media outlets — radio, television and print —
regularly feature MRC guests on their programs,
quote MRC spokespeople in their articles, and
cite MRC research in their stories. Below are
links to a sampling of MRC making news in the
media. Links to the full story are provided when
available, and were active when posted.
For recent listing of TV
appearances check out MRC on Air
-, February 24, 2007.
Iowa Legislature Considering Repeal of Cloning Ban, By Staff
Writer Nathan Burchfiel. Reprint of article
National Association of Manufacturers, February 24, 2007.
So Name Me Just One 'Pro-Business' TV Series, Posted by Carter Wood. References BMI Special Report "Bad
Company". “Alas, this is typical of the anti-business bias of L&O and most
network shows, as well documented in a Business and Media Institute report last
summer, which concluded that, "In the world of entertainment TV, businessmen
pose a greater threat than the mob."”
Associated Press Financial Wire, February 23, 2007.
News. Link not
available. By Dorothy Rabinowitz. Mentions BMI study on the American
Businessman. “"Law & Order" isn't alone in this, to be sure a report from the
Business Media Institute, published last June, noted that businessmen in
prime-time dramas seemed to be "a greater threat to society than terrorists,
gangs or the mob."”
Concerned Women for America, February 23, 2007.
The New York Times Attack on CWA,
Audio Interview of CMI Director
Robert Knight discussing his column, New York Times and The Gospel Truth.
“Robert Knight, Director of the Culture and Media Institute at the Media
Research Center, discusses this story and the broader implications of this
growing media bias.”
Human, February 23, 2007.
The Celebrity Asylum,
Column by MRC President Brent
KMJ, Fresno, CA, February 23, 2007.
CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed abortion
The Church Report, February 23, 2007.
The New York Times and the Gospel Truth, By Robert Knight. Column by CMI Director Robert Knight
The Jerry Johnson Show, February 23, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed Gore's Oscar
The Thom Hartmann Show, February 23, 2007.
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed media bias and Olbermann
Thoughts of a Conservative Christian Blog, February 23, 2007.
Gore's Film an Oscar Favorite, but Violates Academy Standards, Critics Say,
By Staff
Writer Randy Hall. Reprint of article
WFTK, Greenville, NC, February 23, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed this week's bias
Americans For Truth, February 22, 2007.
The New York Times and the Gospel Truth,
By Robert Knight. Blog posted article by CMI Director Robert
-, February 22, 2007.
Meredith Vieira Ignores John Edwards' Anti-Christian Bloggers,
Blog links to NewsBusters story
-, February 22, 2007.
The New York Times and the Gospel Truth,
Web site posted article by CMI Director Robert Knight
Gun Watch, February 22, 2007.
WWII Vet Says He Shot Man Who Invaded His Home Armed with Rifle,
By Staff Writer
Randy Hall. Reprint of article entitled "County With Assault Weapons
Ban Rejects Plan to Tax Bullets"
-, February 22, 2007.
Mainstream Media: Pre-term Baby’s Survival Will Have Big Impact on Abortion
Debate, By Gudrun Schultz. Mentioned NewsBusters story. “Comments posted on
Newsbusters pointed out that at 35 weeks from conception, Amillia is still three
weeks from her natural birth date and could legally be aborted in many states if
she had remained in her mother‘s womb.”
Sirius Satellite Radio, Pro-Life Radio: Face
the Truth, February 22, 2007.
CMI Director Robert
Knight discussed his column on the NY Times, Hollywood Obsessions and the South
Dakota Abortion Bill
The Corner on National Review Online, February 22, 2007.
Don't You Know You Aren't Supposed to Argue About Religion or Politics?,
Posted by John Podhertz.
Article mentions CMI Director Robert Knight
Greg Allen’s The Right Balance, February 22,
Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed the top five stories of the week
The University Leader, February 22, 2007.
Mainstream Media Madness,
By Matt Prieksat. Mentions MRC
stats on Romney vs. Obama. “Furthermore, the Media Research Center compared the
amount of time CBS devoted to media darling Barack Obama’s announcement as
compared to Romney’s.”
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, February 22, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the living wage
WDUN, Atlanta, GA, February 22, 2007. Staff Writer Monisha Bansal discussed fuel efficiency
WIBC, Indianapolis, IN, February 22, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed this week's bias
WTKF, Coastal Daybreak, February 22,
Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Bush library
Examiner, February 21, 2007.
Gov. O'Malley Can't See the Forest for Treats,
Column by BMI Director Dan Gainor
Conservablogger, February 21, 2007.
A ConservaBlogger Makes the Rush Limbaugh Show,
Blog posting mentions
-, February 21, 2007.
Liberal, Conservative Politicians Discuss 'Seminal' 2008 Election,
By Staff Writer Monisha Bansal. Reprint of article
Gateway Pundit Blog, February 21, 2007.
