Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

December 18, 2002 
Exposing Williams’ Anti-Missile Defense Bias
Future Nightly News Anchor’s Cable Show Reported Every Missile Test Failure & Ignored Every Success
December 10, 2002 
How the Liberal Media Are Preparing For the Tax Wars
Anti-Tax Cut O’Neill Praised as “Truth Teller” While Jennings Is Horrified Snow Might Favor More Cuts
December 6, 2002

Quick Take --
Has The Media Research Center “Triumphed” Over Liberal Media?
Dionne Sees “A Media Heavily Biased Toward Conservatives”
November 21, 2002 
Where’s Their First Amendment Solidarity?
What If John Ashcroft Had Tried to Quiet the New York Times the Way Daschle Targeted Limbaugh?
November 14, 2002 
Media Bias Destroyed Democratic Dreams?
Blaming “Conservative Media” for Democratic Losses, Pundits Demand Still More Liberal Media Bias
November 6, 2002 
Media: Both Parties Should Shift to the Left
Conservatives Told to Dilute Their Agenda While Democrats Condemned for Downplaying Liberalism
November 4, 2002 
Morley & Molly’s Gift to Texas Democrats
With Hours Left in Campaign 2002, CBS’s 60 Minutes Races to Assist Lagging Liberal Campaigns
October 31, 2002 
CBS’s Campaign Gifts to Liberal Candidates
Life Under Campaign Finance Reform? Liberal Anchor Distorts Facts to Help Democratic Campaigns
October 30, 2002 
Cheering Mondale, Decrying Republicans
GOP Scolded For Politics Prior to “Memorial” but Democratic Maneuvers Don’t Register with Media
October 25, 2002 
Harry Smith, Liberal Blast from CBS's Past
Like a Bald Jimmy Carter, Smith Berated America for Hurting the Poor, Fouling the Air and Race Hatred
October 22, 2002 
Quick Take -- Washington
Post’s October Surprise? Reporter Paints Bush as Clinton Clone
As Liberals Can't Gain Election Traction, The Media Step In
October 17, 2002 
Impressed by Sick Distortion of Democracy
ABC’s Wright: It’s “Impossible to Say” If 11,440,638 to Zero Result Is “True Measure” of Iraqi Opinion
October 14, 2002 
TV’s “Congress” Rejected Bush’s War Call
ABC Censored Bush’s Congressional Supporters While CBS and NBC Exaggerated Anti-War Sentiment
October 3, 2002 
ABC’s War Against Bush’s Anti-Iraq Policy
MRC Study: World News Tonight Painted U.S. as Aggressor and Gave More Airtime to Anti-War Views
September 19, 2002 
Auditing the Media’s Anti-Free Market Bias
MRC Study: Television News Stressed Liberal Themes in Covering Key Economic Issues this Summer
September 3, 2002 
Is ABC’s “Road to War?” Really Anti-War?
World News Tonight Ignores Dangers of Inaction on Iraq, Trumpets War Foes and Dire Consequences
August 27, 2002 
Using “Moderates” to Spank Conservatives
Study: Networks Stress Moderate Republicans, Not Centrist Democrats Who Think Liberals Go Too Far
August 26, 2002 
Quick Take - President Bush Rebuked For President Clinton's Errors?
ABC’s Jennings to the Left of the New York Times on Secret Court Ruling
August 21, 2002 
Trying to Make Green Ideology Mainstream
While the Earth Is Still Threatened by Capitalism, Time Offers Hugs to Pro-Environmental Businesses
August 12, 2002 
Why No TV Coverage of Tax-Cut Solutions?
ABC, CBS and NBC Ignore Economic Cures Ranging from Raising I.R.A. Cap to Ending Dividend Taxes
August 5, 2002 
Quick Take - CNN Turns Bad News Poll Into All-Day Marketing Campaign
Public Gives Anchor Aaron Brown Low “Believablity” Score
July 30, 2002 
A Bias Blind Spot for Meet the Press Host
One-Sided Questioning: Russert Pushed Both Friends and Foes of Bush Tax Cut to Suspend Its Benefits
July 22, 2002 
