We Can Stop The Spin.
The news media "spins" campaign coverage in favor of liberals for two reasons: they want to, and they can. The media want to spin campaign coverage to make liberal candidates look good because as a group, the media are liberal and want liberal politicians elected. (Recall that the Freedom Forum survey found that 89% of Washington, DC reporters voted for Bill Clinton in 1992.) The media can spin campaign coverage because there has been little organized public outcry against their bias.
Until now.
The Media Research Center (MRC) is America’s premier media watchdog organization, committed to bringing political balance to the media. And with your help, the MRC will bring this era of biased campaign coverage to an end – right here, right now.
Every day, the MRC team of News Media Analysts identifies media bias in all the major TV news shows and magazines. This information goes into MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell’s nationally syndicated column, and into our newsletters:
Campaign 2000 Media Reality Check, CyberAlert, MagazineWatch,
MediaNomics, and Notable Quotables. Every day, we cull the campaign-related articles in these newsletters, summarize them, organize them, and post them for you here, on the MRC’s Campaign 2000 Web site.
Armed with this information – a specific instance of biased campaign coverage – you can contact the offending news program and demand it start to provide balance, demand that it
Stop the Spin.
Contacting Major News Outlets
General Guidelines
1. Double-check that the bias you detected occurred on a national news program, not on one produced by a network affiliate such as your local TV news;
2. Your contact should be in writing, and be a maximum of one page, double-spaced. The shorter it is, the more likely it will be read.
3. Any standard means of transmission (e-mail, fax, commercial mail such as FedEx, or U.S. Mail) is fine;
4. Your communication will not be read unless it contains your name, address and phone number;
5. Your communication will be ignored unless it is polite, and identifies a specific instance of media bias, not bias in general.
Your Letter's 10 Essential Elements
1. Identify the news program by name (the list below can help);
2. Identify the date of the program and, as closely as possible, the time the bias
3. Identify the name of the news anchor or
correspondent who committed the bias;
4. State, paraphrase or explain the biased
statement, question, or presentation;
5. Explain, in no more than one short paragraph, why the question, statement, or presentation was biased;
6. Ask the news president, show producer, anchor and/or correspondent to avoid bias in the future by presenting both sides of the issue;
7. State what action you will take if this bias is
not corrected (watch another network, get news from alternative sources like newspapers or internet news services, complain to show advertisers, etc.)
8. Get to the point quickly;
9. Be polite; and
10. Copy the
fax to: (703) 683-9736, attn: Campaign 2000
mail: MRC, 325 S. Patrick St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314
Attn.: Campaign 2000
This last step – copying the MRC – is critical. Knowing how many e-mails, faxes and letters a program received on a particular instance of bias increases our leverage in getting that program to Stop The Spin.
Addresses You'll Need
First, use the list below to confirm
that you have the correct network or cable outlet for the news show.
Then simply use the links below to access the MRC's comprehensive database
of media addresses, scroll down the list to the one you seek, and you're
Good Morning America
World News Tonight with Peter Jennings
World News Tonight Saturday/Sunday
This Week
The Early Show
Evening News with Dan Rather
48 Hours
60 Minutes
60 Minutes II
Face The Nation
Sunday Morning
Today Show
Today Weekend
NBC Nightly News
Dateline NBC
Meet The Press
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
To The Contrary
Washington Week in Review
Hardball with Chris Mathews
Rivera Live
Tim Russert Show
Breaking News
CNN Newsroom
CNN Newsstand
CNN Saturday Morning News
CNN Saturday
CNN Saturday Morning
CNN Sunday
CNN Today
CNN World Report
Early Edition
Morning News
Special Events
The World Today
Both Sides with Jesse Jackson
Capital Gang
Evans, Novak, Hunt & Shields
Inside Politics
Larry King Live
Late Edition
Reliable Sources
Fox News Channel
Fox and Friends
Fox News Live
The Edge with Paul Zahn
FOX Report
Hannity & Colmes
O’Reilly Factor
Special Report with Brit Hume
Beltway Boys
Fox News Sunday
Decision 2000
Equal Time
Hardball with Chris Mathews
The News with Brian Williams
Did You Copy The MRC?
fax to: (703) 683-9736, attn: Campaign 2000
mail: MRC, 325 S. Patrick St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314
Attn.: Campaign 2000
Another great way to stop the spin....
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