Liberals Distort Recycled British Troop Reduction News,
Posted by Gateway Pundit. Blog
links to NewsBusters story
KOGO, San Diego, CA, February 21, 2007.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed this week's bias
National Ledger, February 21, 2007.
Al Gore's Recycled Doom, Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
Pro Ecclesia Pro Familia Pro Civitate, February 21, 2007.
Stars Hopeful Oscar Win May Boost Gore '08 Run, By Investigative Reporter Fred Lucas,
Reprint of article
ProLife Blogs, February 21, 2007.
ABC News Recognizes Abortion's Collision Course with Technology,
Posted by Denny. Quotes MRC VP
of Research and Publications Brent Baker. “The colleague Ken refers to is Brent
Baker of and the blog post concerns last night's ABC News
coverage of the wonderful birth of Amillia at just 21-weeks old.”
The Michael Dresser Show, February 21, 2007. Communications Director Craig Bannister discussed the top five
stories of the week
-, February 21, 2007.
The New York Times and the Gospel Truth,
Web site posted article by CMI Director Robert Knight
Arizona Congress
Watch, February 20, 2007.
Congress Will Support Rice,
Posted by Stacy. Partial
Reprint of article entitled "Congress Will Back Rice on
Palestinians, Senator Kyl Says"
Jill Stanek Blog, February 20, 2007.
NewsBusters Busts LA Times,
Posted by Jill Stanek. Links to
NewsBusters story
Mainstream Iowan, February 20, 2007.
John McCain Changes Views on Abortion,
By Staff Writer Monisha Bansal. Reprint of article
Mr. Minority, February 20, 2007.
I Think You Got That Bass-Ackwards Buddy! Posted by Mr. Minority. Partial Reprint of
article entitled "U.S.
To Blame for Muslim Antagonism, Syas Supporter of Suicide Bombings"
-, February 20, 2007.
McCain rethinks Roe. By
Alex Koppelman. Article quotes
The Craig Anderson Show, February 20, 2007. Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed NFL's offer to run border patrol
The Washington Times, February 20, 2007.
Inside Politics: Protest at NBC,
By Greg Pierce. Quoted MRC VP of Research and Publications Brent Baker.
“"In protest of NBC's lack of action after NBC News military analyst William
Arkin used his blog to describe U.S. soldiers as
'mercenaries' enjoying 'obscene amenities' for ungratefully daring to criticize
Americans for not supporting the war effort, retired Col. Ken Allard last week
resigned his position as a military analyst for NBC News," the Media Research
Center's Brent Baker writes at”
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, February 20, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed this week's bias
WDYT, February 20, 2007. Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed Mack's challenge
-, February 19, 2007.
Why So Much Media Focus on Mitt Romney's Mormon Faith?, Transcript from Fox News Watch mentions the MRC. “Media
Research Center counted up the minutes and seconds...”
KTEM, Temple, TX, February 19, 2007.
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Olbermann
le journale, February 19, 2007.
le Journale,
by Patrick. Mentions Cybercast News Service. "Lindzen told Cybercast News
Service the rules for the fourth assessment report specifically require changes
to be made to the body that will bring it into line with the summary statement…"
Tribune Review, February 19, 2007.
Media Monday,
Printed some of the MRC's Notable Quotables
KDKA, The Fred Honsberger Show, Pittsburgh, PA, February 19, 2007. Investigative Reporter Fred Lucas discussed global warming
The George Putnam Show, February 19, 2007. Investigative Reporter Fred Lucas discussed Bank of America giving
credit cards to illegals
The National Ledger, February 19, 2007.
John Edwards Maligns Faith. Column by President of the MRC Brent Bozell
Times and Seasons, February 19, 2007.
Romney II: The Story Continues,
Comment by MLU. Quotes portions
of NewsBusters story
WIBA, Madison, WI, February 19, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed Gore's concert
Yahoo!, February 19, 2007.
Questioning Mitt's Faith,
Posting of NewsBusters Story
Dr. Roy's Thoughts, February 18, 2007.
EU Hypocrisy on Kyoto,
By Staff Writer
Kevin Mooney, Reprint of article
FNC, FOX and Friends
Sunday, February 18, 2007.
BMI Director Dan
Gainor discussed Al Gore's planned concerts for global warming
-, February 18, 2007,
Transcript: Newt Gingrich on 'FOX News Sunday'.
Transcript from Fox News mentions MRC President Brent Bozell.
“Well, there was a column written by Brent Bozell recently about Nancy Pelosi
becoming speaker and me becoming speaker. And he contrasted the initial media
coverage of the two of us.”
KTLA The CB, Los Angeles, CA, February 18, 2007.
activists circling Clinton's campaign,
By Stephen Braun. Article quotes MRC President Brent Bozell.
