
Third Quarter 2000
- Newsweek’s Evan Thomas:
Ashcroft nomination "a sop...to buy off the wing nuts."
- Al Hunt denounced Bush tax cut
as "dangerously big."
- Dan Rather: "That ruling by the predominantly Republican U.S. Supreme Court in effect made George Bush the
- Pierre
Salinger, former ABC News correspondent, promised "If Bush wins, I’m going to leave the country."
- Hillary, Our Favorite Author?
- CBS and ABC highlighted vitriolic liberal opposition to Bush’s pick of John Ashcroft for Attorney General.
- Network reporters hit Bush from the left in press conference.
- Dan Rather
scolded Bush: "Is talk of a recession responsible?"
- Words seldom, if ever, heard before from a network reporter: "Reagan’s big across-the-board tax cut helped pull the economy out of recession."
- ABC’s Carole
Simpson attacked Clarence Thomas.
- Contrary to media reports,
Virginia Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas, "has not been receiving resumes."
- Millionaire actress Sarah Jessica
Parker "worried about the kind of cuts" Bush "might make in domestic programs that mean something to...people in my family who depend on certain things from the
- Letterman’s "Top Ten Questions George W. Bush Asked President Clinton."
- No Pardons In The Rose Garden
- ABC, CBS put burden on Bush for black aversion to
- FNC’s Brit Hume
reported on Philadelphia voting "irregularities."
- ABC and NBC pointed out how Bush’s Treasury Secretary nominee, Paul O’Neill, backed raising energy taxes.
- Spin you won’t hear on other networks. Fred Barnes on
FNC: "You have a Secretary of State who opposed...Desert Storm.
- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer characterized Republicans opposed to gun control, affirmative action and abortion as "the far
- "Democrats howled...
[over] Gingrich's book deal," CNN’s Brooks Jackson reminded, noting
the silence over Hillary’s.
- Letterman’s "Top Ten Chapter Titles In Hillary Clinton's New Book."
- CNN’s
Judy Woodruff seriously wondered: "Will Bush have as rough a
time" with the media as did Bill Clinton?
- Dan
Rather tossed softballs and questions matching the Democratic spin to
Bill Clinton in his 60 Minutes II interview...
- CBS portrayed Bush’s AG pick as measure "of how willing
George Bush is to break with conservatives."
- Chris
Matthews argued that Bush must give Tom Ridge and Christie Whitman
prominent posts.
- West Wing creator/writer Aaron Sorkin on the impact of Bush’s victory on his show: "I hope we’re a real pain in the ass."
- Who Will Carry the Democrats in 2004?
- Nets
Neuter Newt, Puff and Enrich Hillary
- CNN’s
Bernard Shaw to Gore aide Roy Neel: "...how
many times did Al Gore cry?"
- Face
the Nation hosts pounded away at Dick Cheney, pressing the winner
to embrace Democratic policies.
- Bush
should "use DeLay’s extremism and general awfulness...as a foil," argued Newsweek’s Evan
- Dan
Rather: "Stress cracks are forming...over Bush's plans for a big across-the-board tax
- Gumbel
to McCain: "Would you advise...George Bush...to look to the centrist coalition rather than to the
conservative agenda of the extremes of his own party?"
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Items on George W. Bush's To-Do List."
- "A
typical Bush work day begins early and ends early," criticized ABC’s Dean Reynolds.
of Tom DeLay, aka "THE HAMMER," warned a wanted poster-like graphic on the CBS Evening News.
Gumbel complained Bush wasn’t gracious enough to Gore.
- Dan
Rather misquotes Central Park statue.
- Washington
Post's Sally Quinn seriously forwarded the notion that Al
Gore is a WWJD man.
- Tom
Talks Trash; Brokaw's Boasts of Balance are Empty. Read the op-ed by
MRC's Director of Media Analysis, as it appears on today's National
Review Online. Web
"Sets the Table" for Bush with Jesse Jackson Conspiracy
- Conservatives
as impediments to George Bush.
- Brokaw’s
first question to John McCain after Bush address.
- Dan Rather
"What is it that you can make us think that things will be better
with Republicans in charge...?"
- ABC’s Sam Donaldson
claimed Gore’s "greatest contribution" was global warming
gushed over Gore’s speech:
"remarkably statesmanlike... at
times bordering on nobility of expression...."
- Dan
Rather discredited Bush’s victory in opening the CBS Evening News:
the "politically and ideologically
motivated U.S. Supreme Court...handed the presidency to Bush."
on the Supreme Court.
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Headlines We’re Likely to See in the Next Four Years."
- ABC:
"The Loser Might Be the Rule of Law"
- Dan
Rather: "What it does not do is in effect deliver the presidency
to George Bush."
- Rather
said ruling "absolutely stunning, if not stupefying."
- Sam
Donaldson warned:
"It will not be accepted with any sort of feeling that the court
has rendered a just and fair verdict."
- CNN’s
Bernard Show assumed the court did something wrong.
- The
burden is not on Gore but Bush "to change his
tone," according to NBC’s omnipresent
Doris Kearns Goodwin.
- "So
where could judicial independence collide with personal experience?
First, political debts, most famously, say critics, Clarence Thomas,
plucked from relative obscurity by George W. Bush’s father."
- Good
Court, Bad Court
- Dan
Rather referred to a "surprising, some say
astonishing, 5-4 order."
- ABC’s
Charlie Gibson declared: "Perhaps no one decision has sparked
more anger and more division...."
- CBS, NBC looked at the two likely "swing
votes" on the Court.
- CBS’s
Jim Axelrod charged Republicans hope "the high court can...spare them looking like legislative bullies
ram-rodding their choice into the Oval Office."
- ABC’s
Terry Moran casts contest as "'rules' vs. 'fairness.'"
- Audience
member on GMA: "What gives the Supreme Court the
right to say that the votes shouldn't be counted?
