Top reporters, editors, producers, talk show hosts and columnists, as well as members of Congress and heads of public policy organizations receive documented proof of the media's liberal bias in the News Analysis Division's usually weekly
Media Reality Check. Written by Director of Media Analysis Rich
Noyes, the Media Reality Check serves as an excellent reference for the most egregious examples of media bias.

December 23, 1997
Indicting the Clinton Cabinet? Yawn
18 Felony Charges Against Ex-HUD Secretary Cisneros Pales Next to Story of Cosby Paternity Squabble
December 12, 1997
Imposing an Energy Crisis Without Debate?
Network Kyoto Conference Coverage Ignored Climate Scientists Skeptical of Global Warming Theories
December 11, 1997
Donald Smaltz Gets No Media Respect
Rats That Help Wire Schools to the Internet Get More Coverage Than Espy Counsel's House Testimony
December 10, 1997
"Another Screwup" or Another Coverup?
Networks That Mention Latest White House Notes Downplay Their Embarrassing Potential
December 3, 1997
Clinton's Apolitical Justice Department?
Reno Puff Pieces a Marked Contrast from Partisan Press Attacks on Republican Attorneys General
November 20, 1997
Another Case Study in Protective Instincts
Teamster Leader Carey's Disqualification Nothing More Than a Brief Story on CBS, NBC
November 14, 1997
Scandal Doesn't Sell to Soccer Moms
Johnny Chung Hearings, Babbitt Investigation, FBI China Probe Foul-Ups Ignored on Big Three
November 7, 1997
The Debased White House Database
Networks Skip Fundraising, Whitewater Revelations, But NBC's Today Interviews Sen. Fred Thompson
November 6, 1997
Molten Metal's Clinton-Gore Connection
Peter Knight's Role Ignored as Evening Shows Focus on Iraq, Morning Shows Suffer from Au Pairalysis
October 31, 1997
Slogging Through A "Swamp Without End"
Evening Shows Eventually Get to Babbitt Testimony, But Morning Shows Dwell on Nanny Verdict
October 30, 1997
Networks Emulate Clinton's Memory Loss
Equitable CEO's Testimony on Clinton Phone Calls, Battles Over White House Stonewalling Ignored
October 29, 1997
Where's That Iran-Contra Idealism?
Ten Years Ago, Media Bigwigs Beat Their Breasts at a "Constitutional Crisis," "Shredded Democracy"
October 23, 1997
Setting the Agenda for the White House
Senate Hearings Ignored While Networks Follow Clintons' Plans to Increase Government Control
October 22, 1997
Diana: The Story That Ate September
Thompson Hearings, Preliminary Justice Investigations of Clinton and Gore Pale in Comparison
October 15, 1997
Old Promises Escape Network Memories
While Networks Focus Almost Exclusively on Reno, House Hearings and Newspapers Look at 1991-92
October 10, 1997
In Tonight's "Both Sides Do It" Update...
House Hearing on Charlie Trie and Lippo, Senate Hearing on Teamsters Almost Completely Ignored
October 9, 1997
So Much Scandal News, So Little Time
Three Evening Shows Touch on Different Angles, But CBS This Morning Puts Its Head Back in the Sand
October 8, 1997
TV Anger Dwells on Lott, Not Clinton
Three Anchors Denounce Senate Failure to Pass "Reform" Bill, But Not White House Stonewalling
October 1, 1997
Media Line Up Against First Amendment
Coverage "Shamelessly Touts" Heavily Regulated, Government-Financed Elections
September 24, 1997
Republican Hearings? Partisan Stunt
Whether the Issue is Fundraising or the IRS, Networks Play Up Partisan-Gain Angle If Goal Isn't Liberal
September 19, 1997
Tamraz: Poster Boy for Liberal Laws?