“Brock's group does the same, only as "part of the Clinton machine."”
Los Angeles
Times, February 18, 2007.
GOP activists circling Clinton's campaign,
By Stephen Braun. Quoted MRC President Brent Bozell. “L.
Brent Bozell III, who heads the conservative Media Research Center, said
Brock's group does the same, only as "part of the Clinton
Right on the Left Coast, February 18, 2007.
Fat? Smoke? No Health Care for You!, By Kevin McCandless. Reprint of article entitled
"Deny Surgery to Obese and Smokers, Says UK Health Minister"
The Air, February 18, 2007.
English Should Be Required,
Posted by Nick Agarwal. Links
to article entitled "Bill Would Make Grasp of English a Citizenship
There Is No Second Place, February 18, 2007.
Interview with Newt Gingrich,
Transcript from Fox News
mentions MRC President Brent Bozell. “Well, there was a column written by Brent
Bozell recently about Nancy Pelosi becoming Speaker, and me becoming Speaker.
And he contrasted the initial media coverage of the two of us.”
Air Blog, February 17, 2007.
Murtha: U.S. Troops “Have Everything They Need,” live
in palace(s), Posted by Ian. Partial Reprint
of article entitled "Murtha Touts New Way to Stop Troop
'Surge' in Iraq"
Panama News, February 17, 2007.
Pretty Much for Naught,
By Eric
Jackson. Mentions BMI Director Dan Gainor. “In a Dan Gainor column
syndicated by the Washington-based right-wing AIPE and published in
Spanish in El Panama America, Mrs. Clinton was described as "Hugo
Chávez in a skirt."”
Conservatives of Virginia, VA, February 17, 2007.
NFL Wimps Out on Border Patrol Ad,
By Investigative Reporter Fred Lucas, Reprint of
article entitled "Border Patrol Ad Too Tough for NFL Publication"
Baltimore, MD, February 17, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed this week's top five
-, February 16, 2007.
Slanted Reporting on the Economy?
quotes BMI Director Dan Gainor. "The American media have been telling
[us] for years that we have an economy that's on the edge of
-, February 16, 2007.
Murtha Touts New Way to Stop Troop 'Surge' in Iraq,
By Staff Writer Randy Hall. Reprint of article
-, February 16, 2007.
10,000 Saudi Students on U.S. Campuses,
By Investigative Reporter Fred Lucas, Reprint of
Fort Collins, CO, February 16, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
St. Louis, MO, February 16, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed economic growth
National Ledger, February 16, 2007.
Walden's Big Idea, By Brent
Bozell. Reprint of Article by MRC President Brent Bozell
Pajamas Media, February 16, 2007.
Blue Mountain Releases "Love Democratic Style",
by PJM in Seattle. Links to NewsBusters story
-, February 16, 2007.
The Slate 60,
By Rachael Larimore.
Mentions the MRC in conjunction with T. Boone Pickens
Conservative Voice, February 16, 2007.
Science and Sophistry,
By Alan
Burkhart. Mentions the MRC. “Between 1998 and 2005, Exxon contributed
$150,000 to the Media Research Center. Yep, that’s a lot of money.
However, it only represents two tenths of one percent of the MRC’s
operating budget during that period. That hardly constitutes an amount
sufficient to influence MRC’s decision-making.”
WizBang Blog, February 16, 2007.
WizBang Podcast #55 is Up,
Mark Finkelstein of NewsBusters
Rockford, IL, February 16, 2007.
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Keith Olbermann
Greenville, NC, February 16, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed weekly bias
American Family Radio, Today’s Issues, February 15, 2007. Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed a
children's book on global warming
American Patriot Journal, February 15, 2007.
Bill Would Make Grasp of English a Citizenship
By Staff
Writer Nathan Burchfiel, Reprint of article
-, February 15, 2007.
The Martyrdom of John Edward's Anti-Christian Bloggers,
Links to
NewsBusters story
-, February 15, 2007.
Liberal Lies: Tales from the Mainstream Media,
By Paul
Strand. Quoted BMI Director Dan Gainor. “Dan Gainor, director of the
Business and Media Institute, keeps an eye on how the major media
report on the economy.”
CNNRadio, February 15, 2007.
CMI Director Bob Knight discussed porn industry and their involvement
with mainstream companies
-, February 15, 2007.
Report: Iraq a Lost Cause, US Should Withdraw,
By Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel, Reprint of
Federal News Service, February 15, 2007. Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel is mentioned in the article
Air Blog, February 15, 2007.
Video: Fox & Friends Talking About Kicking Out Helen
Thomas, Posted
by Ian. Links to
NewsBusters story
Bistro/TV Newser, February 15, 2007,
Olbermann Re-Ups: Flashback,
by brian. Links to NewsBusters story. “The image is from NewsBusters,
which says that "Olbermann's arrival as the lone commentator at NBC
Nightly News is the first overt commentator NBC's hired since PBS
omnipresence Bill Moyers in 1995."”