- By
ten points the public now favors Bush for President, according to a
CBS News poll.
- In
Lockstep, Reporters Flay Supreme Court Stay
- Ruining
the Media's Upside-Down Cake; The Press Can Only Drive a Story So Far.
Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears on today's National Review Online. Web
- George
Stephanopoulos accused the U.S. Supreme Court of jumping "right
into the middle of a political dispute in a way that will hand the
election to the party of the person that appointed them."
News anchor John Roberts: "Some people have suggested that the
court has shown itself to be nothing more than a political entity...."
- The
Florida Supreme Court’s 4-3 ruling was not "split" or
"divided" according to New York Times and Washington
Post headlines, but their headlines the next day
applied those caveats to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling.
NBC Nightly News devoted a story to how blacks in Duval County
have "a lingering question: what happened to their votes?"
- All
four reporters on Inside Washington and Capital Gang
favored the Florida over the U.S. Supreme Court.
- To
CBS News, a 4 to 3 decision by the Florida Supreme Court was just a 4
to 3 decision, but the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 stay order
reflected "a sharply divided Supreme Court" which
"jumped into the battle for the White House....
- Friday
night the networks didn’t apply a liberal label to the Florida
justices, but on Saturday they made sure viewers realized
"conservatives" were behind the stay order.
- Dan
Rather refused to apply a partisan label to either the
Florida Supreme Court or the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, but
insisted the Supreme Court "has a majority of Republican-
appointed justices."
- Sam
Donaldson warns "If the Republicans complain that this was a
Democratic court in Florida, that’s a little dangerous...."
- Chief
Justice Charles Wells delivered a blistering dissent about a "constitutional
crisis" the CBS Evening News ignored.
- Only NBC’s Lisa Myers quoted how the Constitution says
"each state shall appoint in such manner as the legislature
...may direct, a number of electors."
- Anchors characterized the court decision
-- "earthquake," "dramatic and historic
turn," a "political death sentence."
- ABC’s Peter Jennings
seemed to
suggest Judge Sanders Sauls ruled the wrong way.
- CBS’s
Byron Pitts: "They really went after Al Gore’s man -- early and
focused on how Tallahassee reporters "are listening to
Republicans call the session," to name electors, "statesmanship, not gamesmanship. Listening, if not quite
- Geraldo
protested the Florida legislature "is
throwing dirt in the face of everyone concerned with the validity of
the Florida ballot."
- ABC’s Jami
Floyd said Gore'a team had "James Bond moment."
- "Katie
Couric's sister Emily, a
Virginia state Senator, insisted "I
believe that most people in their hearts are Democrats."
- Gore refused to do an interview with Fox
- Dan
Rather’s "Danisms" were based on life experiences.
- Bill
Clinton, Dan Rather noted, wants to repeal the presidential term
limit. President Bill Clinton in 2004?
- Jack
Ford Finds It "Difficult" to See Politics in Florida
- It’s
Never Crybaby Time For Gore.
- David
Bloom thundered on NBC Nightly News: The Florida legislature
"brought down the hammer tonight...to take the decision away from
the people."
adopted the language of Seminole County plaintiffs: "Republican operatives were allowed to alter absentee ballot
- Though
conservatives see Hillary Clinton as "a symbol of an
administration they despise," ABC’s Linda Douglass maintained
"her aides believe she will win them over with hard work and,
most importantly, with deference...."
- Bryant
Gumbel played "what if" with Michael Dukakis about what would
have happened had he won in 1988.
- NBC’s
Today gave the Miami Herald’s Tom Fiedler a platform to expound that Bush should show
- "I
agree" said Geraldo Rivera to Alan Dershowitz’s demand that
"we not have a honeymoon" for the Bush presidency.
- "Conservatives
to Lead Senate" declared the top of the front page New York
Times headline.
- Gore’s
loss in Florida was Elian’s fault.
- CBS’s
Scott Pelley pressed George Bush on 60 Minutes II about
naming his brother Jeb the Attorney General.
relayed Gore’s claim that Democrats and Republicans were treated
differently with absentee ballots, but FNC’s Jim Angle reported that
"the local elections supervisor" rejected that.
Nightly News on Hillary Clinton: "It’s a modern fairy
- FNC’s
Brit Hume highlighted how Slate’s Jacob Weisberg undermined
the Miami Herald calculation of a Gore win.
- George
Stephanopoulos and Jonathan Alter offered foreboding predictions about
a strategy to de-legitimize George Bush.
- Gore
has lost Bryant Gumbel and Geraldo Rivera.
- NBC’s
Claire Shipman relayed how Gore’s team is joking about how
"they could always blockade the vice presidential residence or
take off on Air Force Two and refuse to come down."
- Please
Recuse Me... A Fantasy. Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media
Analysis Tim Graham, as it appears on today's National Review Online.
- All three networks led by stressing setbacks
for Gore.
- The
Supreme Court ruled "the judgment of the Supreme Court
of Florida is therefore vacated," but only CBS mentioned the "vacate"
- Dan
Rather warned about "Florida's
Republican-controlled state legislature...."
- Time's
Tamala Edwards urged Gore to fight on.
- FNC's
Brit Hume reported that, according to a Washington Post story,
Boies used reporters at a bar as a sounding board.
- CNN's
Gary Tuchman fed lines to David Boies.
- The Weekly Standard
recalled that ABC's Jeffrey Toobin has
an "underreported connection" with David Boies, who "was
Toobin's personal lawyer in the early 1990s when Toobin sued
Iran-Contra prosecutor Lawrence Walsh."
- Ted
Turner's solution to the election debacle.
- Newsweek
disclosed that while
President of CNN, Rick Kaplan
participated in a Gore debate rehearsal session.