Frank Testimony Draws All Evening Shows, Two Morning Shows Months After First Print Reports
September 18, 1997
Sheila Heslin vs. White House Pressure
"Most Dramatic Testimony So Far" Ignored by ABC, CBS Last Night; Another TV Blackout This Morning
September 17, 1997
Will Anybody Huang Chung Tonight?
Reno Shakes Up Justice, Specter Charges FBI Coverup, Senate Discusses Huang's Fundraising Tactics
September 12, 1997
Do They Have to Subpoena Prince Charles?
National Security Adviser Draws 18 Seconds on the Big Three While Diana Leads All Three Newscasts
September 11, 1997
Here Comes Gore's Independent Counsel
DNC "Hard Money" Allocation Draws All Evening Shows, But Only A Brief from ABC This Morning
September 10, 1997
Forgot to Cover Don Fowler's Amnesia
CIA Finagling of Haley Barbour's DNC Counterpart Ignored by ABC, All Three Morning Shows
September 5, 1997
Document-Shredding Buddhist Nuns?
Media-Friendly Pictures Drew All Four Networks Last NIght, But Morning Shows Aired Nothing Today
September 4, 1997
Celebrity News Still Wiping Out Politics
Scoops on O'Leary, Gore, Espy, and Brown's Son Skipped or Downplayed In Week Before Hearings
August 27, 1997
No News Here at Martha's Vineyard
From Teamsters to Troopers to Chung, Some Democratic Scandal Angles Are Taking a Vacation
August 20, 1997
UPS Strike: TV News Says "Union Yes"
Networks Ignored Anti-Teamster Themes Like Corruption and Violence, Harped on UPS Practices
August 13, 1997
Thompson Hearings Trounced by Cunanan
Networks Explore Every Angle of Versace Murder, But Ignore Many Angles of Fundraising Scandal
August 1, 1997
Democrats' Dirt-Digging Isn't News
In Show With No Hearings Update, GMA Noted Conservatives Think Hearings Are Undercovered
July 31, 1997
White House Obstruction Ignored by NBC
Network Evening Shows All Cover Hearings for Second Straight Night; Morning Shows Silent Again
July 30, 1997
Following the Branches of Charlie Trie
Network Evening Shows Make Room for Hearings, but Morning Shows Continue to Air Nothing
July 25, 1997
Haley Barbour, Liberal Media Magnet
Hearings Draw A Story from All the Network Evening Shows, But CBS Was Absent Again This Morning
July 24, 1997
Cunanan Frenzy Buries Fundraising Again
ABC, NBC Ignore Bipartisan Immunity Vote Last Night; ABC, CBS Skip N.Y. Times Clinton Story Today
July 23, 1997
Nun Dustup Draws No TV Time
All Three Networks Skip Thompson's Vote of No Confidence in Justice Department's Integrity
July 18, 1997
No TV Detectives for the Huang Mysteries
ABC and NBC Skip Hearings Again Thursday Night; All Morning Shows Are Missing in Action
July 17, 1997
There Are Hearings? What Hearings?
ABC and NBC Skip Hearings Wednesday Night; Only ABC Airs a Morning Story -- 90 Minutes In
July 16, 1997
Illegal Donations to DNC Buried Last Night
Wednesday Morning CBS and NBC Viewers Don't See a Thing About Hearings; ABC Airs One Brief

"No organization better informs the public or holds the big media
accountable for its incredibly biased and unprofessional ways than the Media Research
Center. There is not an email or a printed publication of theirs that I do not read. MRC is the best at what it does and is having an impact on how the news is covered."
~ Cal Thomas, Syndicated Columnist
L. Brent Bozell III, Publisher; Brent Baker, Rich Noyes, Editors;
Jessica Anderson, Brian Boyd, Geoffrey
Dickens, Patrick Gregory, Ken Shepherd, Brad
Wilmouth, Media Analysts; Kristina Sewell, Research Associate;
Liz Swasey, Director of Communications. For the latest liberal media bias, read the
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