Corner on National Review Online, February 15, 2007.
Radicals Ruin Your Valentine's Day?
By Tim Graham. Blog posting by MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim
the Net in Media, February 14, 2007.
Clear Channel Rejects Ad That Questions Homosexuality,
Payton Hoegh. Reprint of article
- Public Eye Blog, February 14, 2007.
Meet Mitt. He's Mormon,
by Brian Montopoli. Links to NewsBusters story. “Newsbusters complains
that Romney's announcement got 1/54th as much coverage on the "Early
Show" that Barack Obama's did.)”
-, February 14, 2007.
Valentine's Day: Have The Ladies' Mags Lost The Love?,
Kristen Fyfe. Reprint of article by CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe
Air Blog, February 14, 2007.
Video: CNN's Velshi Raps to TurboTax,
by Ian. Links to NewsBusters story
Ignatius Insight Blog, February 14, 2007,
He's surprised. But why?
by Carl Olson. Article quotes MRC President Brent Bozell. "…most news
accounts have purposefully been vague about what the two bloggers
Jerry Doyle Show, February 14, 2007.
CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed women's Magazines "Eye on
is Lord, A Worshipping Christian's Blog, February 14, 2007.
Ad Company Rejects Billboard Ad Questioning
By Payton Hoegh. Reprint of article
Des Moines, IA, February 14, 2007.
CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed women's Magazines "Eye on
Ventura, CA, February 14, 2007.
CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed women's Magazines "Eye on
St. Louis, MO, February 14, 2007. Staff Writer Fred Lucas discussed Hillary Clinton, Code
Pink and the War in Iraq
San Diego, CA, February 14, 2007.
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed weekly bias
Portsmouth Herald Local Business News, Portsmouth, NH, February 14,
What Women Want: Is It Sex?,
Op-Ed by CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe
-, February 14, 2007.
Open Thread - PBS Can't See to Their Right,
By Mark
Kilmer. Blog links to NewsBusters story. “In case you missed it, Tim
Graham has a good one at”
-, February 14, 2007.
E-cards, sex, beats romance and more.
Article quotes CMI Director Bob Knight. "Some of these
[magazines]--whose readers number in the millions--aid and reflect
America's porn-saturated culture…"
Hartmann Show, February 14, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed healthcare
Tyndale House Journal, February 14, 2007.
Bah, Humbug, You Grinches!,
by A. B. Caneday. Links to NewsBusters story
Union, February 14, 2007.
Kristen Fyfe: Forget love; in women's magazines,
Valentine's Day is all about sex,
Reprint of
article by CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe
Washington Times, Washington, DC, February 14, 2007.
Inside Politics: Caught in the Act,
By Greg
Pierce. Article quoted MRC VP of Research and Publications Brent
Baker. “"In Monday stories on 'World News' and 'Nightline,' ABC's Jake
Tapper broached a subject few, if any, mainstream journalists have
dared: How Sen. Hillary Clinton's current claims that her 2002 vote on
the Iraq resolution was not an endorsement of war do not match what
she said in 2002," the Media Research Center's Brent Baker writes at”
BBC News Hour, February 13, 2007.
CMI Director Robert Knight discussed Mitt Romney
The 700 Club, February 13, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the economy
Congress Check, February 13, 2007.
Man-made Global Warming is Politics Not Science,
by John Bender. References “David Martosko, executive
director of - a division of the Center for Consumer
Freedom last month told Cybercast News Service the UCS would be “more
aptly named the Union of Pro-Regulation, Anti-Business Scientists.””
-, February 13, 2007.
MIT Case Sparks Row Over Race, Stem Cells and Academic
Freedom, By Investigative
Reporter Fred Lucas. Reprint of article
-, February 13, 2007.
Dems Push Anti-War Resolution,
Stall Alternatives,
By Staff
Writer Nathan Burchfiel, Reprint of article
-, February 13, 2007.
Accuses Joe Kennedy of 'Shameless Support' For Chavez, By Staff Writer Randy Hall. Reprint of article
-, February 13, 2007.
First Muslim Congressman Won't Address Muslim Group
After All,
By Staff
Writer Nathan Burchfiel. Reprint of article
News Channel, Special Report with Brit Hume, February 13, 2007.
mentioned mentioned on Political Grapevine segment.
Gateway Pundit Blog, February 13, 2007.
What is this Far Left anti-American loon doing
reporting from Baghdad for NBC?
Posted by Gateway Pundit. Blog quotes MRC websites
-, February 13, 2007.
Valentine's Day: Ladies' Mags Tout S-E-X not Love.