- Results-Oriented
Journalism; Distinguished or narrow-minded? Read the op-ed by MRC’s
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it appears on today’s
National Review Online. Web
- Margaret
Carlson on the Florida legislature picking electors: A Newt
Gingrich-like "Shiite move."
- Veteran
reporters questioned George Bush’s readiness.
- Media
scold Bush for suggesting an economic downturn is underway.
- ABC’s Carole
Simpson asserted "there
is growing evidence that" black "ballots were far more
likely to be discounted than those of white voters."
- The
broadcast networks ignored a Miami Herald story about how at
least 445 felons, 75% of whom were registered Democrats, voted,
but reported a Herald piece speculating about Gore votes.
- Lesley
Stahl goaded Gore on 60 Minutes: "You have to be angry at
what’s happening...."
- Bill
Maher Jokes That America Hoped O.J. Killed Katherine Harris
- Dan
Rather warned the "Republican-dominated legislature is
moving" to give the state’s electors to Bush "no matter
and NBC both highlighted Bush’s response to NBC reporter David
Gregory’s question about being out of touch.
- ABC’s
Mike von Fremd: "Democrats say two Republican
workers committed a felony...."
- "The
fairness and the truth depend on how you look at it," asserted
NBC’s Roger O’Neill.
- CBS’s Eric Engberg
impugned Clarence Thomas's integrity: "He surely remembers that one of the 48 votes against him
was cast by a Senator from Tennessee."
- FNC’s
Brit Hume dissected a Los Angles Times headline which
proclaimed: "Gore Pushes Rush Recount as Bush Stalls."
- Clinton-Gore
operative turned ABC News analyst George Stephanopoulos conceded on Imus
in the Morning that "I think it’s almost impossible for Al
Gore to become President."
- "Those
a------s cost me one of the biggest stories of all time," an
angry Rick Kaplan declared of his former employers at CNN where until
recently he presided....
- Charles
Gibson Trusts Bob Beckel and Al Gore, but Jeb Bush? Forget It
Rather adopted Gore spin by calling court ruling a "roadblock."
- Anchors pressed Gore on
procedure but not legitimacy.
Gore showed marked ignorance of computers, but no network anchor picked up on
- Brokaw
pressed Cheney about legitimacy.
- Fourteen
times as many people think Gore as Bush should concede, a CBS News/New York Times
poll found.
- While
the nets repeated Gore’s "fair and accurate" mantra FNC
look at Broward County canvassing board transcripts, finding "a
process that is anything but fair or accurate...."
- FNC’s
Brit Hume played clips of Rather discrediting FL SoS Harris's
- NBC’s
Titanic Mistake; It wasn’t Heidi this time. Read the op-ed by
MRC’s Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it appears on today’s
National Review Online. Web
- NBC’s
Claire Shipman delivered a fairly tough interview of Gore.
- In
a fit of balance, Today hit both Cheney and
- Jonathan Alter contended Gore has a good
grievance about not enough votes being counted for him.
- Hugging
Hillary. ABC’s Robin Roberts wondered to Hillary: "What was the
moment like...when you knew you had won?"
- Networks
Stumped: Is Al Gore More like a Military Hero or Teen Crush?
- Patience
Is A Very Partisan Thing
Jennings and Rather opened their shows by worrying that time is running out
for Gore.
- CBS hit Jeb Bush with the
Dem attack about "pulling strings behind the scenes."
- Democrats
"trotted out real people" unable to handle proper voting and
CBS and NBC showcased the "victims."
Nightly News spiked its own poll which discovered three times as many
think Bush should be declared the winner.
- Nets
conflict on
Judge Sanders Sauls -- except for conservatism.
- Deconstructing
- Newsweek’s
Fineman Admits the Media Are Coddling Loser Gore
- Ker-Plotz!
The Fox Factor. Read the op-ed by MRC’s Director of Media Analysis
Tim Graham, as it appears on today’s National Review Online.
- Peter Jennings's
post-Gore and post-Bush address statements.
Gore claimed that Miami-Dade "election officials brought the
count to a premature end in the face of organized intimidation."
- Broadcast
network evening shows treated Gore’s contest efforts as a credible
and reasonable effort.
- Dan
Rather's promise of "fair" reporting flopped.
- The
networks have found another "conservative" judge in Florida.
- Only
NBC gave voice to Democrats suggesting it may be time
for Gore to concede.
- An
ABC News poll found a
big majority would consider Bush legitimately elected.
and NBC morning hosts whined about Palm Beach County’s
- Judge
Charles Burton
blamed Democrats for delays.
- Bryant
Gumbel raced to discredit the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Bush
Wins? Not As Democrat Dan Rather Sees It
said Democrat composition of FL court irrelevant to ruling.
- Newsweek’s
Jonathan Alter celebrated court's hand count ruling and denounced how
Republicans "thought they could snow us."
- Newsweek’s
Jonathan Alter found Gore "scored on the PR front."
- Katherine
Harris earned a standing ovation.
- Time’s
Margaret Carlson said Harris is "often compared to Cruella de Vil,
snatching ballots rather than puppies."
- Dennis Miller
recommended Peggy Noonan for President.
- Margaret’s
Flagrant Foul; Feminists Find an Enemy in the Endless Election. Read
the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears on today's National Review Online.
Web Extra
- Judicial
Activism Run Amok
- ABC’s
Diane Sawyer Can’t Spot Non-Votes, but Praises Those Who Can
- Call
It Viewsweek; A thinly disguised sample of The New Republic
with pictures. Read the op-ed by MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim
Graham, as it appears on today’s National Review Online. Web Extra
- Only CBS pointed out
how the justices seemed to favor Gore.
- NBC’s
Jim Avila dismissed GOP complaints.
News poll found most
want hand counts included.
equated votes rejected for different reasons.
- Live
on Bryant Gumbel’s The Early Show someone held up a sign
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Signs Al Gore is Depressed."
- TV
News in Deep Gumbo; Billy Tauzin takes on the media.
Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears on today’s National Review Online.
Jennings reported "only one of the judges is
considered to be a liberal, the rest are regarded as moderate to
and CBS ruled the Bush team fouled.
- Time’s
Jack White compared Katherine Harris unfavorably to the man who leaked
the Bush drunk driving story.
- Al
Hunt slammed Bill Bennett for criticizing Gore strategy.
- CBS Evening News delivered a
one-sided "re-vote" story.
Saturday Night Live: "Among the types of ballots that will
now be counted fore Gore: indented ballots, ballots left completely
blank and ballots marked ‘Bush....’
says Bush
and Gore equally guilty of using "partisans and lawyers to
find the advantage that wins them Florida."
- The
federal appeals court contains Bush- and Clinton-appointed judges, but
CNN’s Judy Woodruff only wondered about recusal of Bush
- Morning shows sympathized with Lieberman
about Katherine Harris to not
certify hand count numbers.
- Bob
Dole wrote an op-ed piece documenting media bias.
- The
Woodstein Myth Is Dead; Corruption Is King.
Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears on today's National Review Online.
- Lynne
and Dick Cheney fought back against ABC.
and NBC ran stories on Rep. Billy Tauzin’s contention that "the
networks may have delayed calling victories in states where Bush was
narrowly ahead to make it appear that Gore was sweeping the
- "He’s
a legend in his own time," NBC’s Tom Brokaw gushed about Gore
lawyer David Boies.
spiked its own national scoop about Palm Beach County.
- Even
a Democratic political consultant sees media bias.
- Slate
Does It Right.
- After
Bush’s address, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos quoted the Gore team.
- Reuters:
Harris is "a cultured citrus heiress with a staunch Republican
reported FL
Supreme Court justices all Democrat appointed.
picked up on charges that Democratic Palm Beach County canvass board
leader Carol Roberts had manipulated ballots.
News/Wall Street Journal poll foundplurality believe Bush won
but most agree with Gore’s request for hand count.
- Through
simple math, the New
York Post discovered Buchanan garnered only 0.79% of Palm
Beach County vote.
- Geraldo rejoiced
at "the seeds of an eventual Al Gore...victory."
- Palm Beach Post complained
about erroneous media coverage.
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Dumb Guys Ways to Solve Presidential Election
- Imagine
This Alternative Media; Another "What If."
Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham,as it
appears on today's National Review Online.
- Gore lawyer David Boies
and Bush lawyer Ted Olsen on Katherine
Harris's deadlines.
- Katie Couric
worried whether Katherine Harris
"will tarnish the results."
- Katie
Couric paraphrased a familiar question: "What
did George W. Bush know and when did he know it?"
- The
networks served the
Democratic effort to discredit Katherine Harris as a partisan hack.
- CBS: "The Gore campaign today
rolled out master litigator David Boies."
- Dan
Rather suggested James Baker unleashed a "fear stick."
- NBC’s
Shipman invoked the Holocaust for the Gore cause.
- A Dateline
NBC poll found some want an election do-over.
gave one sentence to how "Republicans contend that the vote in the
Milwaukee area was tainted by Democratic bribes of cigarettes to
homeless voters."
- Geraldo’s
back in his game....
- Federal
Judge Donald Middlebrooks has contributed to Democrats since the late
1970s, the National Legal and Policy Center disclosed.
News pressuring Bush electors to consider voting for Gore?
- Gore's
Happy Handmaidens; Anything But Objective.
Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears in today's National Review Online.
and NBC obsessed with Katherine Harris.
Matt Lauer asked Bill Daley if Harris's decision could "pass the smell test?"
- Bryant
Gumbel: "If Governor Bush prevails as a result of the imposition
of today's 5pm deadline, would you think his presidency legitimately
- Networks
Don't Pass "Smell Test" on Partisans
and CBS focused on Florida's Republican
Secretary of State but ignored the federal judge who turned down the request to halt
hand-counts and donated to Clinton-Gore.
- Tom
Brokaw denounced a Democratic operative as "nasty,’ but avoided
telling viewers his name.
gave some extended air time to charges that
Gore-Lieberman operatives got homeless men in Milwaukee to vote by
promising them cigarettes.
- Network
polls found people want candidates to stay out of court.
- Dan
Rather signed-off Monday by promising "CBS’s traditional,
fact-driven, play no favorites, pull-no- punches coverage."
Diane Sawyer argued with a Florida electoral board member about the vote submission
- George
Stephanopoulos said the Secretary of State’s announcement
"seems like a real escalation."
- Did
JFK really win the popular vote without regard to any fraud?
- Prominent
reporters refused to tell Slate.com’s Jack Shafer for whom they
voted for President.
- Media
Talking Heads' Pro-Gore Weekend Line
- ABC’s
George Stephanopoulos: "If this race is counted fairly, Al Gore
won more votes in Florida."
- Newsweek’s
Howard Fineman on media reaction to Senator Hillary: "It's gonna
be a media circus up there 24-7."
- SNL’s
Ratherism: "Now in Portland, where the men catch fish and the
fish catch herpes...."
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Signs Your Anchorman is Exhausted...."
- Eleanor
Clift, Margaret Carlson and Al
Hunt rally around Gore decision to pursue hand counts in selected Dem
- Newsweek's Evan Thomas
wondered if Bush is "brave enough" to
"sack the right wing leadership" in Congress.
- Jack
Germond said of allegedly confused older voters, "If they can't figure
it out, get a life...."
- Poll
found 79% say media did not "act responsibly on election night."
- The
McLaughlin Group's predictions for who will take office on January
- Time's
Margaret Carlson made herself her own "Outrage of the Week"
on CNN's Capital Gang.
spotlighted election complaints fueled by Jesse Jackson.
said Gore’s team "using a softer tone" while Bush's a
"harsher tone."
