Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis
Tim Graham and Research Director Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

December 13  No End to Media’s Defeatism on Iraq War
MRC Study: Amid Iraq Progress, Networks Continue to Emphasize Violence and Calls for Withdrawal
November 21  New Anchor’s Record of Liberal Advocacy
As ABC’s White House Correspondent, New Nightline Anchor Terry Moran Pushed a Liberal Agenda
November 09  Media’s Post-Election Spin Favors Democrats
In 1997, GOP Wins Spun as Happiness with Clinton’s Status Quo; Now Reporters See Anti-Bush Anger
November 01  Alito the Extremist, Ginsburg the Moderate?
In 1993, Networks Touted Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a “Moderate” and Omitted Her Conservative Critics
October 26  Morbid Networks Tout Iraq War’s “Milestone”
ABC, CBS and NBC Skip Army Soldier’s Heroics; ABC and CBS Downplay Democratic Constitution
October 17  TV’s Depressing, Defeatist Coverage of Iraq War
MRC Study: Networks Paint Dark Picture of War Effort, Emphasizing Terrorist Attacks and U.S. Deaths
September 08  Celebrating the Media's Bush-Bashing "Passion"
Journalists Refused to Tilt in America's Favor after 9/11, But Are Praised For Biased Hurricane Coverage
September 01  Preparing the Battlefield for a Roberts Ambush?
“Very Conservative” Supreme Court Pick Portrayed as a Confederate, Racist and Male Chauvinist Pig
August 23  Outraged By Pat Robertson, But Silent On Anti-American Chavez
Dictator Hugo Chavez Is Wrecking Democracy In Venezuela & Allying Himself With America-Hating Terror States Like Iran
August 16  Interested in Connected Dots or Blaming Bush?
In 2002, Network News Breathlessly Touted Charge That “Bush Knew” In Advance of 9/11 Plot
August 11  Announcing Another Way to Fight Liberal Bias
MRC Launches, an Interactive Web Log Dedicated to Exposing the Media’s Tilt
August 02  "Defiant" Bush Sends "Damaged Goods" to UN
Networks React with Indignation to Bush’s Recess Appointment, But Praised Clinton’s ‘97 “Solution”
July 19  Media Now Roast Rove, But Wouldn’t Fry Bacon
Networks Pile On With 58 Rove Stories in 10 Days, But Helped Bury Pentagon’s Abuse of Tripp in 1998
July 01  Sickening Moral Equivalence From NBC Anchor Brian Williams
Happy Fourth Of July: NBC Nightly News Suggests“The First Several U.S. Presidents Might Have Been Called Terrorists,” Just Like Ayatollah Khomeni's Radical Hostage Takers In Iran
June 29  Going Over Easy for Democrats in the Morning
Network Anchors Tenderly Offer Senators Chance to Rebut and Criticize President’s Fort Bragg Speech
June 16  Nets Target U.S. Military "Abuses," But Skip Dick Durbin's
"Nazi" Rant
A Democratic Senate Senate Leader Compares American Soldiers To Pol Pot, Stalin's Gulag, and Nazis- Why Is That Not News?
June 09  PBS on Tom DeLay: Favors “Virtual Slavery”?
Replacement for Bill Moyers Is Becoming the New Poster Boy for Blatant Liberal Bias on Public TV
June 1 
Anchors Gush Over Heroism of "Deep Throat"
Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Aaron Brown Offer the Passionate Liberal Rebuttal
to Mark Felt’s Critics
May 20  Ignoring Saddam's Mass Graves,
Covering Undies Photo “Outrage”
Today Show Seeks Out Saddam Defense Lawyer To Express His Outrage Over Brutal Iraqi Dictator's Unfair Treatment
May 09  MRC Study: Six Times More “Conservative” than “Liberal” Labels on Network News Since Election Day
Extreme Conservatives vs. Unlabeled Liberals
April 28  Ignoring the Pro-Pope Polls of Catholics
Networks Claimed "Many Catholics" Opposed "Ultraconservative" Ratzinger, "God’s Rottweiler"
April 15  Washington Post’s Robin Givhan and Her Hair-Raising Fashion Bias
Bolton, Bush, and Cheney Hair Mocked, but Kerry Should “Gloat,” and Edwards Should be “Tousled” and “Nuzzled”
March 30  Jesse Jackson Gets No News Mojo in Supporting Terri Schiavo’s Life
Networks Unimpressed with the Liberal Reverend When He Arrives in Florida to Put a Democratic Face on the Side of Life
March 22  Slanting the News Against Terri Schiavo
ABC, CBS and NBC Evening News Coverage Favors Those Who Would Stop Feeding Disabled Woman
March 07  Good Riddance to Dan Rather’s Rotten Bias
For Decades, the Liberal CBS Anchorman Twisted the News to Help Liberals and Hurt Conservatives
February 23  CNN Anchor Helps Promote HBO’s Offensive Anti-Faith “Comedian”
Just Last Week, Maher Mouthed Off on MSNBC: “Religion Stops People From Thinking....Religion is a Neurological Disorder.”
February 18  NBC, MSNBC Find the Major Media Scandal at Talon News, Not CNN
NBC Only had 30 Words for CNN Executive Eason Jordan’s Charge That American Soldiers Murdered Journalists
February 11  Is Bush “Ripping the Heart” Out of People?
Budget Coverage Is Low on Big-Picture Numbers, High on Hyperbole About Government Beneficiaries
February 03  A Faked Hug? U.S. Coerced Iraqi Voters? MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Pushes Crackpot Conspiracies
Liberal Radio Host Mocks Iraqi Voters with Nazi Salute
January 31  Election Triumph Belies Network Naysayers
Strong Turnout by Iraqi Voters and Relative Calm Contradict Many Journalists’ Pessimistic Predictions
January 25  Will They Dismiss a Real Vote, When They Fell for a Fraud?
ABC, CNN, and NBC Touted Saddam 100-Percent “Vote” in 2002
January 11

Morning Shows
Give Short Shrift to CBS Hoax
Overnight, CBS’s Dan Rather Fiasco Goes From Big Story to Minimal
Story on ABC, NBC, and CNN

"No organization better informs the public or holds the big media
accountable for its incredibly biased and unprofessional ways than the Media Research
Center. There is not an email or a printed publication of theirs that I do not read. MRC is the best at what it does and is having an impact on how the news is covered."
~ Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist
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