Disguising Liberal Views as Straight News
Liberal Columnist Alter Commandeers Newsweek Cover Story; Bashes Bush, Business and Tax Cuts
July 17, 2002 
Washington Post’s Bizarre Halliburton Spin
Disgruntled White House Correspondent Dana Milbank Floats Silly Cheney Stock Selling Theory
July 11, 2002 
Pushing Bush to Become Business Basher
Networks: Big Business Is Bad, Reform Means New Regulations, Stale Harken Charges Are Newsworthy
25, 2002 
Burying the Liberal Label on Network News
MRC Study: On Evening News Broadcasts, Conservative Tag Used Four Times More than Liberal Label
12, 2002 
Devoted to Bringing About Liberal Change
Anticipated Host of ABC’s Sunday Show Left Bill Clinton Behind But Never Set Aside Liberal Desires
4, 2002 
Demanding Further Concessions From Bush
ABC, CBS and NBC Promote Liberal Critics, Pretend Dissent Over Global Warming No Longer Exists
29, 2002 
New Anchorman, Same Old Liberal Song
Tom Brokaw’s Heir Claimed Neither Gore Nor Bradley Liberal but Jesse Jackson Is Indispensable
20, 2002 
Pushing a “Phony, Bogus” Anti-Bush Story
Newsweek Editor Reveals: “The Media Beast Was So Happy...We All Jumped Up and Down”
15, 2002 
Bye-Bye to Biased Bryant’s Liberal Preaching
Outgoing CBS Morning Host Once Claimed: “In Terms of My Political Views, I Hold Them In Check”
4, 2002 
Deploring Terror-Fighters, Not Terrorists
Criticism for Bush Administration and Israeli Anti-Terror Effort, Sympathy for Palestinians & Arafat
21, 2002 
Quick Take - Amanpour's Clueless
Criticism of American Media's War News
Out-of-Touch CNN Star Brands U.S. Reporters "Afraid"
14, 2002 
NBC Showcases Anti-Conservative
Morning Shows Ignored Best-Seller Exposing Liberal Bias, but Today Championed Brock’s Claims
March 5, 2002 
Dancing Around Bill Clinton’s Enron Deals
TV’s Double Standard: Networks Push Bush’s Links While Downplaying Clinton’s Favors For Enron
February 21, 2002 
Condemning Bush, Not Interested In Evil
MRC Study: Five Times More Coverage of Bush’s Rhetoric Than Iran, Iraq or North Korean Policies
February 11, 2002

Will Congress Reward Media’s Advocacy?
Establishment Journalists Discarded Objectivity for Activism In Pushing for Campaign Finance "Reform"
January 17, 2002 
Quick Take - Afghanistan's Murderous Taliban = U.S.A.’s "Religious Conservatives"
Post Reporter Bends Over Backwards to Slam Conservatives
January 16, 2002

News Media’s Scandal Double-Standards
Shifting Standards: Tyson’s Presidential Ties Downplayed, but Enron’s Links to Bush on Center Stage
January 8, 2002

Good Riddance to Two-Faced Reality Checks
Hailed As "Great Journalist" by Dan Rather, Eric Engberg Was Poster Boy for CBS’s Worst Liberal Bias
January 2, 2002 
Combating the Media’s Economic Myths
Ten Economic Leaders Offer an Alternative to Bias in a New Book from MRC’s Free Market Project

"No organization better informs the public or holds the big media
accountable for its incredibly biased and unprofessional ways than the Media Research
Center. There is not an email or a printed publication of theirs that I do not read. MRC is the best at what it does and is having an impact on how the news is covered."
~ Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist
L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Rich Noyes, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Patrick Gregory, Ken Shepherd, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research Associate;
Liz Swasey, Director of Communications. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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