- Dan
Rather, surprisingly, pressed Lieberman about conceding and under what scenarios
the campaign might quit.
and NBC made brief mentions of the charge that Democrats
traded cigarettes for votes in Milwaukee.
- On
Rosie O’Donnell’s TV talk show Alec Baldwin urged Bush to show
"leadership" by requesting a re-vote.
- Full
page ad in the New York Times demanding a re-vote was signed
by Robert DeNiro, James Fallows, Paul Newman, Rosie O’Donnell and
- Al
Gore is up in the popular vote, but CNN’s Brooks Jackson pointed out
that could change in the final tabulation.
- No
Media Skepticism of Fla. Ballot Challengers
- How
Election Night Became a Sit-Com. Read the article by the MRC's Rich Noyes as it appears in the current
issue of Human Events.
- Peter
Jennings asserted of the election: "It is a war out there."
put Gore camp on the moral and tonal high ground.
and NBC put burden on Gore team for escalating rhetoric.
- NBC showcased
a voter who whined: "I was thoroughly confused because my arrows
didn’t line up to my buttons."
Cokie Roberts used the "S" word to describe confused voters.
- Al
Franken on NBC’s Late Night.
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Ways the United States Would Be Different Without a
- "As
nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs." Nope, Dan
Rather didn’t say it, but another network anchor did....
- Morning
and night, networks advanced the Democratic agenda and put the
burden on Bush team to defend not counting improperly filled-out
- In
the midst of Bush’s short-lived victory, Rather reminded viewers of
the drunk driving disclosure.
- "Madder
than a rained on rooster," "shakier than cafeteria
Jell-O," and more Ratherisms.
- Letterman’s
audience booed about Hillary’s win.
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Things Overheard Last Night at the Florida Election
- The
presidential election consumed all but a few seconds of the ABC and
CBS evening shows and nearly all of NBC’s.
- "We’ve
won the election. Whether we get inaugurated is another deal,"
NBC’s Claire Shipman quoted a Gore campaign aide saying about a
popular vote victory.
- The
networks furthered the Democratic team’s effort to undermine the
legitimacy of the Florida vote.
- Differing
recitations of Gore’s concession withdrawal call.
- ABC,
CBS and NBC looked at their bad Florida calls, but none considered the
impact on West coast voting.
- Dan
Rather and Tom Brokaw concluded their newscasts with some deep
thoughts about the election.
- Bryant
Gumbel suggested "scrapping" the Electoral College.
- "I
think the fact that they can say they won that popular vote, I think
they believe will have most of the public on their side," ABC’s
George Stephanopoulos suggested of the Gore spin.
- On NBC,
the Electoral College's "illegitimacy" became the topic of
discussion as soon as the anchor team realized
Gore would win the popular vote but lose in the Electoral College.
- Senator-elect
Hillary: "It’s such a total victory I think for women all over
- Jonathan
Alter Demands Gore Presidency in Spite of Outcome
- What
About the Media Factor?
- TV's
Fright Night; The Media Love It. Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears in today's National Review Online.
- Annoy
the Media, Vote Gore? You better believe there’s a media bias.
Read the op-ed from MRC’s Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears today on National Journal Online. Web
- 92%
of those in editorial/news positions at a major Web site
planned to vote for Gore, not one for Bush.
- Bryant
Gumbel baffled by why Gore, a "better qualified
and more experienced" candidate is not way ahead.
- Dan
Rather revealed the spin he plans to relay.
- The
networks predicted a very close race.
- ABC’s
Peter Jennings opened Monday night with a sour spin.
- Actress
Gillian Anderson on her election eve Tonight Show appearance: "For woman, for children, for seniors...Gore!
let Ross Perot endorse Bush on air, but then dismissed his support as pique at
Gore for beating him on NAFTA.
- Of
the pre-election magazines, only Time noted the NAACP ad.
- Dan
Rather promised "the most accurate presidential election night
returns." Four years ago CBS reported Senator Bob Smith lost
because he’s "very conservative." He’s still a Senator.
- Turn
Out the Lights; Gore's Breaking Media Hearts. Read the op-ed by the MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as
it appears in today's National Review Online. Web
- Vice
President’s Outrageous Rhetoric Is Largely Unrebuked During Campaign’s
Final Hours
- Rosie
O’Donnell played the complete pro-Gore diatribe from Barbra
Streisand, which 20/20 had only shown in part.
- Gumbel posed a tough
question to Al
Gore, recounting how Gore claimed, "I need your help to take this
country back...."
- Gore connected Bush's pledge to appoint
"strict-constructionist" judges to how blacks were once
considered three-fifths a person."
- Latest
poll numbers relayed Sunday night.
- Newsweek's Eleanor Clift opined
Bill Clinton could have used George Bush's excuse to hide the Lewinsky
- Tim
Russert's dream ticket: "McCain-Kerry 2004."
- Al Hunt contended
the press "has let Governor Bush get away with entirely too much."
- Pundit
Prognostications, a complete weekend TV rundown.
- A
former high-profile ABC News reporter announced he'll leave the
country if
Bush wins.
- Too
Kind to Kin? The double standard in using politicians’ kids.
Read the op-ed by MRC’s Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears in today’s National Review Online.
Bust; Lining up behind the Democrats.
Read the op-ed by MRC’s Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appeared today's National Review Online.
- Nets
say drunk
driving disclosure undercut Bush trust message.
- The
real victim of the Bush disclosure: Al Gore.
- Networks
questioned drunk driving leak Tom Connolly, but also gave him time to
contend it’s not a dirty trick if it’s true.
- Friday
night ABC, CBS and NBC all showed Gore mocking Bush, but did not find time
for Perot's Bush endorsement.
- ABC did give Barbra Streisand a forum to defend Clinton,
denounce Bush and promote Gore.
