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Al Gore’s Mystery Media Advisor |
CNN’s Howard
Kurtz: "Election Night 2000...It looks like George W. Bush
is going to win. A senior network correspondent, you said,
called you and warned, ‘The Florida numbers are wrong. Don’t
let him concede.’ Why would a correspondent — this is not a
commentator, this is not a columnist — be giving you that kind
of advice?...This is going to fuel everybody who thinks
there’s a liberal media, that there were journalists that were
rooting for Gore, trying to spare your candidate from
Former Gore campaign advisor Bob Shrum: "I don’t, I
don’t. I actually think that if the situations had been
reversed, there would have been correspondents who would have
called the Bush campaign...."
Kurtz: "Do you want to take this opportunity to name
the correspondent?"
Shrum: "No."
-- Exchange on Reliable Sources, CNN, June 17, 2007. |

Dan Rather Pines for Return of ‘Quality News With Integrity’;
Slams Bush |
David Asman:
"Well, CBS news chief, CBS chief actually, Les Moonves
blasting comments by Dan Rather about his successor, Katie
Couric, today. Rather described the network’s changes to the
'Evening News' as, quote, ‘dumbing it down and tarting it up’
in a bid to attract a younger audience. Today, Moonves calls
those segments, comments sexist. So what does Dan Rather say?
Let’s ask him. ‘Dumbing it down, tarting it up,’ referring to
Katie Couric. It’s tough talk."
Your World With Neil Cavuto, FNC, June 12, 2007. |

Tony Snow Reprimands CBS’s Harry Smith: ‘You Can’t Have Your
Own Facts’ |
Snow: “Well,
think of it -- let's flip it around. The president just came
back from a G-8 session where, you know, when everybody went,
they said, well, here's George W. Bush, the whole world's
against him on climate change. Guess what? He goes to the G-8,
leads the way on climate change, leads the way in development,
leads the way –“
Smith: “I think that's following on climate change. He's
following on climate change.”
-- The Early Show, CBS, June 12, 2007. |

Rather Slams Iraq as ‘Strategic Catastrophe of Historic
Proportions’ |
Dan Rather:
Now, I’ve always I subscribed and I still subscribe to the
idea, that we, we better be ready to fight. Because sometime
somewhere, sometime we're going to have to. But once we make
the decision to fight, there's no excuse, absolutely zero,
nada excuse, for not backing the troops completely. And
backing the troops doesn't necessarily mean, and I don’t think
it does mean at all, backing a lousy policy, a very poor
strategy, and succumbing to what every politicians call, for
what they say is, quote, 'patriotism.' The patriotism, don't
question the decision.
Morning Joe, MSNBC, June 11, 2007. |

Like Pulling Down Pants of Jews |
"This is going to
result in racial profiling. If, in her America, in Michelle’s
America, when you look, ‘Is that Hispanic guy an illegal or is
he legal?’ It reminds me so much of when they used to pull
down the pants of Jews to see if they were circumcised or not.
It is, it is so, so pathetic. It’s so un-American....I want
you to know, ladies and gentlemen, that what they are doing is
using the police force of the United States to break up
families and sow horror and pain."
-- Geraldo Rivera rejecting columnist Michelle Malkin’s
argument that citizens should report illegal immigrants to the
authorities, The O’Reilly Factor, FNC, June 8, 2007. |