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Koppel Honors Dan Rather |
Ted Koppel: "Those of us who have competed against you, know
you to be a man of honesty and integrity and decency. You and your colleagues
it appears made a mistake in your report on George Bush's military service. I
would simply urge your most vociferous critics to take a page from the White
House's own playbook. When one of their own makes a mistake, they stress the
importance of looking to the future and of not playing the blame game."
-- ABC's Ted Koppel praises Dan Rather at the News and Documentary
Emmy Awards, National Television Academy, broadcast by C-SPAN, Sept. 19, 2005. |

President Praises Dan Rather |
Rick Kaplan: "As was the practice in all he did, Dan was
meticulously careful to be fair and balanced and accurate. When did we stop
believing that this is indeed how we all perform our jobs or try to? When did
we allow those with questionable agendas to take the lead and convince people
of something quite the opposite? It's shameful. But I digress. Dan has led a
generation of great reporters to the top of America's most-admired professions
-- at least in the '70s. And deservedly so. His legacy as he practiced then is
the gold standard journalists today have struggled to live up to. And working
to serve the needs of his fellow citizens as admirably as he has is how he
deserves to be spoken of. I'm very proud of my good friend. Thank you Dan. We
have all benefited by your great work."
-- MSNBC President Rick Kaplan praises Dan Rather at the News and
Documentary Emmy Awards, National Television Academy, broadcast by C-SPAN,
Sept. 19, 2005. |

Olbermann Implies Limbaugh is "Rude, Vile Pig" |
Keith Olbermann: "And Christmas is our tenuous segue from that
story to our nightly romp through the self-indulgent world of entertainment
and celebrity, that which we call 'Keeping Tabs.' Not just Christmas but the
newest high-priced item available in the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalogue,
Sir Elton John. That's right. Along with the $20,000 personal photo booth, the
$200,000 rideable toy train set, and the Lexus Hybrid for $65,000, your own
personal 90-minute Elton John concert is available. You and 499 friends can be
entertained by the rocker for a mere million and a half, all of which goes to
Elton's AIDS foundation. That would be $3,000 a person, by the way. But, for a
limited time, we here at Countdown can offer you this free no-obligation
Elton John clip #1, shouting at crowd: "Rude, vile pig! You
know what that means? Rude, vile pig! All of you!"
John clip #2: "Pig! Pig!"
Olbermann, shouting and pumping his fists: "Woohoo! He's
doing 'Rude Vile Pig'! Light some matches! Maybe he'll sing it again! Rude,
vile pig! Rude, vile pig!"
Olbermann, after quickly reassembling his composure: "Which
brings us to the latest on the Rush Limbaugh investigation. The assistant
state's attorney for Palm Beach County, Florida, is asking the courts there to
let him talk to Limbaugh's doctors in an effort to expedite the investigation,
he says, and out of an abundance of caution. That actually translates as,
'They want to ask the doctors if the radio host is guilty of doctor shopping,'
getting a lot of prescriptions for a lot of pain killers from a lot of
different physicians. If so, it would be a blockbuster story."
-- Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC, Sept. 28, 2005 |

Rather Defends Bush Guard Story as "Accurate" |
Dan Rather: "One supporting pillar of the story, albeit an
important one, one supporting pillar was brought into question. To this day no
one has proven whether it was what it purported to be or not. In terms of
[unintelligible "myself"?] it was 'he stuck by the story,' I stuck by the
story because I believed in it. 'He stuck with his people.' Listen I've made
nearly every mistake in the book. But my attitude when we go into stories, we
go into them together, we ride through whatever happened and we come out the
other end together. You know, I didn't give up on my people, our people, I
didn't and I won't." [Applause]
Marvin Kalb:
"Dan, thank you. You said, I believe you just said that you think
the story is accurate."
Rather: "The story is accurate."
-- Exchange between Dan Rather and Marvin Kalb at the National
Press Club, broadcast by C-SPAN, Sept. 26, 2005 |