- Media
Promote Last-Minute Anti-Bush Hit Job
- Another
Late Hit; The media at work. Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears in today's National Review Online. Web
- Drunk
driving Bush led the morning shows and while all raised questions
about the leaker, none reported he was the Democratic
candidate for Governor in 1998.
- ABC’s
George Stephanopoulos asserted Bush’s excuse "doesn't quite
pass the smell test...."
- Katie
Couric urged Democrats to exploit the Bush revelation.
reported the Bush drunk driving arrest before MSNBC or CNN, but the
latter two pumped the story in prime time.
- ABCdescribed
Bush’s tax cut as would a liberal.
- CBS and NBC highlighted a
Bush rhetorical flub.
- Cher
says Bush
will make "old people" eat dog food.
- Barbra
Streisand’s ABC soapbox for Gore.
- Lions
vs. Lambs; The Media Set the Tone. Read the op-ed by MRC's Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham, as it
appears in today's National Review Online. Web
- All
three morning shows played the Gore ad which ends by asking of
Bush: "Is he ready to lead?"
- Lieberman-Cheney
could really occur, Tim Russert said, as a result of an Electoral College
- NBC’s
Gore agenda in prime time, week #2.
- Letterman’s
"Top Ten Gallup Polltaker Pet Peeves...."
- TV
Balances Liberals...With Ultra-Liberal
- Dan
Rather did not treat
Gore and Bush equally in Wednesday's taped
- Tom
Brokaw delivered a tough interview with Gore, countering his
assertions Social Security.
- NBC’s
Claire Shipman stressed Gore "doesn’t want to appear too
negative" in releasing an attack ad.
- ABC aired a full story on how Nader is
campaigning "despite mounting criticism that he might cost Al
Gore the election."
reported that the Justice Dept. conceded the White House e-mail
problem is much worse than previously stated.
- Cole-Call
Outrage vs. Beirut Tragedy Milking
- Zero
on Zinc; The mining double standard. Read op-ed by Tim Graham,
MRC's Director of Media Analysis, as it appeared in today's National Review Online
- Diane
Sawyer asked if Bush ad questioning Gore’s claim he’s never said
anything "untrue" during the campaign goes "too far?"
- Katie
Couric took on Joe Lieberman’s spin this morning.
- NBC’s
Slavish Social Security Spin Specialists
- To
CBS, the virtue of an attack depends on who mounts it.
- Tom
Brokaw’s symmetry: He asked Bush if he would reduce his tax cuts and
Gore if he would reduce his spending plans.
- Dan
Rather credited to a "consumer group" a report on drug
company lobbying released by colleagues of a presidential candidate.
- Following Gore on the Tonight Show actor Martin Sheen, who plays a TV
President, belittled George Bush.
- Who
mused: "This contest remains as tight as a tick in Grandma’s
corset"? It wasn’t Dan Rather....
It Civil To Suggest Bush Is a Killer?
CBS and NBC rationalized Gore’s Tennessee plight.
and CBS highlighted the RAND report critical of Bush.
Brit Hume reported the network bias regarding the anti-Bush RAND
and Today dedicated 7am segments to RAND.
secret deal with Russia finally worth reporting.
Brian Williams wondered if Bush might pick a
"Souter-type Justice" instead of an
Tavis Smiley called Bush "a serial killer."
former 60 Minutes correspondent asked a Mets catcher: "So
you spend a lot of time on your knees. Have you ever considered
interning at the White House?"
Ways To Leave The Liberal Spin
CBS and NBC all jumped on a study disputing Bush’s record on
dedicated whole story to Bush and Gore spending visions.
The West Wing's
Martin Sheen told George magazine Bush is a
"bully" who is full of "s**t...."
Educational Example of Anti-Bush Bias
Jackson claimed conservatives opposed ending slavery., but all Today’s
Matt Lauer cared about was abortion.
Sawyer saw Bush’s Social Security plan as riskier than
Gore’s, demanding assurances of former Sen. Alan Simpson.
Gore campaign’s worry about the impact of Ralph Nader generated ABC,
CBS and NBC stories Monday night.
Schwarzenegger upbraided Matt Lauer on Today.
stars speculated about a split between the electoral college and popular
vote winner.
Lance Morrow said the
public’s "biggest fear is that the Clinton years are going to
go away."
Washington Post corrected its Bush tax cut predictions, which had assumed a 100%
tax rate.
James Garner on George W. Bush: "They're bypassing over his lack
of intelligence."
Night Live Poked Fun at One-sided Pro-Gore Questions
Night Live parodied the pro-Gore agenda of Presidential debate
Bush’s supposed indifference to death row inmates.
Cokie scolded NRA’s
LaPierre but not NAACP’s Mfume.
Eleanor Clift: "You talk about Gore’s little white lies while
Governor Bush gets away with ‘the big lies....’"
Couric’s sister stars in
Voters for Choice ads.
Diane Sawyer harassed actress Bo Derek
for attending the GOP convention.
and CBS acknowledged Clinton’s liability to Gore.
in picking which Letterman "Top Ten" items to showcase?
O'Donnell ended a Gore interview with "I
hope to see you in the White House come November."
Letterman showed
the odd thing Bush did with his glasses.
Reynolds reprimanded Bush for saying Gore does not deserve credit for
York Times calls MTV's Rock the Vote "nonpartisan."
Letterman failed the Oprah test.
Bush’s "Top Ten Changes I’ll Make in the White
Debates Tilted Left
Kemp Ripped, Joe Lieberman Skipped
ABC advanced Gore’s
Social Security agenda.
the networks, only NBC fact-checked Tuesday’s debate.
Brit Hume on debate moderator Jim Lehrer.
A Washington Post reporter distorted the
Bush tax cut.
Robert Ray called Hillary’s
Travel Office testimony "factually inaccurate," but CBS and NBC
ignored it.
Laura demonized by NBC’s The West Wing....