Op-Ed by CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe
-, February 13, 2007,
Kennedys in Bed with Chavez,
By Staff Writer Randy Hall. Reprint of article
Watch, February 13, 2007.
Abbas is Deceiving the U.S.,
Israeli Minister Says,
Jerusalem Bureau Chief Julie Stahl. Reprint of article
Faith and Freedom Radio, February 13, 2007.
CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed Women's Magazines touting
sex, not love, for Valentine's Day
Blog, February 13, 2007.
Threat Level…Zip?
Posting by Mark Larson. Links to article entitled "No
'Global Warming' on List of Anticipated Threats"
National Ledger, February 13, 2007.
John Edwards Maligns Faith.
by MRC President Brent Bozell
Allen’s The Right Balance, February 13, 2007.
CNS Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed intern's story about
Washington Times, Washington, DC, February 13, 2007.
Inside Politics: Correcting the Record,
By Greg
Pierce. Article quoted MRC VP of Research and Publications Brent
Baker. “The Media Research Center's Brent Baker, writing at, says a Mississippi senator took the news media to task
for giving a big story a Democratic spin.”
St. Louis, MO, February 12, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed "Energy: Mission Impossible?"
Midland, TX, February 12, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed Hillary Clinton and oil profits
Republicans, February 12, 2007.
Brent Bozell on "Hannity's America",
Posted by Chip. Video clip of MRC President Brent Bozell
News Journal, February 12, 2007.
Cell Phones, Computers 'Electronic Leashes' in Abusive
Relationships, Experts Say,
By CNS News Correspondent Aleena Shakeel. Reprint of CNSNews article
American Daily, Phoenix, AZ, February 12, 2007.
Man-made Global Warming is Politics Not Science,
by John Bender. Mentions “University of Virginia
environmental scientist, Dr. Fred Singer, told Cybercast News Service
that the union had "zero credibility as a scientific organization" and
was more akin to "pressure groups like Greenpeace."”
Uncommon Sense, February 12, 2007.
Raul is "an Assassin",
Posting by Marc Masferrer. Partial Reprint of CNS article entitled "No
Improvement in Cuban Rights Situation Under Raul, Activists Say"
on the Right, Dallas, TX, February 12, 2007.
Man-made Global Warming is Politics Not Science,
by J. Bender. Mentions “University of Virginia
environmental scientist, Dr. Fred Singer, told Cybercast News Service
that the union had "zero credibility as a scientific organization" and
was more akin to "pressure groups like Greenpeace."”
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 12, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
Atlanta, GA, February 12, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Notable Quotables
Bowling Green, KY, February 12, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
in the Middle East News, February 11, 2007.
Israeli Hospital Treats Wounded Palestinians,
CNSNews Jerusalem Bureau Chief Julie Stahl. Reprint of CNSNews article
Hannity’s America, February 11, 2007.
President Brent Bozell discussed Hillary Clinton and Iraq
Reality Show, February 11, 2007.
Israeli Hospital Treats Wounded Palestinians,
CNSNews Jerusalem Bureau Chief Julie Stahl. Reprint of CNSNews article
Charlotte, NC, February 11, 2007.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Notable Quotables
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, February 10, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed this week's top
WBT-AM, Charlotte, NC, February 10, 2007.
CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick discussed anti-war protestors
Times-Gazette, Hillsboro, OH, February 9, 2007.
Tropical' Temperatures Are Our Fault, By Rory Ryan. Quoted BMI's
Special Report, Fire & Ice. “The Media Research Center's Business and
Media Institute conducted an extensive analysis of print media's
climate change coverage back to the late 1800s.”
Institute for Immigration Policy Review, February 9, 2007.
GOP Lawmaker Warns of Impeachment in Border Agent Case, By CNS
Staff Writer Kevin Mooney. Reprint of CNSNews article
KGNW, Greenville, NC, February 9, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed "Hillary Clinton: Hugo Chavez
in a Pantsuit"
Larson Show,
February 9, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Chris Matthews
National Ledger, February 9, 2007.
Super Bowl Sideshows. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
George Putnam Show,
February 9, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed the Senate planning to
investigate the border agent's case
TVGrapevine, February 9, 2007.
The Politics of 24, By Meredith O'Brien. Mentions NewsBusters
story. “A writer at NewsBusters, a right-leaning watchdog group,
pointed to star Kiefer Sutherland's left-leaning politics (he defined
them as such in a Charlie Rose interview) and questioned how 24 could
be labeled a show simply for conservatives, as Time Magazine suggested
last month.”
WTKF, Greenville, NC, February 9, 2007.
Host: Lockwood Phillips, BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed
global warming
WTZK, Raleigh, NC, February 9, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed the Senate planning to
investigate the border agent's case
California Republic Blog, February 8, 2007.
