audience questions, 73% of which came at the First Lady
from the Left or Far Left.
"Poor Hillary" May Get Tougher Opponent
NBC Newss Andrea Mitchell
speculated on the May 10 Nightly News that "if Giuliani drops out,
Mrs. Clinton could face an even tougher opponent: New Yorks popular
Governor George Pataki."
Donate Air Time to Liberal "Town Meetings"
NBCs Today show will
donate its first full hour on Thursday 5/11 to a "town meeting"
with Hillary Rodham Clinton, while over on ABC the next morning, Good
Morning America will return to the White House for a broadcast devoted
to gun control in honor of the "Million" Mom March" (in
which "tens of thousands" are expect to participate).
Snyderman Reveals Hillary Was Her Lawyer
On the May 1 edition of ABCs
Good Morning America, medical reporter Nancy Snyderman lets slip
her 1988 affiliation with the First Lady/Senate candidate.
News on Hillarys
Hunting Heritage
Paul Bedard of U.S. News
& World Report relays how even aides laughed out loud at
Hillarys most recent claim to be "just like you," made to an
audience of hunters in vote-rich upstate New York.
Fake Hillary Town Meeting
Promoted as a Town
Meeting, CNNs Hillary Clinton special was more of an infomercial. On
the 4/26 edition of Inside Politics, CNNs Bernard Shaw asked colleague
Wolf Blitzer about the program, but Blitzer failed to mention that all
audience questions were pre-screened.
Trumpets "Right-Wing Venom Machine"
In interviewing President
Clinton on his wife's candidacy for the New York senate seat, CBS anchor Dan
Rather gives credence to the liberals latest version of the VRWC out to
"get" them.
to Authors: Did You Find Hillarys VRWC?
co-host Matt Lauer reminds viewers: "First Lady Hillary Rodham
Clinton appeared on the Today show back in January of 1998 just after the
name Monica Lewinsky had surfaced in the Paula Jones investigation"
and plays that infamous soundbite from Hillary Clinton. Now, Lauer
introduces his March 31 Today show guests: "Well, guess what,
two writers took up that challenge and are out with a new book...you went
out looking for that vast right wing conspiracy. Did you find it?"
Pounces on Pro-Hillary Poll
It appears anchor Dan
Rather only reports on polls with findings he likes....
Makes The Case Against Peggy Noonan
Network stars sure dont like Peggy
Noonans new book, The Case Against Hillary Clinton. CNNs
Bernie Shaw is flabbergasted, while CBSs Jane Clayson tries to dismiss
Noonans work as "Democrat bashing" by a "Republican
Mute on Dem. House Members Hollywood Fundraising
The Washington Post
reports "Kevin Spacey, the wisecracking Academy Award nominee known
for playing a murderer and a pot smoker, does not have much in common with
the rather strait-laced Richard A. Gephardt, except for this: Both men are
pushing hard for the Democratic Party to regain control of the
House." TV news has yet to pick up the story, apparently loathe to
report on what is already record-breaking fundraising by Democrats from
Hollywoods ultra-liberal elites.
in Prime Time: NBCs Third Watch Bashes Hill-Bill
In a surprising move, the
NBC entertainment show featuring NYC police and paramedics working the
late-shift, Third Watch, placed its characters behind the scenes at
an imaginary Rudy-Hillary event where they spent some time bashing the
candidates husband.
Muses about Clinton "Third Term"
While many political observers
see Hillarys campaign for the Senate seat as, in part, a referendum on
the Clinton presidency, CBSs Early Show co-host Bryant Gumbel
asks a pollster to predict presidential poll outcomes if Bill Clinton were
among the candidates.
to Hillary: What About Grocery Shopping?
The Lifetime cable network debuted a new talk-show
co-produced by ABC News, Lifetime Live. First guest: Hillary
Clinton. Among the probing questions, a discussion of the candidates
grocery shopping experience.
Judge Judy on Hillary
On the 2/25 Tonight Show appearance, Judge Judy Sheindlin rendered
a verdict on the Hillary Clinton campaign.
"Enchanted" by Hillary
In a 2/14 New York Observer opinion piece, Nina Burleigh (formerly of Time)
laments, "Youve Changed, Hill."
to Hillary
In the 2/14 edition, Newsweeks
Debra Rosenberg sought to give Hillary a record of accomplishment.
Hostile to Religion?
Dueling pundits on 2/12, with NBCs Andrea Mitchell claiming its Rudy
whos hostile towards religion and National Reviews Kate OBeirne
taking the alternate position on CNN.
Condemned Questions as
"Below the Belt"
CBS News Early Show correspondents
huffed on 1/20 about questions asked of Hillary including marriage,
fidelity, and use of pot or cocaine that they deemed "below the
belt," even asking "What does all that have to do with being a
Senator...?" Yet the same "below the belt" questions are
above board when posed to other candidates.
Should Hillary Hate the Press?
After all, reporters praised her stunt on
the Late Show with David Letterman show, protested her treatment at
the hands of a local interviewer, and all but censored her meeting with
racist demagogue Al Sharpton. Read the 1/20 Campaign 2000 Media Reality
Check newsletter.
News: Donors
Give to Hillary to Influence President
In the 1/24 issue, U.S. News & World
Report magazines investigative reporters found that "in her
race for the New York Senate...the First Lady has tapped White House
connections time and again for contributions and support...".
Cant Get a Hillary Story Straight
With less than 50% of New Yorkers holding a
favorable opinion of her, Hillary Clinton caved to pressure by comedian
David Letterman to appear on his popular NYC-based show 1/12. After
praising her, the media on 1/13 speculated whether she cheated on the hosts
"pop quiz."
Minutes II Said Giuliani Nasty
Not satisfied with that slamming of the NYC
Mayor, in the 60 Minutes II profile that ran 1/4, CBS News Anchor
and Managing Editor, Dan Rather highlighted reports of Giuliani as an
Battles the Conspiracy
ABC News fired reporter Bob
Zelnick for writing a Gore book and fired conservative commentator Bill
Kristol while keeping his liberal counterpart, but has no problem with its
own "legal analyst" Jeffrey Toobin publishing a book that
concludes Hillarys conspiracy theory was right.
Gail Sheehys
Unlimited Access
Syndicated column by L. Brent Bozell.
Media Fail to Report on Hillarys Failed Left Hook, Did it Really Miss?
Hillarys swipe at Rudy Giuliani was an
attack from the left on his homeless program, but the 1/12 Late Show
with David Letterman audience didnt laugh, so the press passed on
reporting this ideological indicator.
Seeking Silence on Hillary
Syndicated column by L. Brent Bozell.
Convention Coverage
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