Jack Cafferty Smears Rep. Tom DeLay with "Indictment" Claim |
Wolf Blitzer:
"All right. Tom Delay says there’s no pork, everything is
essential. I don’t know if you heard him say that?"
Jack Cafferty:
"Has he been indicted yet?"
Blitzer, chuckling:
"Well, we’ll leave that alone. Jack Cafferty, thank you very
-- Exchange between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty, The
Situation Room, Sept. 21, 2005. |

Sarcastically Criticizes President Bush on New Orleans'
Recovery |
CBS reporter Sharyn Alfonsi:
"Speaking inside an air-conditioned tent in Gulfport, Mississippi,
President Bush said he's impressed with the progress along the Gulf Coast.
Later, he toured a Folgers plant [video of Bush holding can of coffee] in
Louisiana. But small business owners say this kind of progress is the
exception. This is the reality [video of a row of damaged and abandoned store
fronts]. After five visits in three weeks, they want the President to wake up
and smell the coffee [more video of Bush, with a sweat-soaked shirt (see still
shot to right) at the coffee plant]."
Arly Questa, restaurant owner, in front of her bar:
"Hang out, no air-conditioning, eat some MRE's every day, and then
you might really understand what it's been like down here in New Orleans."
"Yes, very."
-- CBS Evening News, Sept. 20, 2005 |

Turner Ruminates on Communist North Korea |
Ted Turner:
"Let’s give 'em a break. Give 'em a break And besides, even if
they do -- even if they do threaten us again, the threat is non-existent to
the United States. They can't threaten us. I mean, it's like a flea attacking
an elephant."
Wolf Blitzer: "What about those ground-to-ground missiles
that they have, and the CIA -- "
Turner: "They can't reach us."
Blitzer: "Well, they can reach Japan. They can reach South
Korea. They can reach a lot of our allies -- "
Turner: "They can't reach the USA, and we can pound them into,
into oblivion in 24 hours."
Blitzer: "But, you don't want to get, you don’t want to get to
that. There are some estimates, by the way, that they could reach Alaska."
Turner: "Well, what, the Aleutian Islands? There's nothing up
there but a few sea lions."
-- Exchange between CNN Founder Ted Turner and CNN's Wolf Blitzer,
The Situation Room, CNN, Sept. 19, 2005 |

Brown Grills MRC's Bozell on Katrina and Racism |
Aaron Brown: "Brent, just dealing with the column you wrote on
the 7th, the other day, to me, a fair reading of the column is that you don't
want us to talk about race at all, probably class at all, but surely not race
at all, as it may or may not relate to people's perceptions of the relief
Brent Bozell: "Well, I think the problem is that these perceptions
-- which are wholly false -- are being created on the one hand by demagogues,
and on the other hand, by some in the media who are giving the demagogues a
hearing on this. The fact of the matter is that two-thirds of New Orleans is
black. Katrina didn't aim for that, nor was the federal relief response, as
inadequate as it was, inadequate because they were blacks, you know. In 1992,
Hurricane Andrew decimated the East Coast. The response from the federal
government was terrible. It was mostly whites. Was that racism?"
Brown: "You've decided, which is absolutely your right,
that there is no, there is no truth to anyone's belief that race is somehow
involved in how people were treated in the week after the hurricane. Fair
enough. I don't disagree with that. But perception is powerful and perception
is important, and what we know from polls is that black Americans do look at
this differently than white Americans as they look at a lot of things
differently from white America."
Bozell: "And, Aaron, perception is dangerous if it's not
rooted in reality, which is my point. If anyone had come forward in the last
15 days with any tangible proof to back up the suggestion that there may have
been racism at place, I'd like to hear it, and then report it. But there's no
evidence. It's just this accusation that's being thrown out. What I see is
whites and blacks helping each other in New Orleans. I don't see any racism."
-- Aaron Brown and Brent Bozell, NewsNight, CNN, Sept. 13, 2005 |

