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See & Hear the Bias Archive
2007 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep      
2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 - - Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
For additional video clips of media bias going back to 1999, check out our annual DisHonors Awards and our archive of the Best Notable Quotables: Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting.

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Terry Moran

  ABC's Terry Moran Pushes Amnesty International's Line that the U.S. Has Created A "New Gulag of Prisons Around the World."
Terry Moran: "Mister President, recently Amnesty International said you have established quote 'a new gulag of prisons around the world beyond the reach of the law and decency.' I'd like your reaction to that, and also your assessment of how it came to this, that that is a view not just held by extremists and anti-Americans, but by groups that have allied themselves with the United States government in the past, and what the strategic impact is, that in many places in the world the United States these days under your leadership is no longer seen as the good guy?"
--Terry Moran at President Bush's press conference, May 31, 2005

  Aaron Brown Says 'No Heroes' in Clinton Impeachment
Aaron Brown: "Accept for a moment this premise. There will be no winners in the impeachment battle going on, no heroes are going to emerge from this mess, that when all is said and done, the landscape will be littered with losers of varying sorts. Ms. Lewinsky, whose life is forever changed, Ms. Tripp, who will never seem heroic, Judge Starr will be no winner, and Mr. Clinton will be the biggest loser of all. According to this premise, the only person even vaguely close to a winner is the First Lady. And what a heavy price she has paid for that."
 --ABC Good Morning America/Sunday anchor Aaron Brown, November 22, 1998

  CBS's Bob Schieffer Endorses Closing U.S. POW Site at Guantonamo Bay
Bob Schieffer: "Columnist Tom Friedman said the prison ought to be shut down because the stories about it are so inflaming the Arab world they're making the war on terrorism more dangerous for our American soldiers to fight. But as I watched the McCain movie, I wondered if the greater danger is the impact Guantanamo is having on us. Do we want our children to believe this is how we are? Is this the code of honor we are passing on to the next generation?"
-- Face the Nation, CBS, May 29, 2005

  Law & Order: Criminal Intent Portrays Rep. Tom DeLay as Hero of White Supremacists
Detective Alexandra Eames (character): "Looks like the same shooters. CSU found the slug in a post, matched it to the one that killed Judge Barton. Maybe we should put out an APB for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt."
-- Law & Order: Criminal Intent, May 25, 2005

  CBS's Gloria Borger Spins Senate Filibuster Deal as Non-Partisan.
Gloria Borger: "Enter the Gang of 14, a collection of Republicans and Democrats led by maverick John McCain, and ranging from the liberal Senate elder, Robert C. Byrd, to conservative John Warner. Their politics are different but they shared one goal: to save the Senate from the partisanship of interest groups on both the left and the right."
-- CBS Evening News, May 24, 2005

  First Lady Laura Bush corrects the negative spin NBC's Katie Couric puts on U.S. military.
Katie Couric: "In your view, is the administration holding the people who are doing these things and perhaps they are in the minority as you say, but do you think they're being held sufficiently accountable?"
Laura Bush: "Yes I do. I mean there's investigations going on the people are being held accountable and it's not 'perhaps in the minority.' We know it's very, very few people. A handful of people. We know that overall our troops are serving with distinction."
-- NBC's Today, May 23

  Dan Rather talks about the "magical mystic kingdom" of CBS News.
Tina Brown: "What are the realistic chances that you're going to be able to do a story that really shakes and rattles the Bush administration?"
Dan Rather: "Excellent. The Bush administration, the Democratic leadership or any future Democratic Presidents. CBS News has a culture, has a history that those of us who work here, it's very real -- that we see it as a sort of magical mystical kingdom of journalistic knights -- and I know I can mentally hear people rolling their eyes, that's the way we feel."
-- CNBC's Topic [A] with Tina Brown, May 22, 2005.

See & Hear the Bias Archive
2007 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep      
2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 - - Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
For additional video clips of media bias going back to 1999, check out our annual DisHonors Awards and our archive of the Best Notable Quotables: Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting.


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