Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

29, 1999
Kristol: ABC's Latest Conservative Casualty
ABC News President David Westin Pays for Gore Dinner, Promotes Stephanopoulos, and Fires Kristol
December 16, 1999
The Homeless Resurface As A Liberal Prop
Years After Homelessness Vanished from Network News, Reporters Pick Up Issue to Hit Hillary Foe
December 10, 1999
ABC Loves McCain: Is That Democracy?
Good Morning America Offers McCain Campaign Nine Interviews Since August, But Ignores The Rest
December 2, 1999
ABC Caters to Gore at Casa Cochran
ABC Fired Zelnick Over Gore Book Deal, But It Pays for Cochran's Dinner Party With Al and Tipper
November 19, 1999
Ad Cops Go Soft on Democrats
Democrats Are Life Savers, Republicans Kill, Conservatives are "Slashers," and All's Fine With the Press
November 15, 1999
Agnew Exposed the Liberal Media
Saturday Marks the 30-Year Anniversary of the Speech Challenging the Dominance of Liberal TV News
November 4, 1999
The Early Word on the Early Show
Gumbel's Soft on Clinton, Wants Toughness on Mel Gibson, Pushes Gun Control and Bush Drug Rumor
October 28, 1999
Gumbel: America is Hopelessly Racist
On Monday, CBS Begins Assaulting Morning Viewers with Bryant Gumbel’s Bias on The Early Show
October 21, 1999
No Exposure for Gore's Dueling Poseurs
RNC Discovers Gore Arms Control Flip-Flop, But Media's "Ad Watch" Hounds Remain Silent
October 15, 1999
Clinton's Mean-Spirited Press Conference
Reporters Fail to Press On Clinton's Contributions to Proliferation, Networks Skip Tough Angles
October 8, 1999
The Media Allow No Conservative Idealism
TV Reports Sell "Bill of Rights" Terminology, Stress Link Between GOP Opposition and Insurance Cash
October 1, 1999
Anita Hill's Army AWOL Again on Baucus
Montana Democrat's Chief of Staff Charges Him With Sexual Harassment, But Where Are the Media?
September 24, 1999
The Shocking New Thompson Hearings
Print, TV Outlets Skip FBI Agents Charging Justice Department Supervisors Hindered Fundraising Probe
September 17, 1999
Little Sympathy for FALN Crime Victims
Big Three Networks Very Slow and Skimpy on Coverage of Puerto Rican Terrorist Group Clemency
September 10, 1999
Misleading Congress: A New Habit for PBS?
CPB Inspector General Revealed That Public Broadcasters' July Congressional Testimony Was False
September 3, 1999
The Selective Koppel Lecture Series
ABC Has Ignored Clinton Cocaine Allegations, But Used A Different Standard with Bush and Brown
August 13, 1999
Coke-Question Pushers Ought to Ask Bill
Reporters Look Biased in Pressing Bush, But Not Forcing Clinton's Answer About Cocaine or Broaddrick
August 6, 1999
Geraldo Finds Another Empty Vault
Media Outlets That Covered Allegations of Conservative Bribes Skipped Covering the Official Rebuttal
July 28, 1999
Too Busy Laying Bouquets at JFK's Door?
FNC, New York Times Expose Again the Absence of Big TV Bloodhounds on China-DNC Money Trail
July 23, 1999
Exploiting Tragedy to Polish Up Camelot
National Media Use Funereal Feeding Frenzy to Recast the Kennedy Family as Heroic Fount of Values
July 14, 1999
Another Gore Tobacco Gaffe, Up in Smoke
Few Reports Touch on Gore's New Tobacco-Paid Consultant Carter Eskew, And Fewer Find Hypocrisy
July 8, 1999
Who Makes or Breaks a Scandal?
New Report Shows the Networks Which Forwarded Iran-Contra Lectures Dismissed the Cox Report
June 30, 1999
What If Clinton Knew of Espionage in '95?
A Suddenly Irrelevant Question: What Did the President Know and When Did He Know It?
June 24, 1999
There's No One But Fox to Follow Up Cox
While the Other Networks Air Almost Nothing, FNC's Carl Cameron is Developing Chinagate Scoops
June 16, 1999
George W. Bush's Media Litmus Tests
National Media Continue Quadrennial Tradition of Trying to Drive Conservative Influence Out of GOP
June 10, 1999
ABC Meows Instead of Roars at Clintons
Will Giuliani or Lazio Get a Matching 45 Minutes of Air Time to Sell Their Empathy With the Children?