Conveniently Defining 'Truth', By Amy Menefee, Article by BMI
Deputy Editor Amy Menefee
-, February 8, 2007.
Wal-Mart, Unions Call for 'New Health Care System' by 2012, By CNS
Staff Writer Randy Hall. Reprint of CNSNews article
-, February 8, 2007.
Catholic School Cancels Talk on Abortion Pioneer's Eugenics Views,
By CNS Staff Writer Randy Hall. Reprint of CNSNews article
-, February 8, 2007.
Weird Men from Mars and Chevy, Article by CMI Director Robert
Greg Allen's The Right Balance, February 8, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Chris Matthews
KDKA, The Fred Honsberger Show, Pittsburgh, PA, February
8, 2007. Staff Writer Fred Lucas discussed climate change
The Frontrunner, February 8, 2007.
An Angry Matthews
Says It's Time for a President Who Doesn't Own a Ranch. Quoted MRC
Research Director Rich Noyes. “The Washington Times (2/8, Harper, 88K)
reports in its "Inside Politics" column, "MSNBC's Chris Matthews has
'lurched even further off the deep end,' said Rich Noyes of the Media
Research Center who chronicled Mr. Matthews' appearance yesterday on 'Imus
in the Morning.'"”
-, February 8, 2007.
The NY Times' John Burns on Iraq, Posted by Hugh Hewitt. Links to
NewsBusters story
Times, Washington, DC, February 8, 2007.
Inside Politics: Attention FCC, By Greg Pierce. Quoted MRC
Research Director Rich Noyes. “MSNBC's Chris Matthews has "lurched
even further off the deep end," said Rich Noyes of the Media Research
Center who chronicled Mr. Matthews' appearance yesterday on "Imus in
the Morning."”
WBIG, Chicago, IL, February 8, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed "Energy: Mission Impossible?"
WFLA, The Pat Campbell Show, Orlando, FL, February 8,
2007. Staff Writer Fred Lucas discussed the border agents
convicted of shooting a drug smuggler
WGOW, Chattanooga, TN, February 8, 2007. Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel discussed the EU and a North
American Union
WIBC, Indianapolis, IN, February 8, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed this week's bias
Deal W. Hudson, February 7, 2007.
A Sign of Contradiction, Posted by Craig Richardson. References
and links to article. "The battle is not over yet, as with
all struggles of the Cross. William and Mary's Board of Visitors are
taking up the issue this week as part of its quarterly meeting,
according to Cybercast News Service."
News, Detroit, MI, February 7, 2007.
NFL Lets Super Bowl Promoters Make Offensive Calls. Article by CMI
Director Robert Knight
FNC, Hannity & Colmes, February 7, 2007.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed Pelosi's request
for a jet
Allen's The Right Balance, February 7, 2007. Staff Writer Randy Hall discussed this week's
top stories
Jesus is Lord, A Worshipping Christian's Blog, February 7, 2007.
Affirmative Action Helps Immigrants Above Slave Descendants, Study
Finds, By CNS Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel, Reprint of article
KOGO, San Diego, CA, February 7, 2007.
MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed this week's bias
Pajamas Media, February 7, 2007.
Chris Matthews Jumps the Shark, Posted by PJM in Barcelona. Blog
links to NewsBusters story
Righttalk, February 7, 2007. MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed Notable
Sirius Satellite Radio, National Pro-Life Radio, February
7, 2007. CMI Director Robert Knight discussed Super Bowl ads
St. Louis
CofCC Blog, St. Louis, MO, February 7, 2007.
How We Know Bloomberg Really Messed Up, Blog Posting links to article entitled "ATF Probing Mayor Bloomberg's 'Rogue Gun
The Corner on National Review Online, February 7, 2007.
Chris Matthews Drops F-Bomb, Posted by Jonah Goldberg. Reprint of
NewsBusters story
-, February 7, 2007.
Weird Men from Mars and Chevy, By Robert Knight. Link to CMI
Director Robert Knight's column
American Thinker Blog, February 6, 2007.
Damage toll mounts from NYT SWIFT leaks while MSM pays no heed, By
Thomas Lifson. Quoted NewsBusters Noel Sheppared [sic]. "The agency,
the European Data Protection Supervisor, told the bank to come up with
measures ‘to make its payment operations fully compliant with
data-protection legislation,' urging it to ‘take appropriate measures
as soon as possible.'"
Allen's The Right Balance, February 6, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed the founding
fathers and religion
Investor's Business Daily, February 6, 2007.
Changing the
Political Climate. Op-Ed quoted article. “Lindzen told
Cybercast News Service that the rules for the fourth assessment report
specifically require changes in the detail report to bring it in line
with the politically motivated summary”
KFIV, Sacramento, CA, February 6, 2007.
