Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

December 23, 1998
To Us a Secular Liberal Savior is Born?
Christmas Reminds Us That Media Figures Have Exploited Their Idea of Jesus in Political Terms
December 17, 1998
Will Liberals Waive Their War-Powers Stand?
John Conyers, Jesse Jackson, and Activist Groups Backed Impeachment for Reagan's Military Actions
December 10, 1998
Diane Sawyer's Judgment of the "Judgmental"
Ken Starr Might Have Thought Twice About An Interview If He Knew ABC Host's Body of Work
December 2, 1998
The Idaho Shrink: Washington's Missing Link
Major Media Ignored Case of VA Psychiatrist Barbara Battalino's Perjury About Sex in a Civil Case
November 18, 1998
Ken Starr Gets His Day; Media Had All Year
Will Media Continue To Resemble James Carville's Marionettes as Starr Finally Speaks on Capitol Hill?
November 12, 1998
"Bombastic and Ruthless" Gingrich Haters
Media Called Him Lenin, McCarthy, Scrooge, the Grinch, Manson, A Threat to the Human Species
November 6, 1998
"Cold-Hearted Governors Now "Moderates"
Networks Promote "Pragmatic Centrist" Republican Governors Who Used to Be Media Targets
October 30, 1998
What's Worse?
"Putzhead" or "Fascist"?
TV Pounds D'Amato's Yiddish Slap at Schumer, But D'Amato's '92 Foe Allowed to Call D'Amato Worse
October 22, 1998
No DNA, No Cigars, No Berets, No Story
It's Not Sex! It's Clinton Policy, Handing Over Technology to the Chinese Military! But Networks Yawn
October 16, 1998
Public Broadcasting: Still a Partisan Tool
Your Tax Dollars Brought You Wall-to-Wall Watergate and Iran-Contra, But Not Live Clinton Coverage
October 8, 1998
Will Sid's First Amendment Army Recant?
Grand Jury Scolded White House Aide for Misleading the Media; Now Will the Media Follow Suit?
October 1, 1998
If It's Bad Here, Isn't It Bad Worldwide?
News Weeklies Note Moral Hazards of Long Term Capital Management Bailout, But Not IMF Bailouts
September 24, 1998
Tripp-Bashers of the Media, Unite!
Networks Ignore Ongoing Probe Into Pentagon's Illegal Leak of Tripp's Confidential Personnel File
September 18, 1998
The Newest "Family Values" Hypocrites
The Same Networks Wary of "Salacious Language" on Monicagate Air It Nightly in Prime Time Sitcoms
September 10, 1998
Will 1998 Be the Year of "That Woman"?
Few Media Outlets Emphasize Anita Hill and Her 1991 Chief Legal Adviser Lending Support to Clinton
September 3, 1998
IMF: Immune from Media Fire
Networks and News Magazines Ignore Charges That Agency Has Worsened Problems Overseas
August 27, 1998
No Cigar for Kenneth Starr?
News Magazines Give Little Credit to Starr for Extracting Confession Out of a Very Reluctant Clinton
August 18, 1998
Drop It, and Reward Seven Months of Lies
TV Morning Shows Highlight Polls Asking If Starr Probe or Impeachment Hearings Should Be Stopped
August 13, 1998
Guillen: Beware of Climate Hype
One Reporter Punctures Global-Warming Hysteria; Others at Networks Prove His Point
August 6, 1998
Should Bill Confess to Messing the Dress?
News Weeklies Indulge Wishful Thinking That A Late Apology Will Make Clinton Scandals Go Away
July 30, 1998
Clinton Capers Left to Die in the Papers
Throughout July, the Networks Have Ignored New Developments in the Fundraising Scandal
July 23, 1998
Only Scientists Who Agree With Us Matter
Networks Continue to Ignore Legions of Experts Who Question Drastic Climate Change
July 16, 1998
Hillary Visits the Servants at NBC's Today
First Lady's Publicity Demands Eagerly Met In 16-Minute Shriver Soft-Toss Segment at Edison's Lab
July 9, 1998
Flagrant Feminism Thrives at Time
Nina Burleigh Offers Her All for Abortion Rights, While Cover Story Hits Feminists, Media from the Left
July 2, 1998
Cheers for Clinton Relaxing "Tensions"
News Magazines Join Networks in Ignoring Clinton's China Scandals As He Kisses Chinese Rings
June 25, 1998
Only Liberal HMO Solutions Allowed
Networks Push for New Regulations of Managed Care, Disregard Free Market Ideas
June 17, 1998
Friends of Bill Become Friends of Brill
Networks Ignore Story of Deputy White House Counsel Contacting Lewinsky Probe Witnesses
June 12, 1998
Will Koppel Let Clinton Get Away With It?