Softballs Help Sell the Master of Detail?
Post Debate Edition - Campaign 2000 MRC Newsletter
gets tough
questions from NBC, softballs from ABC.
Matt Lauer scolded a fellow journalist for criticizing Gore.
George Stephanopoulos celebrated the 8-to-2 liberal slant in last night’s
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews
tagged debate questioners' agendas.
The West Wing's Sheen
hoped his show would be a "royal pain in the ass" to a Bush
The Friday before the election 20/20 will feature an interview
conducted by Barbara Walters with Barbra Streisand.
"Top Ten Election Issues Important to Dumb Guys."
Picks Pile of Liberal Questioners
Post Debate - Campaign
2000 MRC Newsletter
Dean Reynolds declared Bush "uneasy."
Rather listed Bush but not Gore errors.
Hume on debate audience questions.
not liberal enough for NBC’s Tom Brokaw.
Rather predicted "one of the two men" will "be the next
poll found a tie at 41 percent in who won the debate.
debate eve, CBS ran an anti-Bush death penalty story.
Peter Jennings highlighted the death the former Communist Party USA
Malpractice on Texas Health Care
CBS disproved Gore complaints about coverage of Bush errors.
News flunked Bush and Gore from the left on education.
Dan Rather oozed
over Clinton from Egypt.
Voters say "most journalists" are
"pulling for" Gore over Bush.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? endorsed
Gore Love Story claim.
A character on ABC’s The Practice
took a shot
at Bush.
showed a Million Family March speaker
"praised Libya’s Moammar Ghadafi."
on Communist Party USA’s Gus Hall.
Squish! Lieberman Goes Soft
Media Mainstreams
"Million" Hate
Check out media
coverage of the Million Man
Check out media coverage of the Million Woman
comeback of the weekend.
and Time defended Gore’s fabricating.
The Washington
Post couldn't resist highlighting a Bush error by using "[sic]".
stars from CyberAlert for the new movie, The Contender.
character has an abortion.
Bill Maher said of Clinton
"I’m glad he lied."
Matt Lauer pressed Lieberman
about breaking the "positive" campaign promise.
reported Clinton lobbying to win Nobel
Peace Prize.
Gary Oldman says own film pro-Gore "propaganda."
TV critic complained about FNC.
and NBC squeezed in post-debate fact-checking.
New York Times on Bush’s "dastardly claim."
"The Oval Office is
not a flight simulator," Tom Brokaw warned.
"Top Ten Signs Your Debate Moderator is Nuts."
kid on a Nick News special asked about taxes.
Pushes Bush Gaffes, Ignores Gore’s
Distinctions About Lies
polls found Bush won the debate.
the victim?
of the networks refuted
Gore's discredited The-North-Pole-Is-Melting claim.
George Stephanopoulos attacked Bush’s claim that Gore’s Russian
ally pocketed IMF money.
Repeated Shaw’s Liberal Questions
praised Bush’s knowledge of foreign policy.
Bush "sure-footed in... foreign policy."
NBC analysts insisted Bush on wrong side of issues.
assert Bush failed
to answer a Gore charge about Bush’s record.
cited one error each by Bush and Gore, NBC
two by Bush.
ABC, CBS and CNN polls found Bush won
the debate.
Rather raised prospect of a "hidden hand President."
Russert scolded Bush for missing an opportunity to hit Gore on gay
policy switch that NBC never reported.
Jim Lehrer's liberal health insurance question.
undecided voters.
"Top Ten Ways Ralph Nader Can Still Win."
New Ratherism.
Diane Sawyer
called a poll showing Bush slightly ahead of Gore "pretty
Have Yet to Question Gore's Error on Alaskan Oil
CBS's own poll put Gore ahead by only one point, Dan Rather chose to
stress the poll also found that on
"dealing wisely with an international crisis, Gore is a full ten
points up.
NBC ran a full story on the presidential campaign Tuesday night, thus
uniquely noting how Griffin Bell endorsed Bush.
with how his Web site denounces Bush for "bumbling and
babbling," Gore told FNC: "I wouldn’t say it that way."
VP debate
moderator Bernard
Shaw defended his racial profiling question.
Paul Begala took a mean-spirited shot at Rush Limbaugh
Early Show’s Jane Clayson threw a curve ball at Karenna
Gore-Schiff, asking if she wouldn’t want Bush's Social
Security private investment option.
celebrity for Bush.
Lies Prove Media Power Shift.
Talkers Shock Morning TV
analysis of campaign coverage: Time Reporter Alleges Bush’s
Tax Cuts Harmed Texas Tots
ranter Charles Grodin starts new gig as closing
commentator on CBS’s 60 Minutes II.
Donaldson raised the issue of how in Yugoslavia Clinton did
"exactly" what Bush proposed in the debate.
Clift: Gore’s "picayune" lies show he’s "overly
competitive," but "maybe that’s what we want in a
and NBC focused on new anti-Bush ads from the DNC.
Peter Jennings special painted the NRA as a nefarious force.
disclosed that reporters on Bush’s campaign
plane -- many of them inebriated -- predicted Gore will win.
Gore’s tendency to make up anecdotes connecting him to a problem may
have rubbed off on Joe Lieberman.
Brit Hume confronted Gore adviser Tad Devine about how during the
debate Gore denounced Bush’s idea about Yugoslavia, yet "that's
exactly what the administration was doing."
Kevin Newman referred to how "we've already heard about" the list of the Democratic donors who overnighted
in the Lincoln Bedroom, but ABC never reported it.
prefers a President who "stumbles" to one who "makes
stuff up."
an ABC poll found Cheney won VP debate, GMA asked Lieberman why he didn’t attack
truth squads AWOL this morning on Lieberman’s Hollywood
hypocrisy, but Bill Bennett brought it up on Today.
Matt Lauer defended Gore’s fibs: "I mean, he is under the heat
of a huge national audience...."
