Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis
Tim Graham and Research Director Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

December 14  Moyers Ends With a Silly Whimper, Not a Bang
PBS Omnipresence Retires with Ridiculous Claim that There’s No Liberal Bias, Only Conservative Bias
December 08  CBS’s Bias Won’t End When Rather Exits
John Roberts, the Front-Runner to Take Rather’s Chair, Twists News Stories to Favor a Liberal Agenda
November 30  New Anchorman, Same Old Liberal Bias
NBC News Anchor Brian Williams Lionizes Liberals, Castigates Conservatives and Blames America First
November 10  Peddling a “Cure” Worse than the Disease
FMP Study: Networks Tout Alleged Harm of Global Warming But Hide Massive Costs of Kyoto Treaty
October 29  How Will Media Spin Best Pre-Election Growth in 25 Years?
Under Democrats, Slower Growth was Seen as Good News
October 28  Late Hit Proves Media’s Urge to Help Kerry
Al-Qaqaa Bombshells Prove Anti-Bush Media Can’t Resist Trying to “Push Undecideds the Other Way”
October 25  ABC Asks Bush How He’ll Lose, Leave Iraq
Charles Gibson Devoted Half of His Presidential Interview Emphasizing the Human Costs of the War
October 21  The
Times: All the News That Fits Our Spin
Paper Smears Its Front Page With Bad News for Bush, Editor Worries Press Is Too Nice to the President
October 20  Bill Clinton Boom, George W. Bush Gloom
Economic Numbers in 1996 and 2004 Very Similar, But the Media Spin Depends on
Who's President
October 14  TV (Again) Hails Kerry as Debate Champ
Reporters Frown on Bush’s Mention of Kerry’s Liberalism, Calling It a “Tinny” Charge, a “Tired Horse”
October 12  Meet Bob Schieffer, CBS’s Dan Rather Echo
Rathergate or No Rathergate, CBS’s Face the Nation Host Has Given Brickbats for Bush, Kudos for Kerry
October 11  No Balance Until November 3?
ABC Political Chief Says Bush is Biggest Distorter, Urges Staff Not To "Artificially Hold Both Sides 'Equally' Accountable"
October 08  Will the “Uncommitted” Be Mostly Liberals?
Letting the Moderator Pick the Gallup Questioners Led to a Bigger Slant in Liberal Questioners in 2000
October 07  Charlie Gibson, ABC’s Liberal Question Man
Friday’s Debate Moderator Loved July’s Democratic Convention but Scolded “Icy” Tone of VP Debate
October 06  Scolding “Gratuitously Mean” Dick Cheney
Only CBS News Claims Edwards Won the Debate; CBS Reporter Says Cheney’s Words “Did Not Take”
October 04  PBS’s Gwen Ifill: No Moderate Moderator
Running-Mate Debate Host Has Likened Conservatives to Terrorists, Truck Bombers, and Assassins
October 01  Media Decide Kerry Gets the “Momentum”
Networks Crown Kerry Winner of First Presidential Debate, Deride Bush as “Angry” and “Self-Pitying”
September 29  Lehrer Favored Liberal Questions in 2000
Forget the Fuss About Debate Rules: Will Bush and Cheney Get a Fair Shake from Four Liberal Anchors?
September 23  Lining Up in Dan Rather’s Valley of Forgery
Geraldo Feels Sorry for Rather, Helen Thomas Says He’s “Magnificent,” Diane Sawyer Finds “A Giant”
September 09  Pro-Kerry Media Expose Their Partisanship
ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Ignored or Disparaged Swift Vets Against Kerry but Hype Anti-Bush Charges
September 08  60 Minutes Has Pounded on Bush All Year
CBS Interview with Texas Democrat Only the Latest Salvo in an Undeniable Trend of Bush-Bashing
September 03  CBS Belittles Bush but Fawned Over Kerry
Republican Convention, Day 4: "Compassionate Conservatism" Mantra Rings Hollow to CBS Reporter
September 02  Decrying Miller’s “Ugly” “Raw Meat” Speech
Republican Convention, Day 3: ABC's Stephanopoulos Hears Echoes of 1992 Houston Convention
September 01  Brokaw: Platform Doesn’t Speak to Women
Republican Convention, Day 2: MSNBC Reporter Suggests "Compassion" = Supporting Gay Marriage
August 31  Reporters Shocked by Anti-Kerry Band-Aids
Republican Convention, Day 1: CNN's Aaron Brown Scolds GOP Speakers' Focus on National Security
August 26  TV: Take the Fair and Balanced Challenge
In Boston, Networks Avoided Labels, Social Issues, Anti-Kerry Vets, Quibbles on Facts or Policy Ideas
August 23  TV Focuses on Kerry’s Spin, Not Kerry’s History
ABC, CBS & NBC Morning Shows Have Failed to Interview A Member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
August 18  TV Gives No Respect to Swift Boat Vets for Truth
ABC, CBS & NBC Gave 75 Stories to Bush ¡°AWOL¡± Charge, 9 to Claims Kerry Embellished War Record
July 30  TV Networks Applaud John Kerry’s Speech
Democratic Convention, Day 4: On ABC, CBS and NBC, No Liberal Labels For
Kerry's Proposals
July 29  Network Reporters Swoon Over Edwards’ Speech
Democratic Convention, Day 3: Edwards Is So Nice, ABC's Jennings Frets,
Who'll Attack Bush/Cheney?