Director of TimesWatch Clay Waters discussed debate over NYT slamming
its own
KMJ, Fresno, CA, February 6, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
KOIA, San Antonio, TX, February 6, 2007.
CMI Director Robert Knight discussed church showing Super Bowl
National Ledger, February 6, 2007.
ABC, Apple-Polisher for Autocrats, By Brent Bozell. Column by MRC
President Brent Bozell
Time America,
February 6, 2007.
CMI Senior Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed American Idol's audition
Pro Ecclesia Pro Familia Pro Civitate, Norwalk, OH, February 6,
Reagan Considered Invading Poland, Author Says, By CNS Staff
Writer Kevin Mooney. Reprint of article
Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, WA, February 6, 2007.
Other Voices: Dungy Well Aware of What He Said, By Kevin Modesti.
Article mentions NewsBusters and MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim
Graham. “On ("Exposing and Combating Liberal Media
Bias"), blogger Tim Graham wrote that "the ACLU's teeth must have
really been on edge at this lack of separation of church and sport."”
Sister Toldjah Blog, February 6, 2007.
Ex-WaPo Editor and the ‘Talk’ He had with His 8 y/o Son About the
Post-9/11 World, Posted by Sister Toldjah. Reprint of NewsBusters
Sirius Satellite Radio, The Catholic Channel, February 6,
2007. Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed peace surge
WBAL, Baltimore, MD, February 6, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed the economy
WDEO, Ann Arbor, MI, February 6, 2007.
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham discussed peace surge
World Net Daily, February 6, 2007.
Are Boobs in Charge of the NFL?, By Bob Knight. Article by CMI
Director Robert Knight
Faith2Action, February 5, 2007.
CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick discussed Colt's coach Tony Dungy
FNC, Your World with Neil Cavuto, February 5, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor
discussed global warming
KPDQ, Portland, OR, February 5, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
National Ledger, February 5, 2007.
Media Promote Global Warming Fraud, Posted by Cliff Kincaid.
References article. “The story by Kevin Mooney
also quoted Richard Lindzen, professor of atmospheric science at MIT,
as saying that issuing a conclusion before producing the evidence for
that conclusion is completely improper and that a business which
issued a report in such a fashion would be investigated by the
government for fraud.”
Tribune Review, Pittsburgh, PA, February 5, 2007.
Media Monday, Article Uses Notable Quotables. “Here are some of
the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes from or about the
liberal media, courtesy of the Media Research Center:”
RighTalk Radio, February 5, 2007. Staff Writer Fred Lucas discussed the border agents
convicted of shooting a drug dealer
RighTalk Radio, February 5, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed global warming
-, February 5, 2007.
Vietnam Veterans Were Gobbed On, Insist Angry Readers and Critical
Bloggers, By Jack Shafer. Links to NewsBusters story. “Also taking
exception to my piece were Dan Riehl at the NewsBusters blog, Jim
Lindgren at the Volokh Conspiracy, and others.”
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, February 5,
2007. By
Chris Horner. New book on global warming quoted extensively from BMI's
Special Report, Fire & Ice
Cao's Blog, February 4, 2007.
Axelrod Paved Way for Obama, Posted by X. Mentions MRC President
Brent Bozell. “Brent Bozell at the Media Research Center is right,
though; journalists don’t cover liberal political scandals in quite
the same way as conservative ones.”
Cao's Blog, February 4, 2007.
No, Patricia, Global Warming is Not 'Indisputable', Posted by Cao.
References and Links to article entitled "Climate Skeptics
Now 'Relegated to the Fringe'"
David Frum's Dairy on National Review Online, February 4, 2007.
That's the Way it Was, By David Frum. Mentions MRC Media Reality
Check from 2004. “In 2004, the Virginia-based Media Research Center (MRC)
produced a stark summary of the disparity.”
Fausta's Blog, February 4, 2007.
Sacramental Sacrilege for News' Sake, and Today's Items, Posted by
Fausta. Links to NewsBusters story. “If you think reporters would have
enough scruples to avoid violating a Sacrament of the Catholic Church
for the sake of a news story, you are mistaken. The Spirit of Trent
and Newsbusters have more.”
New York
Post, New York, NY, February 4, 2007.
A Ban on 'Victory', Op-Ed quoted TimesWatch. “Nor, as the Web site points out, was there any reprimand of correspondent
Neil McFarquhar, who last summer also appeared on Charlie Rose's show
and at tacked the Bush administration for "rush ing bombs to this part
of the world."”
Tribune Review, Pittsburgh, PA, February 4, 2007.
CNN's Obama Addiction. Column by MRC President Brent Bozell
The Citizen's Journal Blog, February 4, 2007.
Hillary Clinton - I Want to Take Oil Profits, Posted by John
Anderson. Links to NewsBusters story. “Newsbusters reports on the
comments she made during a DNC winter meeting concerning oil profits
and how she wanted to "take them" for the "common good."”
