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CNN’s 5-Minute Infomercial for Left-Wing
Hack Max Blumenthal |
“And Blumenthal,
also, for the record, really rejects that radical left-wing
label. He says, you know what, a lot of people in America
agree with him. And Rick, it's also relevant to us to keep in
mind there have been a lot of Internet videos on this whole
argument over Iraq, and sometimes you've got people making fun
of anti-war protesters as well.”
--Correspondent Josh Levs on left-wing short filmmaker Max
Blumenthal, Newsroom, CNN, July 30, 2007. |

MRC's Bozell on Hannity & Colmes About Magazine's Derogatory
Soldier Tales |
“The ‘New Republic’
is in trouble again. Here you’ve got a reporter they say they
know who he is ‘with near certainty.’ Sean, that’s like saying
you’re almost pregnant. You either are or you’re not certain
of who your reporter is. If they aren’t certain of who he is,
or that he’s even a soldier, how in the world can they confirm
his stories? They’re now saying that they’re going to check
into his stories to do some fact checking. Ought they not to
have done that before they put him on there? You know, how
many times do we have to go through this Sean? How many times
do I have to do your show where one time after another, after
another, we find the media getting caught with their pants
down in Iraq? whether it was the ‘New York Times’ with
doctored pictures, whether it was the National Guard story,
whether it was Haditha, whether it was last year with the war
between Palestine and Israel, whether there were doctored
pictures on CNN, how many times are we going to catch them
doing this?”
--MRC President Brent Bozell on New Republic’s “Baghdad
Diarist” Scandal, Hannity & Colmes, FNC,
July 24, 2007. |

As Expected, CNN's YouTube Debate Skews Leftward |
"Hello, America.
Hello, presidential candidates. This is Will from Boston,
Massachusetts. And I hope, you know, they put this question
on. It's a question in the back of everybody's head, you know,
some people further back than others, collecting cob webs, but
is African-Americans ever going to get reparations for
slavery? I know y'all gonna run around this question, dipping
and dodging, so let's see how far y'all can get."
-- YouTube User, CNN, July 23
2007 |

PBS’s Push for Impeachment |
"When September
comes, you can count on more appeals for delay or excuses.
That’s the formula for perpetual war — what our Founders most
feared, because it would turn our Constitution on its head,
throwing off the checks and balances so crucial to liberty,
and leaving all power in an imperial executive....Impeachment
hearings are one way to go....In the meantime, those of us in
public television have an obligation to make sure viewers like
you stay in the loop....When we broadcast teach-ins on the
Vietnam War, and the Watergate hearings during the trial of
Richard Nixon, it was a real public service — the reason PBS
was created. We should keep Iraq in prime time every week —
the fighting and dying, the suffering, the debate, the
politics, the extraordinary costs. It’s months until
September. This war is killing us now, body and soul."
— Host Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal, PBS, July 13,
2007. |

MRC's Bozell on Hannity & Colmes Re Blogger Advocating
Killing Rush; Couric's Slap |
“Two weeks ago this
very time there was this statement made my Ann Coulter that
was so vilely taken out of context and chopped up so as to
make it sound, appear she was advocating the assassination of
John Edwards. That was news everywhere with appearances
everywhere by John Edwards’ wife to denounce what Ann Coulter
had not said to begin with. Now you have a person saying,
unequivocally, someone on the left, unequivocally, saying he
wants to see Rush Limbaugh killed. He wants to see him killed.
He wants to see him dead. And there’s been utter silence on
this. It tells you two things. One is the nature of the
radical left and how emboldened it feels. And, secondly, the
sheer hypocrisy of the press that whenever a conservative does
anything that they think is the slightest bit incorrect, get
the person fired, have them denounced, have them ostracized.
But a liberal can advocate the death of a conservative and
that’s okay.”
--MRC President Brent Bozell, Hannity & Colmes, FNC,
July 9, 2007. |

NBC’s Big Donation to Gore |
NBC’s Ann Curry: "Live Earth involves 130 countries, 7 continents, 2
billion viewers, dozens of bands and it’s all in a day’s work
for this man, who’s worked tirelessly to raise the issue of
global warming, the Chairman of the Alliance for Climate
Protection, Al Gore. Al, good evening. You know, you’ve been
pouring yourself into this issue, I mean, I gotta tell you,
you’ve exhausted yourself....Nevertheless you keep pushing and
actually the question is, what constitutes success here?"
Former Vice President Al Gore: "...We are now prepared to announce
formally that this is now the largest global entertainment
event in all of history."
Curry: "Whoa!...Congratulations....A lot of people want me to ask you
tonight if you’re running for President.... Would you answer
the call?...Have you ruled it out?...Have fun tonight. And I
think you are."
Gore: "Thank you very much. Thanks for what NBC has been doing."
Curry: "Alright, thanks a lot."
— Exchange during NBC’s three-hour July 7 broadcast of Gore’s "Live Earth"
concert to fight global warming. |