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Media Negative on Iraq Coverage |
"If you are a reader or a viewer and you want to
know, well, how are we doing [in Iraq], you know, is anything getting rebuilt,
are they really democrats over there? How engaged are the Sunnis? Could I see
an interview with any of these founding fathers and founding mothers of this
new emerging country? Can you find that? You'll have a hard time doing it."
-- CNN Special Correspondent Frank Sesno, in response to
comment that the major media are pushing negative coverage about the war in
Iraq, CNN's Reliable Sources, July 31, 2005 |

Networks Trumpet Hackett, "Candor" in Chastising
"Chicken Hawk" Bush |
"...Hackett is no fan of his Commander-in-Chief, calling him a
'chicken hawk,' and 'the biggest threat to America.'"
Hackett: "That's who I am. I stand by it."
"If elected, Hackett says he'll use that same candor to educate
Congress about what's really going on in Iraq."
-- Geoff Morrell during World News Tonight, July 31st,
2005 |

Peter Arnett: Saddam an 'Elegant, Diplomatic
Guy' |
"When I drove to the interview 10 days into the first Gulf War, I
had that impression because that’s what propaganda sort of suggested, the
Hitler of the Middle East, and so forth. Actually, he [Saddam Hussein] turned
out to be a very elegant, diplomatic guy."
-- Peter Arnett, in exchange with Late Late Show host
Craig Ferguson, July 27, 2005 |

Lou Dobbs: It's Hot, So Global Warming |
"Heat advisories in effect tonight all around the Midwest, the
Southeast, Southwest, northeastern United States. That just about covers it.
The triple-digit temperatures and other bizarre weather patterns have many now
wondering whether this is the reality of global warming."
-- Lou Dobbs, CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight, July 25, 2005 |

NBC: Timing of Court Announcement To Deflect
from Karl Rove? |
Brian Williams: "David Gregory mentioned the Karl Rove
factor in all this. What does he have to do with the naming of a Supreme Court
Tim Russert: "I think Karl Rove's enjoying this day, one of
the few in the last week or so. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the
Senate, said, 'Isn't it interesting, the timing?' And, Brian, every Republican
I talked to today in Washington said, 'Thank God they're changing the subject.
We'd much prefer to fight over the Supreme Court than watch Karl Rove be
talked about in the press with a CIA investigation.'"
-- Exchange between NBC anchor Brian Williams and NBC reporter
Tim Russert, NBC Nightly News, July 19, 2005 |

CNN Worker Calls Rove Testimony 'Bullshit' On
the Air |
Lou Dobbs: "Tonight, a surprising new development in the
CIA leak investigation. Karl Rove's testimony to a federal grand jury is being
reported. The testimony suggests that President Bush's political adviser may
not have been the original source for the Valerie Plame leak. Rove testifying
that he first learned about Plame from columnist Robert Novak, a CNN
contributor. Dana Bash reports."
Female voice (not Dana Bash), whispering: "That's
-- CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight, July 15. |

CBS's John Roberts Comments on Media Criticism
of Karl Rove |
"But I'll tell you, Bob, the White House has got to come up with
something other to say on this, politically at least, than just, 'We're not
going to talk about an investigation,' because for the last two days the press
secretary has just been hung up on a clothesline and beaten like a dusty rug."
-- John Roberts responds to Bob Schieffer about the Karl Rove
controversy, not mentioning that it has been Roberts and his media colleagues
who have been castigating the White House press secretary on the issue, CBS
Evening News, July 12, 2005. |

NBC's David Gregory Labels White House Press
Secretary Scott McClellan's Comments About Karl Rove
"Ridiculous" |
"Scott ... this is ridiculous. The notion that you're going to
stand before us after having commented with that level of detail and tell
people watching this that somehow you decided not to talk. You've got a public
record out there. Do you stand by your remarks from that podium, or not?"
-- NBC's David Gregory in exchange with White House Press
Secretary Scott McClellan about Karl Rove controversy, July 11, 2005 |

Charlie Gibson Pushes for a Non-Conservative Supreme Court
Nominee |
"You said a moment ago you suspected that the President would
choose a very conservative candidate and you said, 'I think that he ought to
do that.' Should he, or should he try to find somebody who would be more
acceptable to all spectrums? And is that possible in this day of age?"
--- ABC's Charlie Gibson to Senator Orrin Hatch, Good
Morning America, July 5, 2005. |