Bush "is
a moron! ... Cheney is evil!" |
"Because that's typical, it's typical from this moronic
administration that I'm sick of. The President is a moron! I'm saying it. I
don't care. He's an idiot. Cheney is evil. I'm sick of, impeach them, get them
out! I hate them! I hate them. Get them out. They got to go!"
-- Actress Kathy Griffin, Weekends at the DL, Comedy Central,
Sept. 10, 2005 |

Olbermann Draws Parallel Between Pro-Slavery
Voters and Bush Supporters |
In 1864, "... 45 percent of all voters still voted against the
Republican, Abraham Lincoln, and for the Democrat, George McClellan.
McClellan, whose campaign platform consisted entirely of promising to
immediately end the war, let the South secede, and let slavery continue there,
45 percent, 1.8 million out of 4 million voters said yes to that.
"Our third story in the Countdown: Well, maybe it isn't impossible
to re-create the mindset of the national politics of the year 1864 [graphic of
President Bush emerges on screen]. The latest Gallup poll results are in. Only
10 percent of Democrats give the President a positive rating for his response
to the hurricane, and only 10 percent of Republicans give the President a
negative rating for his response to the hurricane. Taken as a whole, 10
percent of the country thinks Mr. Bush did great, 25 percent good, 21 percent
neither good nor bad, 18 percent bad, 24 percent terrible. Cut out the middle,
that's 35 percent good or great ...."
-- Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC, Sept. 7, 2005 |

CBS's Giles Hurls Insults at Bush Over Hurricane
Relief |
Nancy Giles: "The real war is not in
Iraq, but right here in America. It's the War on Poverty, and it's a war
that's been ignored and lost. An estimated 37 million Americans are living in
poverty. New Orleans is one of the poorest cities in the country, with 40
percent of its children living in poverty. Mississippi has the highest poverty
rate of any state. We've repeatedly given tax cuts to the wealthiest and left
our most vulnerable American citizens to basically fend for themselves."
George W. Bush, at the airport in Florida: "This is a
storm that's going to require immediate action now."
Giles: "Once again, a day late and a dollar short, words
of wisdom from our President. And once again, Bush finds the photo op
[matching pictures shown]: Some black folks to hug, some white men to bond
with. He flies over the messy parts of New Orleans, waves and leaves. The
President has put himself at risk by visiting the troops in Iraq, but didn't
venture anywhere near the Superdome or the convention center, where thousands
of victims, mostly black and poor, needed to see that he gave a damn."
-- Commentator Nancy Giles, CBS News Sunday Morning,
Sept. 4, 2005 |

NPR's Totenberg Blames Tax Cuts for Severity of
Hurricane Fallout |
Nina Totenberg: "For years, we have cut
our taxes, cut our taxes and let the infrastructure throughout the country go
and this is just the first of a number of other crumbling things that are
going to happen to us."
Charles Krauthammer: "You must be kidding here."
Totenberg: "I’m not kidding."
-- NPR's Nina Totenberg in exchange with columnist Charles
Krauthammer, Inside Washington, Sept. 4, 2005 |

CNN's Jack Cafferty Slams Govt. Response to
Hurricane Damage |
"The question this hour is: 'How would you rate the response of
the federal government to Hurricane Katrina?' I got to tell you something. We
got five or six hundred letters before the show even went on the air. No one,
no one says the federal government is doing a good job in handling one of the
most atrocious and embarrassing and far reaching and calamitous things that
has come along in this country in my lifetime. I'm 62. I remember the riots in
Watts, I remember the earthquake in San Francisco, I remember a lot of things.
I have never, ever seen anything as badly bungled and poorly handled as this
situation in New Orleans. Where the hell is the water for these people? Why
can't sandwiches be dropped to those people that are in that Superdome down
there? I mean, what is, this is Thursday. This is Thursday. This storm
happened five days ago. It's a disgrace. And don't think the world isn't
watching. This is the government the taxpayers are paying for and it's fallen
right flat on its face, as far as I can see in the way it's handled this
-- Jack Cafferty, The Situation Room, CNN, Sept. 1, 2005 |