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MRC's Tim
Graham: 'Why Is Anybody Listening to NBC' News? |
Host Bill
O'Reilly: "What do you believe is going on over at NBC?
You know, my opinion is fairly well-known. We've been tracking
them for more than a year now. We've seen a dramatic shift to
the left. And I think it's a business decision, trying to get
the left-wing audience to come in. A little bit of a bump up
for one of their cable operations, primarily because of that.
But you know, when you get into that territory where you're
taking a product, which you know, is the morning, is the
evening news and all of that and you're taking it in a
direction, that's dangerous territory. Is it not?"
MRC's Tim Graham: "I think so. Look NBC, you know, in the
last week or two has tried to be more positive. They did a
story on the night of the State of the Union address about how
the soldiers weren't getting enough medals. Maybe they're
running scared from you. But I think overall, their message
right now has been, 'President Bush is in a bubble, he really
should just resign, he doesn't have any authority, nobody's
listening to him any more.' And they run polls and they ask
these questions about why is -- you know when he gave the
State of the Union address, 'Why is anybody listening to this
man any more?' And I think the question some of us ought to be
asking is why is anybody listening to NBC any more?"
-- FNC's The O'Reilly Factor, January 29.

CNN's Lou
Dobbs Refuses to Reject Idea of Impeaching Bush |
Co-Host O'Donnell:
"Right. Mr. Dobbs, do you think that some Senator for
principle, if not for follow through, should call for the
impeachment of George Bush?"
Dobbs, sighs loudly, then: "Boy-"
CNN's Lou
Dobbs: "You put a fellow who prides himself on being a
straight talk, yeah."
O'Donnell: "Well, that's why I ask you because there are
very few people you could ask that to in the public eye. And
I'm just curious if."
The View, ABC, Jan 25, 2007.

Cheney to
Blitzer: 'You're Out of Line' on Inquiry About Daughter |
CNN's Wolf Blitzer:
"Your daughter Mary, she's pregnant. All of us are happy.
She's going to have a baby. You're going to have another
grandchild. Some of the -- some critics, though, are
suggesting, for example, a statement from someone representing
Focus on the Family: ‘Mary Cheney's pregnancy raises the
question of what's best for children. Just because it's
possible to conceive a child outside of the relationship of a
married mother and father, doesn't mean it's best for the
child.’ Do you want to respond to that?"
Vice President
Dick Cheney: "No, I don't."
Blitzer: "She's obviously a good daughter."
Cheney: "I'm delighted -- I'm delighted I'm about to have
a sixth grandchild, Wolf, and obviously think the world of
both of my daughters and all of my grandchildren. And I think,
frankly, you're out of line with that question."
-- Wolf Blitzer & Dick Cheney, Situation Room,
CNN, Jan. 24, 2007.

Urges Impeachment of Bush |
"You know what I think the Congress should do? And this, I'm
sure, will make me in some sort of celebrity feud or AOL poll,
but someone, I believe, should call for the impeachment of
George Bush to let the world know-"
O'Donnell, after asking others to let her finish her point:
"...I think we should do it so the world knows that the
nation is not standing behind this President's choices, that
the nation, a democracy, feels differently than the man who is
leading as if it were a dictatorship, and that we represent
this country, he does not lead as a monarch."
The View, ABC, Jan 24, 2007.

NBC's Jane Arraf Admits
Coverage of Iraq Misses Good News |
Host Williams to
Arraf: “We want to take advantage of your home leave to
talk to you about the question you must get all the time: What
is life like on the streets there?"
NBC's Jane Arraf: "I guess the short answer, Brian, is it
isn't entirely what it seems. You know, we're really good at
getting across the relentless bombing and the violence, but
it's really a lot harder for us to portray those spaces in
between. I mean, for us, we live in the city. It's as secure
as it can be, but we wake up to the sound of car bombs. We
feel the mortars sometimes. And in a horrible, inevitable way,
it becomes sort of like the weather, and it's kind of the same
for Iraqis. Unless they're in the middle of it, life looks
amazingly normal."
-- Jane Arraf, NBC Nightly News, NBC, Jan. 19, 2007. |

Toasting Pelosi’s “Freight Train” |
"Like a freight train, she’s already moved six major pieces of legislation
through the House — everything from stem cells to minimum wage. And whatever
side you’re on, when this new Speaker moves, she moves fast. Nancy Pelosi says
power is not handed to you, you have to know how to win it. When she walks into
a room, she is quiet, polite. But her fellow politicians say she’s galvanized
steel with a smile."
-- Diane Sawyer, Good Morning America, ABC, January 19, 2007. |

“Hot” Hillary, Obama the Poet |
"Call it, ‘Obama Wave collides with Clinton Juggernaut.’... Next to [Senator
Barack] Obama’s fluid poetry, Hillary Clinton's delivery can seem overly
cautious....In the glamour game? It would have to be a draw right now. Hillary
Clinton has been the unparalleled star of the Democratic Party — her power
hard-earned and palpable, her ‘hot factor’ given a substantial boost by her
ever-popular husband. But Barack Obama, with his fairy tale family, has personal
charisma to spare....As you can see, there will be a lot of jostling between
these two white hot, likely presidential candidates."
-- Claire Shipman, Good Morning America, ABC, January 18, 2007. |

Warm Day: “Are We Gonna Die?” |
"So I’m running in the park on Saturday, in shorts, thinking this is great, but
are we all gonna die? You know? I can’t, I can’t figure this out....There were
record breaking temperatures across the, 72 in New York City, 69 in Boston on
Saturday. A lot of people wondering is it global warming or something much
-- Meredith Vieira, Today, NBC, January 8, 2007. |

Gibson on Pelosi: 'Taking
Care of the Children and the Country' |
Charles Gibson:
"Good evening from Capitol Hill. Well, it is a hallmark of
this American democracy that power transfers peacefully.
People expect it, as a matter of course. And it happened again
here on Capitol Hill today as Democrats took control of both
the House and the Senate. This time, however, it was
different. Still peaceful, to be sure. But this time, for the
first time in the 218-year history of the Congress, a woman
was voted by her colleagues to be Speaker of the House. Nancy
Pelosi, Democrat from California, took the gavel.
"But in a picture perhaps even more symbolic, the new Speaker
was on the floor for a time, holding her 6-year-old grandson,
all the while giving directions on how events were to proceed.
It seemed the ultimate in multitasking: Taking care of the
children and the country. Here's our senior political
correspondent, Jake Tapper."
-- Charles Gibson, World News, ABC, Jan. 4, 2007. |

Olbermann: Bush Extending
'Senseless' War to Aid 'War Profiteers' |
"And finally tonight, a 'Special Comment' about 'sacrifice.'
If in your presence an individual tried to sacrifice an
American serviceman or woman, would you intervene? Would you
at least protest? What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of
them? What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them and was
then to announce his intention to sacrifice hundreds, maybe
thousands, more?
"This is where we stand tonight with the BBC report of
President Bush's, quote, 'new Iraq strategy,' unquote, and his
impending speech to the nation, which, it quotes a senior
American official as saying, will be about troop increases and
'sacrifice.' The President has delayed, dawdled, deferred for
the month since the release of the Iraq Study Group. He has
seemingly heard out everybody, and listened to none of them.
If the BBC is right —- and we can only pray it is not —- he
has settled on the only solution all the true experts agree
cannot possibly work: more American personnel in Iraq, not as
trainers for Iraqi troops, but as part of some flabby
ill-defined plan for 'sacrifice.'
-- Host Keith Olbermann, Countdown,
MSNBC, Jan. 2, 2007. |