WBT, Charlotte, NC, February 4, 2007.
Director of TimesWatch Clay Waters discussed airing of dying soldier
Faith Broadcasting, WYDF, AL, February 4, 2007.
CMI Senior Editor
Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed blasphemy column and vandalism of the
National Post, Canada, February 3, 2007.
The politics of bulls
and bears: How does the U.S. Media describe the economy? It depends on
Who's President, By David Frum. Mentions MRC Media Reality Check from
2004. “In 2004, the Virginia-based Media Research Center (MRC)
produced a stark summary of the disparity.”
-, February 3, 2007.
DNC Winter Meeting,
Posted by Mark
Kilmer. Links to NewsBusters story. “Newsbusters’ Mark Finkelstein
covers Hillary’s little chat with the DNC crowd: Hillary’s Oil
Industry Threat: ‘I Want to Take Those Profits’.”
The Liberty Sphere, February 3, 2007.
U.N. Report on Global Warming a Tyrannical Sham,
Posted by D. Martyn Lloyd-Morgan. Links to
article entitled "UN Climate Summary Designed to Dupe, Critics Say"
WBT, Charlotte, NC, February 3, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
American Family Radio, February 2, 2007.
Director of
TimesWatch Clay Waters discussed airing of dying soldier
FNC, Special Report with Brit Hume, February 2, 2007.
Special Report With Brit Hume. cited on
the Political Grapevine Segment
-, February 2, 2007.
Not All Scientists are Buying What the U.N. is Selling on Global
By Brit Hume. References article. “Cybercast News Service
cites MIT professor Richard Lindzen — who worked on the last U.N.
climate report — as saying the summary is primarily the work of
political appointees — not scientists.”
Human Events Online, February 2, 2007.
Media Ignore Cross Controversy at William & Mary.
Article by BMI Staff Writer Ken Shepherd
The Mark Levin Show, February 2, 2007.
Mark Levin cited the MRC as a source on nationally syndicated radio
Media Bistro/Fishbowl DC, February 2, 2007.
Taking out the Trash,
Links to MRC Media
Reality Check. “Media Research Center reports, "Obviously, the
networks believe some demonstrators are more newsworthy than others.
It might just depend on whether the cause is liberal or conservative,'
based on this new Media Reality Check.”
The Church Report, February 2, 2007.
Whitewashing the Reds (and the Blues, Blacks and Yellows),
By Brian Fitzpatrick.
Article by CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick
Lars Larson Show,
February 2, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed global warming
Radio, February 2, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
Times, Washington, DC, February 2, 2007.
Inside Politics: The End is Near,
By Greg Pierce. Quotes from MRC's CyberAlert. "The networks on Wednesday,
without any sense of any questions about the media-fueled scientific
'consensus,' continued their hyperbolic panic over the supposed dire
threat of global warming," the Media Research Center's Brent
Baker writes at
WCHS, Charleston, WV, February 2, 2007.
BMI Director Dan Gainor discussed global warming
WCHS, Charleston, WV, February 2, 2007.
CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick discussed anti-war protestors
AL, February 2, 2007.
CMI Senior Editor
Writer Kristen Fyfe discussed blasphemy column and vandalism of the
World Net Daily, February 2, 2007.
Protestors at US Capitol Facing Arrest,
Quoted article by CMI Senior Editor Brian Fitzpatrick. “Brian
Fitzpatrick, of the Culture and Media Institute, said the vandals –
"black-clad radicals, many wearing masks" did the damage.”
WTKF, Greenville, NC, February 2, 2007.
BMI Deputy Editor Amy Menefee discussed global warming, Exxon profits
and health care
FNC, Hannity and Colmes, February 1, 2007. MRC
President Brent Bozell
discussed the NY Times running a photo and video of a dying
Life Matters Television, Boston, MA, February 1, 2007.
CMI Director Bob Knight discussed moral relativism, media and culture
The Corner on National Review Online, February 1, 2007.
Weathermen on Warming.
Blog posting by MRC
Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham
George Putnam Show,
February 1, 2007. Staff Writer Kevin Mooney discussed the border agents
convicted of shooting a drug dealer
Times, Washington, DC, February 1, 2007.
Inside Politics: Media Hype,
By Greg Pierce. Quotes from MRC's CyberAlert. “"The broadcast network
evening newscasts on Tuesday, especially NBC and ABC, jumped to hype a
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing meant to
publicize a report from two far-left groups about how the Bush
administration supposedly suppressed science about the dire threat of
global warming -- as if that view isn't already getting plenty of play
in the mainstream media," the Media Research Center's Brent
Baker writes at”
WIBC, Indianapolis, IN, February 1, 2007.
MRC Research Director Rich Noyes discussed this week's bias
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