Runners-Up |
tonight, the Winter Games. Count me among those who don’t like ‘em and
won’t watch ‘em. In fact, I figure when Thomas Paine said, ‘These are
the times that try men’s souls,’ he must have been talking about the
start of another Winter Olympics. Because they’re so trying, maybe over
the next three weeks we should all try, too. Like, try not to be
incredulous when someone attempts to link these games to those of the
ancient Greeks, who never heard of skating or skiing. So try not to
laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite
a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP
— Bryant Gumbel’s on HBO’s Real Sports, February 7.
"A past
President, bullied and sandbagged by a monkey posing as a newscaster,
finally lashed back....The nation’s marketplace of ideas is being
poisoned by a propaganda company so blatant that Tokyo Rose would’ve
quit....As with all the other nefariousness and slime of this, our worst
presidency since James Buchanan, he [President Bush] is having it done
for him, by proxy. Thus, the sandbag effort by Fox News Friday
— Keith Olbermann referring to ex-President Bill Clinton’s interview
with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, MSNBC’s Countdown,
September 25.
And the winner is...
Couric: "A passionate student of history, Condi Rice believes
turmoil often precedes periods of peace and stability. And she rejects
the notion that the U.S. is a bully, imposing its values on the world."
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: "What’s wrong with
assistance so that people can have their full and complete right to the
very liberties and freedoms that we enjoy?"
Couric to Rice: "To quote my daughter, ‘Who made us the boss of
— CBS’s 60 Minutes, September 24.