Mitchell gave Clinton credit for Dick Cheney’s good fortune.
Kaus suggested Gore’s debate fabrications were a chance to test the liberal
media bias theory. By his measurements, they failed.
got the bigger "half" of CNN’s split-screen.
The West Wing took a left wing shot at allowing citizens to carry guns,
and a reporter chimed in.
Shaw’s Left-Leaning Flaw
debate moderator Bernard Shaw of CNN did not press the nominees from
the right but did pose several questions from the left, including a
liberal canard about unequal pay for women.
Rather raved it was "the
best vice presidential joint appearance" in "the television
George Stephanopoulos called it "a model debate."
ABC News poll found by
43 to 24%, voters said Cheney won.
Donaldson did not join the media pack thrilled about the civil tone,
wondering "where were the sharp differences?"
hit Cheney for not including "payroll taxes" when he claimed
the Bush tax cut would cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, though
obviously he meant income taxes....
CNN gave former Senator
Alan Simpson time to recall how Al Gore in 1991 based his decision on
whether to vote for against the Gulf War on how much TV time he would
be allowed....
FNC’s Brit Hume learned the ‘can lady,’ is "not in such dire straits
as Mr. Gore’s words might have suggested."
Today refused to describe Lieberman as liberal, but tagged Cheney as "extremely conservative."
"This is disgraceful," Don Imus upbraided
Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter for defending the "grain of
truth" in Gore’s TX fires claim.
debate moderator Bernard Shaw insisted he’s "an old-fashioned
journalist who believes in being fair, balanced and accurate."
Evaluate for yourself.
"Respects" Farrakhan: No Story?
showcased "poignant story" of woman at Gore event
who picks up cans to pay for her prescriptions.
analysis and reaction topped all the nets.
CBS and CNN ignored Gore’s fabrication about a
Florida high school girl who due to overcrowding must stand in class.
for the fact checkers?
Jennings on what Bush’s tax cut would really mean: "A very
large chunk of money not available for government programs."
Jeff Greenfield again speculated Bush might be "hurt"
by bringing up Gore’s fundraising scandals, but Washington
Post’s David Broder found no such problem in a
focus group.
found undecided voters want candidates to "keep it simple."
where the network news divisions won’t, ABC’s Who Wants to Be a
Millionaire? asked who urged "eliminating the internal
combustion engine?"
Al Gets Ignored or Excused on TV
Only ABC’s Gibson asked Gore about his make-believe
Texas trip, while NBC’s Brokaw tripped trying to
question Bush’s budget facts.
Post TV critic Tom Shales scolded debate moderator Jim Lehrer for
using the phrase "pro-life."
Russert complimented Gore’s debate demeanor.
Antonio Mora seemed surprised voters viewed the
debate differently than the media.
Martin Sheen, who plays "President Josiah Bartlet" on
NBC’s The West Wing, is starring in a new anti-George Bush TV
ad for Handgun Control, Inc. just as his show returns to NBC.
"Top Ten Ways To Make The Gore/Bush Debate More Exciting...."
Wins in the Post-Debate Bias Contest
scolded for daring to mention Gore
fundraising scandals.
George Stephanopoulos enthralled with Gore’s performance. In
Gore and Bush beat reporters did not give equal deference to their
Brokaw actually raised conservative agenda points with both
Lieberman and Cheney.
Jennings reported ABC’s "pretty meaningless and totally
unscientific" post-debate poll.
debate bored Dan Rather.
a few hours before the debate, CBS picked up on the findings of a LA
Times story about how, as Dan Rather put it, "since concealed
handguns were legalized in Texas....thousands of people who were
issued licenses have been arrested on charges ranging all the way to
Brit Hume reported that CNN clarified it’s initial statement that
it’s post-debate town meetings are "part of Time-Warner's plan
to support campaign finance reform through voter education."
Clymer provided evidence which supports George Bush’s assessment of
him as the New York Times reporter demanded Washingtonian
refund his subscription after reporting he's "broadly disliked among his colleagues...."
GMA, George Stephanopoulos lectured that
Bush needs to "make sure he doesn't get cornered as too much of
an extreme conservative."
blasted Bush’s Texas record: "Tax Cuts Before Tots."
Winifred Symphony vs. The Facts
Stop the Church of Saint James
the past prologue? Check out the liberal media's bias in the Presidential
debates of 1996 and 1992.
and CBS highlighted pre-debate polls putting Gore ahead.
contradicted itself on Supreme Court as election issue.
Matt Lauer admitted he was "a little disturbed" to learn the
race had tightened after Bush went on Oprah....
Gore appeared on both ABC and CBS Monday morning, but neither raised
Al Gore’s most recent spate of fabrications.
will use post-debate town meetings on CNN to advance its liberal
agenda, National Review revealed.
Fox News Sunday Brit Hume asked Gore campaign chairman Bill Daley
about Gore’s promise to grant the same immigration privileges to gay
couples planning a civil
union as provided those in traditional marriages.
Can't Tim, Bob, Wolf, Tony, Sam & Cokie Invade Hillary's Space?
ABC News acknowledged
Gore has recently "been caught embellishing personal
stories," but World News Tonight has yet to report
Nina Totenberg of NPR and ABC: "I don’t
actually think Gore has told any whoppers at all, they are...teeny-weeny
promised an examination of the energy policies of both candidates, but
only hit Bush.
did not give the same education test to Bush
and Gore.
a host of MTV’s Tuesday night Choose or Lose 2000 special
with Gore, Time’s Tamala Edwards pressed for universal health care as soon as
Charles Krauthammer documented bias in the New York Times.
you believe the media are biased, cancel your subscriptions and rely
on C-SPAN and the Internet. So recommended in USA Today the former
reporter who oversaw the survey which found 89 percent of top
Washington reporters voted for Bill Clinton in 1992.
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