July 28  Obama the “Rock Star” & America “Goose-Steps”
Democratic Convention, Day 2: Tom Pops the Question: "What Did You
Mean" by "Un-American"
July 27  Clever Bill, Honest Jimmy, but No Bush-Bashing?
Democratic Convention, Day 1: CBS¡¯s ¡°Shove It¡± Story Skips Teresa¡¯s Calling GOP ¡°Un-American¡±
July 22  Television's Biased Convention Coverage
As Networks Prepare for 2004 Conventions, MRC Review Shows Liberals Get Kinder, Gentler Coverage
July 21  Sandy Berger’s Defense Lawyers in the Press
Dan Rather Disparages “Carefully Orchestrated Leak” That Upsets His Carefully Orchestrated Newscast
July 16  Tonight’s Big Story: Ridiculous Rumors!
They All Report Dumping Cheney Is “Far-Fetched,” But Promote Fable “Privately Advanced” by Dems
June 21  Dan Rather Nods Through Clinton Whoppers
CBS Anchor Buys Hillary’s Ignorance, Bill’s Couch Sleeping, Outrage at Kroft; Glosses Over Buckraking
June 17  For Clinton, Dan Rather is Putty in His Hands
CBS Anchorman Has Long Track Record of Cheerleading and Softball Questions for President Clinton
June 09  Liberal Media’s Reagan-Bashing Record
While Reporters Now Praise Reagan's Humor & Optimism, They Disdained His Conservative Policies
June 04  All Abu Ghraib Zeroes, Not Decorated Heroes
Networks Highlight Soldiers Smiling in Prison Abuse Photos, Ignore Those Showing Bravery in Combat
May 27  Why Are Gas Prices the Only Economic News?
ABC, CBS, NBC Aired 50 Stories Playing Up “Skyrocketing” Gas Prices, 22 Falsely Said “Record High”
May 20  Hyping Liberal Radio’s Rise, But Not Its Fall
National Media Outlets Piled Publicity on Air America¡¯s Launch, But Have Gone Silent On Its Struggles
May 12  MRC Study: NBC Devoted Ten Times More Airtime to U.S. Humiliations Than Saddam’s Mass Murders
Prison Abuse Trumps Saddam’s Mass Graves?
April 21  The TV Elite Downplays Kerry vs. Russert
Papers Highlight Kerry Backing Away from Vietnam “Atrocity” Claims, But TV Networks Stay Quiet
April 15  Hyping Bush Bashers, Ignoring Bush Backers
MRC Study: Throughout the Hearings, Networks Favored a Handful of 9/11 Relatives Who Fault Bush
April 08  NBC Trumps Rice With Anti-Bush Widows
NBC and MSNBC Allowed No Pro-Bush Mourners to Express Their Feelings About Condi Testimony
March 31  Liberal Media vs. Conservative Talk Radio
Media Elites Show Their Bias as They Gleefully Push Liberal Talk Radio “Network” With Few Stations
March 25  Credible Clarke vs. Ferocious White House
Network Reporters Treat the Former Anti-Terrorism Advisor¡¯s Testimony As Authoritative, Not Biased
March 23  Kerry Gaffes in Front of the Press, But They Don't Notice?
Only FNC Covered Kerry's $87 Billion Flub the Day He Said It
March 10  ABC Can’t Stop Blabbing About Kerry-McCain “Dream Ticket”
Why Won’t ABC Ask McCain About Democrats Subverting McCain-Feingold Law With Their New Anti-Bush Ads?
March 03  A Liberal Candidate Gets Media Makeover
Study: Networks Portray Kerry’s Liberalism as a Partisan GOP Charge, Not a Well-Documented Fact
February 24  Anti-Bush Anecdotes Trump Pro-Bush Poll
While CBS’s Poll Shows Huge GOP Majorities Backing Bush, CBS Reporter Finds a “Fury” on the Right
February 23  Networks to Nader: Drop Out!
ABC, NBC Flay Nader as Spoiler of Gore’s 2000 Victory, Suggest He’s Only Running to Stoke “Enormous Ego”
February 17  Kerry’s Partisan Partners in Smearing Bush
ABC, CBS and NBC Give Bush "AWOL" Charge Double the 1992 Coverage of
Clinton's Draft Dodging
February 11  Partisan Tools, Not Objective Observers
ABC, CBS, NBC Pound Bush, But Protected Draft-Dodging Clinton from the “Willie Horton
February 05  DNC “Warning Shot” Feisty, Not Dirty?
Was Bush “AWOL” From the National Guard? Reporters Find Accuracy and Civility Not the Point
January 27  Dan Rather Makes Nice, Not News
Sixteen Years After Yelling at Bush The First, CBS Anchor Stays Mellow with Democratic Contenders
January 21  “Red Meat” Previews “Angry Campaign”
Reporters Rebuke Tone and Substance of State of the Union While Inviting Democrats to Castigate Bush
January 07  Morning Donations to Democratic Dreams
MRC Study: Dean and Clark Get Most Network Airtime; Reporters’ Questions Favor a Liberal Agenda

"No organization better informs the public or holds the big media
accountable for its incredibly biased and unprofessional ways than the Media Research
Center. There is not an email or a printed publication of theirs that I do not read. MRC is the best at what it does and is having an impact on how the news is covered."
~ Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist
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