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Hurricane Katrina as Destructive as the Great
Depression? |
"Hurricane Katrina is perhaps the most economically destructive
event in American history since the Great Depression, the last time the
country responded with unprecedented sweeping changes to help the least
fortunate. Today may demand an equal effort."
-- Reporter Chris Cuomo, ABC Special, Aug. 31, 2005 |

MSNBC's Olbermann Smears the MRC, Bozell |
"Time for Countdown's list of today's nominees to the
coveted title of 'Worst Person in the World.' There's just two tonight. A very
close second, Brent Bozell -- yeah, the wacky guy from that Media Research
Center scam -- accused me of distortion for having said that Rush Limbaugh had
said on air, quote, 'Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing
more than forged documents. There's nothing about it that's real.' The only
person distorting as usual is Bozell. Limbaugh said it on the air on August
15th. We have the transcript. Nothing in the transcript mitigates what he
said. I'll put it online over the weekend. So, Bozell is close, but the winner
is Limbaugh for saying, 'I never said this,' when, of course, he sure did,
especially considering the line comparing Sheehan to Burkett was a featured
quote on his Web site for his paying subscribers until it was mysteriously
scrubbed off. And having now added about Sheehan's dead son, quote, 'I'm leery
of even having to express sympathy. We all lose things.' Like your career,
Rush. You're finished, credibility spent. Get lost! Rush Limbaugh, once again,
today's 'Worst Person in the World!'"
-- Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC, August 19, 2005 |

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Brands Rush Limbaugh
"Worst Person in the World!" |
"He [Limbaugh] also referred to her supporters
as 'dope-smoking FM types.' I guess the painkillers wipe out your memory along
with your ethics. Rush Limbaugh, today's 'Worst Person in the World'!"
-- MSNBC's Keith Olbermann,
Countdown, Aug. 17, 2005 |

Fred Barnes Criticizes Media About Protesting
Mom |
"My view is, is there any left-wing publicity hound who the media
won't build up? You have Joe Wilson, you have Bill Burkett, you know the guy
that sold CBS on the story about Bush last fall and now you have this woman.
This woman wants to go in and tell the President that the war is about oil
because the President wants to pay off his buddies. She's a crackpot, and yet
the press treats her as some important protestor."
-- Fred Barnes, Special Report with Brit Hume, FNC, Aug.
11, 2005 |

CNN's Aaron Brown on Peter Jennings' Reporting |
"I never once saw him look at a story, treat a
story with anything other than complete fairness and demand the same from us.
The silly little Web sites on the left and the right will spend days saying
otherwise, but they are wrong."
-- Aaron Brown comments on Peter Jennings' reporting,
NewsNight, CNN, August 8, 2005 |