Where Are Nightline's Investigative Resources Now That Clinton's Charged with Dangerous Exports?
June 4, 1998
Chinagate by U.S. News & World Rebuttal
Clinton's Gift of Loral Missile Expertise Rationalized Away In Magazine's Belated First Stories
May 29, 1998
Responsive to Questionable Data
Reporters Cite Flawed Campaign Numbers from Supposedly Nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics
May 21, 1998
Take the Money and Duck
Networks, News Magazines Slow to Note Chinese Contributions, Improvements to Chinese Missiles
May 14, 1998
Queen of Schmooze or Queen of Bribes?
Like Other Cabinet Probes, Networks Mostly Ignore Charges Against Labor Secretary Alexis Herman
May 7, 1998
The Strange Crusade Against Dan Burton
Same Media Outlets That Question GOP's Objectivity Hailed Democratic Partisan Henry Gonzalez
April 30, 1998
Washington Soaks Poor, Reporters Yawn
Networks Fail to Report that Proposed Tobacco Tax Increases Target Low-Income Americans
April 23, 1998
Clubbing the "King of the Clinton Haters"
Starr's Rejection of a Malibu Future Doesn't Slow Down Richard Scaife Conspiracy Theories in the Press
April 15, 1998
Facts Exempt: Network News and Taxes
Reporters Ignore Arguments for Tax Cuts, Present all Reform as Politics
April 9, 1998
Champagne Toasts to the Jones Dismissal
How Can the Reporters Buying Clintonites Drinks Be Relentless Pursuers of Paula's Charges?
April 3, 1998
Amnesia on Partisan Counsel Archibald Cox
Media Detractors of Whitewater Counsel Ken Starr Never Make Historical Comparisons to Watergate
March 26, 1998
Who Cares?--If the Liar's a Liberal
Media Stars Echo "Primary Colors" Thesis that Compassion Trumps Dishonesty
March 20, 1998
Willey: First Ignore Her, Then Destroy Her
Skeptical Media Treatment Is Proper, But Not When Applied Only to Accusers of Democrats
March 12, 1998
Democrats' Woody Allen Family Values
If Clinton's Party Approves of Affairs with 21-Year-Old Interns, Will the Media Apologize to Gingrich?
March 5, 1998
McDougal, Celebrity Crook
Who Knew A "Decade of Greed" Savings & Loan Robber Would Become So Popular with the Media?
February 27, 1998
Sidney "Chilling Effect" Blumenthal
White House Spin Artist's Cries of Attacks on Free Speech Don't Match His Truth-Squashing Record
February 18, 1998
If the Truth Worked, We'd Have Tried It
Networks Fail to Pounce on Spokesman's Suggestion that President Has No Innocent Explanation
February 12, 1998
Who Bashed the Partisan Leaker?
Networks Asking if Ken Starr is "Partisan and Political" Forget Lawrence Walsh's Last-Ditch 1992 Leak
February 4, 1998
Shooting Down Starr's Credibility
Media Buy into the Battle Plan Alleging Starr is Tainted by Conservatives
January 30, 1998
Tonight's Top Story: We Stink
"Feeding Frenzy" Followed by "Rush to Judgment" Breast-Beating Without Conservative Counterpoints
January 29, 1998
Media Should Say Whoops Over Whoopee
After Years Of Insisting Sex-Related Abuses of Power Weren't Relevant, Media Refuted by Monicagate
January 28, 1998
Why Hillary Ought to Shut Up
Media Carry First Lady's Fight Song, Worry About Going Too Far with Too Little Information
January 22, 1998
Five Ways the Media Promote Abortion
Five Years of Media Studies Confirm Reporters Favor Abortion Advocates at Expense of Pro-Lifers
January 7, 1998
Will Taxpayers Eat $285,000 for Ira's Lies?
Lying to Federal Judge Gets Clinton Health Care Czar Magaziner Fined, But Who Knows About It?

"No organization better informs the public or holds the big media
accountable for its incredibly biased and unprofessional ways than the Media Research
Center. There is not an email or a printed publication of theirs that I do not read. MRC is the best at what it does and is having an impact on how the news is covered."
~ Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist
L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Rich Noyes, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Patrick Gregory, Ken Shepherd, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research Associate;
Liz Swasey, Director of Communications. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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