June 2, 1999
The Cox Report, a One-Day Story? Yes
In the Midst of Days of Network Silence, CNN's Media-Review Show Insisted Espionage is Overcovered
May 25, 1999
Will Chris Cox Get a Soap Box?
Will The Networks Cover Today's Big Report on Chinese Espionage? Past Pattern Sparks Skepticism
May 20, 1999
Is Tony Coelho Still Immune from Scrutiny?
Gore Names Ex-Congressman Who Resigned Over Ethics To Head Campaign, But Reporters Go Soft
May 14, 1999
Networks AWOL For "Cold War II"
Impressive Week of China Story Developments, Including New Chinese Missile, Draws More TV Yawns
May 6, 1999
If Only The Chinese Wore Trench Coats...
Tom Brokaw Asked Clinton About China, But NBC Regularly Skips Reporting New China Revelations
April 19, 1999
TV's Stonewall of China Continues
Energy Department Misleads Congress, Delays Release of Report to the Public, But Where Are the Nets?
April 16, 1999
Contempt Ruling Doesn't Beat Boffo Visuals
Ratings Candy -- Great Video of a Copter Rescue in a Fire -- Beats A Historic Black Mark for Clinton
April 8, 1999
Broadcast Blackout on Beijing Bombshell
Networks Go Whistling Past the Graveyard of Democrats' Claims of Innocence on Chinese Connection
April 1, 1999
Suddenly Hawkish on Humanitarian Wars
Clinton Team Spared Quick-Trigger Negativity of News Coverage of Grenada, Libya, Panama, Gulf War
March 25, 1999
Which Vice President is the King of Gaffes?
Gore Has a History of Silly Flubs and Boasts, and the Networks Have a History of Ignoring Them
March 17, 1999
Which Beret to Wear During Incineration?
Potential Chinese Warhead Threat Gets Less Morning and Evening Coverage Than the Monica Book
March 12, 1999
Monica and George Are Hot, Not Juanita
Despite Continuing Developments, Networks Stick to Ignoring the Juanita Broaddrick Cloud
March 5, 1999
When Is A Rape Charge Irrelevant?
Media Establishment Complains Standards Have Changed, But All That's Changed Are the Targets
February 25, 1999
NBC Put Broaddrick On: Now What?
ABC, CBS Morning Shows are Silent, While Most Major Media Web Sites Pretend Story Doesn't Exist
February 19, 1999
Dateline's Double Standard on Betryal
Linda Tripp (Starr-Helper) Trashed, Julie Hiatt Steele (Starr-Hater) Promoted, Broaddrick Still Ignored
February 12, 1999
The News Magazines Look Past a Verdict
Hecklers Present Wisdom, House Managers are "Two-Year-Olds," and Al Gore Wins with Democrats
February 5, 1999
Will Jane End Up As Jane Don't?
NBC Policy of "Locking Up" Broaddrick Interview Wasn't Used with Bernardin, Thomas, Nancy Reagan
January 28, 1999
Cheryl Mills: Liar,
Why Do Reporters Lionize Clinton Aides Who Advocate Lying or Giving Nothing to Reporters?
January 22, 1999
Al Gore Voted to Remove Judges for Less?
Media Ignore Blatant Double Standard of Many Senate Democrats Who Convicted Perjurious Judges
January 14, 1999
ABC: Larry Flynt's Outreach Partner
Pornographer's Credibility, Clinton Ties Barely Touched While Anti-Clinton Guests Attacked or Ignored
January 7, 1999
Selling the Spectre of "McCarthyism"
Do the Media Care About Guilt or Innocence Or Just Preventing Answers to Inconvenient Questions?

"No organization better informs the public or holds the big media
accountable for its incredibly biased and unprofessional ways than the Media Research
Center. There is not an email or a printed publication of theirs that I do not read. MRC is the best at what it does and is having an impact on how the news is covered."
~ Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist
L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Rich Noyes, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Patrick Gregory, Ken Shepherd, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research Associate;
Liz Swasey, Director of Communications. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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